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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Too early to tell........but the quantity alone will impact lift/mtn. operations!
  2. Ha! I got too many (UPM) plates as it is........God forbid I try another plate system! Just curious mostly.....
  3. Yeah....that's what I was hoping/thinking. Since my 28 shells have heel lift, going down to a 27.5 with a thinner liner might still fit and I'd loose the heel lift.....in theory! I'm going to try some Intuition C and L pads to see if that will decrease my heel lift on my current Mondo 28 Intuition Power Wraps/ Mondo 28 425 Pros.......but I plan to buy new 425's (just shells hopefully) anyway.
  4. Doesn't Deeluxe Track boot shells sizing overlap? Meaning isn't the shell for a mondo 27 the same as a shell mondo 28...it's just the liner that's the difference in size......right? My thinking is I'm currently a mondo 28, but thinking I might could go mondo 27 with a thinner liner to take up the 1/4 average heel lift I got. I imagine this size overlap really helps cut down production costs! ...........anybody got the specs of what the produced shell sizes are??
  5. Ok......... what's noticeable heel lift....and what's acceptable heel lift, if any? I got a 1/4 to maybe a 1/2 inch at most in both boots. Tomorrow I hope to pick up some Intuition C and L ankle Pads to add to my Power Wrap liner.
  6. Geez! As of Jan. 6th another 80 inches expected the next 9 days! It's forecasted to snow 8 out of the next 9 days!!! This is getting ridiculous......
  7. Poor dude will never live that down! Infamous cred for sure!
  8. So $540 (US/Euros?) for the f2 163 Speedster WC. Whats the 163 Proto cost?
  9. Crack, That's a lot of turns! What board and scr?
  10. Hey CC, You back at Heavenly again for your month long sabbatical this season?
  11. long way from Hunter...........but here in N NH Sport Thoma in Lincoln has a great race dept. and a couple of Boot guys I've worked with. I got both of my last two Intuition Liners and heat molded fits from them and they punched out a shell also.
  12. Hey Miro, I see a V1 plate with UPM and 4x4 mounts. Your listing mentions also selling a 2nd board kit but I don't see it in the photos? If so what e-rings and cant disks you got? Most people are looking for this as a 2nd board kit........ https://www.bomberonline.com/TD3-2nd-Board-Kit_p_26.html
  13. In northern NH, Cannon Mtn. was pretty good today for cruising. Now we got rain (again) for next day or two. I hope to get to Loon again Fri. for dryer and less crowded conditions!
  14. Both were better imo than Snowbird. ...but Snowbird is a trip worthy unto itself if you haven't ever been there!
  15. Anybody got/had any success with these Pads to reduce some heel movement? I haven't thought about it or felt it was an issue but I got about a 1/4-1/2 inch movement in both heels with my Intuition Pro Wraps liners in Deeluxe 425 boots. I'm over a full size down from street shoe size (US 11.5) to a mondo 28 (US 10) liner and modo 28 shell ......so they were snug to begin with. So wondering what/how they will ride if I get rid of this Heel Movement. https://intuitionliners.com/shop/c-pad/
  16. Hmm.....f2 163 WC Speedster, Where from? Dollars or Euros??
  17. Same here at Franconia Notch/Cannon Mtn. No snow even in the yard! but Loon Mtn. was well covered Mon. considering...... and Cannon Mtn. was/is still icy but ridable!
  18. Hey T, Post a photo of this rare species.....so we know what your dealing with
  19. Loon was Spring conditions today.....worse up top but ridable........not carveable imo due to "day after holiday" crowds was Krazy! Did I mention there was 1000 Race Team Wanabe Racers ziping and ripping by on every run! Oh yeah.......and lets not forget the overcast flat lighting was fun also I didn't fall and didn't get hit! So otherwise a successful day!!
  20. Uh.........Is this still the 1 or 2 finger method.....or something newer? Yeah..... what he said!
  21. Well......all this discussion on heel hold makes me wonder what's too much?? Considering I'm a size 11.5 in most street shoes/boots and I sized over a full size down to a US 10/mondo 28 in my 425's I never felt I had much heel movement, maybe a half inch both heels, but what is too much?
  22. I'm going to Loon tomorrow/Mon. We live at the base of Cannon Mtn. and my son is there most every day and he has said it's good...considering! The conditions haven't been terrible but cloudy, flat lighting for most of last two weeks. If it's not bad I'll go again to Loon Fri. where I hope to turn loose Bruce's Angrry Go-Kart I got in Dec.! We will see! I fly back to Squaw/ Palisades Jan. 8th so going from not enough to, way too much will be fun! A lot of Tahoe resorts haven't, still can't open for the last two days and another 7 days of snow is forecasted!
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