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Eric Brammer aka PSR

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Everything posted by Eric Brammer aka PSR

  1. Like this? www.google.com/search?q=a+team+mr+t+character&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Z_u2iktZYSX6DM%253A%252C96wIZYLwhu_61M%252C_&usg=__iM7POygcyhyqmMbITUS690EgCXg%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwioi_bur4bZAhUSzWMKHfbDAdgQ_h0I0gEwDA#imgrc=QyqoZUcU9SpYcM:
  2. Which Planet were ya on?? Last I knew, 365 was the count of days in a year! ;-D
  3. IF ONLY.... Damn Ski Coaches Union..
  4. I will be in contact, to make some bits for my one pair of Snow-pros (bought for my kid's hopeful use).. They are canted, inwards, with no Lift. Totally a use-less 80's concept, and made to be that way... Ugh.
  5. I live in the N. New-England area. Pow is fairly rare, but, we Do get Dumps. It's funny, 'cause often, the best Woods will stay un-tracked, as many are fearful of what lurks under that thin veneer of fluff. So, you end up with these old, beat-up, but rugged boards being used the explore the 'day after' snow..But, you still need to have some 'edge' in getting back outa the woods.. Bring Gummi Stones, pay no more than $50 for that board, and Go Ride It!
  6. So, with CG added, would that be around the Hips, Knees, or Ankles?? ;-)
  7. Pat, the Madds is an Excellent "ICE' board, but I'm thinking the Sidecut is too long, or, the flex (although, moderately stiif, not 'Race Stiff') is not being engaged. So, a shorter, tighter-turning, but also Ice-Competent board is what you'd want. Have you tried the MK or shorter Proteus that's in Sean's shop? Do you yet use a knee brace (elastomer or mechanical-hinged)? How soft can your boots be? As I noted, years ago, that a longer-edge/straighter-sidecut doesn't always work when 'the turn' lasts only a fraction of an arc. But, making a 'skipping-stone' turn, on a longish, stiff board, while somewhat 'secure' (the edge might hold..might.. hold.?) length deck, one needs to look at the reality of Edge Pressure. Shorter Edge, Tighter radius (well, within some ugly limitations), Will Bite In better than a 'long+softly placed' edge. But, can you capitalize on the Traction?. Are you quick enough to React to your available grip? So, the 'feel' underfoot is a key here. Trust in your Ride, another issue. Knowing Where it'll Take You in extreme Boiler-plate conditions (and, Yes, I've been surprised, often, especially on Madds products). I'd say demo, after talking to Sean at Okemo, stay with shorter boards first. Then, maybe talk to Donek directly, and get a Custom "Moore is More" special made.
  8. If I had taken this 'poll', say, 20 Years ago, The answer would've been well past the '101+' mark. In '96, I had Over 300 days on snow, and 60% of that time (not 'days', as I'd very often switch out gear!) was in Hardshells. Now, I'm a 'mid-week' Warrior, kind of..
  9. I'm looking at that, thinking; "would that work on my Tanker?".. Hmmm?! Wow, if it did, Watch Out!
  10. Ah, looking for a 'certified Tracker', are ya?!
  11. My old friend, Jon R., whom I bumped into at Wachussetts recently, was on Tele-Skis (JG, take note, NOT, I repeat, NOT on a "teleboard"!). And, he noted that the skis 'were like doing Toeside Carves, but on Either Foot-forward'! Yep, That...
  12. Ha, I've been Doing THAT since I first got on my Gordo FF 151 in '94!!! Wow...
  13. It's funny, to me, because the Swing-Bo from '87 was exactly what he was peddling... And, 'in the Day', there were reports from Italy/Germany/France/Switzerland [in ISM mag.] that there was a cadre of riders, in full-on Moto-Cross Armour, able to hit the Icy Glaciers with relative ease, still "carving" (slarving?) their turns. But, I've been on Swing-Bo's in 'sorels', and they, (without much more than a strap-over-the-arch) could cut a pretty good turn, even on Hardpack! However, I've been on them as a "Bi-Ski", which has a seat for paraplegic riders to sit in, on a set of scissor suspension arms (you cannot use this, on a chairlift, by yourself!), instead of the 'skateboard deck' arrangement. It, too, carves nicely, with just a little shoulder angulation, and perhaps a push at the hip. So, I'm thinking that this 'platform', using 'two edges', is, with an over-leveraged plate (or stiff soft-boot) Binding ends up on ONLY the inside ski-edge. This would cause a whole bunch of issues, including, most likely, over-augering, un-intended nose-flips,hip-slides, and Wheelies into-the-wooded-parts-off-trail.. It might work, yet, with some more careful thinking of angles/vectors, a cam that makes the outer-ski 'bite' at a deeper angle, longer ski-platform, stuff like that... Odd that, in this thread, I come back to Paul Graves, twice, in my thoughts... Paul brought the Swing-Bo to the States, then, at Ascutney, talked PSIA into trying it for the'Bi-Ski' concept. I was at that ad-hoc, round-table discussion, which was fascinating to behold...
  14. My Only two issues with S.V., is their 'no woods' policy, and the total Lack of Oxygen at the Summit!! I would've thought they'd have Oxy tanks there for Low-landers! But, Nooo.. Marble Bathroom stalls, but no Extra Air!? What gives? ;-)
  15. AJC, ya may find that with a 2-3mm 'stretch', that the liners can be left 'as-is'. ALSO, Beware of what Socks you choose too wear! I used to use Thorlo Ski-Socks, but now run thinner socks, such as Burton's AK. So, have your trusted Bootfitter 'only' stretch the fore-boot, pick your socks carefully, give it at least a half-day+ of riding time. From there, a second mold-up would be wiser than yet-another 'stretch' (or a grind, which IS a 'Last resort tactic'). Stretching the plastic takes a lil' bit of resilience outa the boot, but weakens it far less than removing material by grinding. Keep in mind, too, that liners, even molded ones like Zip-Fits, will 'pack in' over time/pressure/use. Oh, and, btw, are you using a molded footbed? That, also can be gently adjusted (or, put on a belt grinder!) to remove pressure points or increase volume in the liner.
  16. Nifty, I wonder how easy it'd be to break?! Seeing how I once wiped out 3 Burton BMC's in the space of two hours (Burton Demo Days @ Stratton), all on the moderate slopes along Sunbowl... I'd give it a go, IF had proper health Insurance!
  17. When 'old man' Bode Miller became the oldest Olympic medalist in alpine skiing history most experts said his win was due to his determination, training, skill and experience. However, when Jasey-Jay wins a world cup event at 42 you say it's because "something is very wrong with the current state of snowboard racing". In 2004, I was 40 yrs. old. I was Coaching a kid (on both snowboard, and skateboard, for Racing) who, on the Skateboard, would later be World Junior Champion. The 'Worlds' was about as close to an Olympic-level Event that Skateboard racing would get. I raced in the Super-G, but really wasn't very focused on myself, but was keeping an eye on 'that kid'. I just 'went for it' on my last run, not really with any thought. Later that evening, they held an in-door Cyber-Slalom, and then the Awards. I was outside, chatting with Bola, when Claude told me 'to get your horse's-ass IN Here Now!' I had to come inside, only to find everyone was waiting for me to step onto the Podium between Paul Price and Cliff Coleman!? ! ? I had gotten 2nd place for 'Amateur' Class Racers. That was a 37-42 mph hill, around cones (i know the speed, because a CHIPS Officer was at the bottom with a Radar Gun; I asked!), and, I wasn't 'focused' on my 'Race'. Sometimes, EXPERIENCE leads to Performance; or as my Mom used to say ; "Old Age and Treachery will Defeat youth and Exuberance Any-day!"
  18. Well, mine Did actually get made, in '77. I took one of the Snurfers we had (This one was pretty beat-upon), and my Dad had a decent woodshop in the cellar. He had brought this pre-preg Fiberglass home from some construction project at the Mill he was building in Ludlow. So, I took that stuff, added two full-length aluminum Angle stock sections down the the sides, then even deeper Angle stock at the tail (where the bevel starts it upwards curve). This, with the Glass as a base material, put the bulk of the Angle metal 'just flush' with the new bottom, and the deeper stuff worked as rear 'fins'. At this point, I decided to add a 3rd fin, a center skeg that sat right where the bevel of the tail starts. That had to get cropped some, and the final shape was rounded off, but acted as a 'pivot point' on hard snow, since it was pretty much between the feet. We kept the carpet staples, but I added (at my Dad's suggestion) bicycle inner-tubes to hold me on when jumping. Quite possibly the only 'tri-fin' Snurfer, certainly the only one with a Base, Bindings and ad-hoc Edges. I gave it to Paul Graves in the early 90's as a 'Thank You' for his involvement in leading me into this crazy Sport of snowboarding. I think he even rode it a few times.
  19. Still lookin'/diggin', I'll PM ya IF I find the rascals! Dang, I HATE packing-to-move...
  20. 1989, Barry. The next year, Gnu had Both their hole pattern (a 4x4, but Huge, like 3-1/2", diamond/square on the board) and Burton's 5-hole 200mm, and by '92, used the Burton 5-hole. Once Lib-Tech was up + running, they used that for 3 years, and by '95-96 were using Harry's 4x4 40mm insert system, BUT, with 1/4" hardware. Oh, and heard in the lift-line, today, at Sunapee's Learner area, in regards to my being on my Gordo in hardboots, but 'looping' 300* arcs, an Instructor pointed at me, and noted to his charge, 'That's Carving, what You hope to do Next Season' As If!
  21. That was Mt. Hood... Back, way back, when.... Funny, I found out today, via FB, that Paul Graves still has the Snurfer I modded with straps, 3 fins, and glass base; made [modded, ahem] in '79-80. Anyhow, THANKS FOR DIGGING THIS UP! Karol was So far Ahead, due in good part to Rob Roy's coaching, but, also because, by this time, he had a decade of riding behind him.
  22. 'Bill Edwards', did I read That right!? Wow, I'm old..
  23. Right around 11 M. It's a quadratic, variable, so pressure inputs can make it Arc, um, pretty well, but it's made for Speed at Lower Edge-angles (it is a BX, after all). You can't 'relax' and carve this, you gotta 'get after it' to hook tight. But, it's wide enuff to Float, and, obviously use Softies with it, if you choose. I use either hardboots or softies, and it's Fast either way. It's actually tougher to butter a nose-roll spin on than my Tanker 192. So, tight turns, um, no... Cruise like a Banshee looking for Lost Souls to Reap, Yes.. My baby, sort-of..
  24. So, with a 'unicant' can your posture be found in another 'fixed cant set-up? If not, hunt for CATEKS. Or, find a way to make the angles of lift/cant fit something already out there! Good luck!
  25. This, for 'Rec' riders, would be very Fatiguing. FROM HERE, your ANKLE is LOCKED in a BEND, so, guess what, MUSCLES must compensate!! YOU likely don't have THose QUads That Suck UP Those FOrces!. But, for a RACER, this means that the GAS PEDAL is ON, DEEP, ALL THE TIME!! From Here, you can LAUNCH YOUR BODY MASS Forwards, into The NEXT Turn! THIS IS WHY Rear Heel Lift is Excellent for better Carves. See, Hardboots, as good as they are at side-to-side energy transition, are MUCH BETTER AT FORE-AFT Energy Transfer. WE WORK a CAMBER to utilize the Energy implicit in a bent bow, but unlike a Ski, we COMPARTMENTALIZE the Energy along TWO POINTS OF RELEASE, under EACH Foot. If you get BEHIND your rear foot, can You contain this Energy? Not Likely! Thus, his rear boot cuff, Directs the Energy, Forwards, from what his rear leg can give; thus, BIG Quads.. I'll answer queries, but after 30+ years, it's, like OBVIOUS...
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