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Everything posted by eajracing

  1. just off the Bloomberg ticker: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12"><link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CEJensen%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><link rel="themeData" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CEJensen%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx"><link rel="colorSchemeMapping" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CEJensen%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> 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  2. Last contract I had I made it down to the final interviews, sat down with the president and the first thing he did was look at 'other interests'... "plays hockey... what level? okay okay.... likes cooking? what kind? okay okay.... oh! and you snowboard?!?!?! the kids alright with me...." offer letter came the next day. It was a prequalification for my new job - "gotta be able to go ride at least two fridays a month as winter is our slow season and you gotta entertain our clients." and to think i've gotta skip one to attend SOS.... the horror. tough life. geez. they never taught me about this in school.
  3. Haaaaaaa..... that might be me.... but i've always had a thing for victoria courtesy of the section 8 guys....
  4. I love trees. Or, perhaps better said, the gaps between them. When you're flowing through trees its that same zen-feeling ripping perfect laid-out GS carves on snow. You stop thinking, just go and it all works itself out somehow. Whenever I've got a day I know I will be in the trees a lot (think Revy) I only ride soft boots. 176 Prior MFR, back foot waaaaay back and hustle it. I kept worrying the board was too long, but once you've got a flow it's fine. If you're in trouble it gets to be a problem. The times I have ridden hard boots in trees, it was a shorter, wider older burton FP and it got up and down okay in deep but as they get tracked out I found the set up too stiff for all the little whoops that develop. +1 on the fish (dyin to try a nofish...). +1 on the reverse camber - i ride with two guys that rip trees & deep on them.
  5. Love it. Cant wait for some of those kesslers to turn up in the BOL classifieds either. here's to dreaming....
  6. i tried on both a few times when i was replacing an old set of softies last year. In the end I echo bobdea's comments... I have big, wide feet, and as much as i liked the malamutes, they were too narrow. The Driver X's took a few weekends to break in, but now I love'em. My brother on the other hand (much smaller than me - dad always said i have the milkman's eyes...) loves his malamutes. I fully acknowledge you preempted this so i wont tell you to go to the store and walk around in both for a while. Find what fits you. Same for helmets IMHO. Then get footbeds. Sooooooo good.
  7. Awesome. Now if we can get them (back) on Canadian boards!!
  8. Thanks all... It was the 165 Kemper Freestyle. I'm surprised how few people recognized it in line. YYZ got it... he was there the first day I recieved it. Now if I can only sneak out work tomorrow..... And Jack.... I'd be lying if I said yours had no influence on the design.
  9. I started riding back in '88, first full season was '89-'90. I was thinking about what I was going to do to celebrate my 20th year riding last season, maybe get a new board etc when I ran into Bruce on a seemingly innocent day. Well... here it is.... 20 years later, a new VSR to celebrate. Got a friend to design the topsheet based on the 1st board I got for that '89-'90 season. Easily the best board I've ridden as can be attested by other Bomber owners of VSR's (i'm told we owe a thanks to pokkis btw...). It rips. It rips tight, It rips long. It's stable. It's damp. It pops. The only faults I've found with it to date involve user error. And... it's wide enough for my violin case feet. VSR 177 21cm waist "a bit tighter than medium" sidecut bunch of taper. Soooooo goood.
  10. As further evidence of the stupidity concussions induce... i've been thinking about this for a few days now and hope i can put the feeling into coherent sentences... Many riders (a younger myself included) treat broken bones, concussions etc as badges of honour, further evidence of the 'if you dont fall, youre not trying hard enough' or 'if you dont cross it, you'll never know where the line is' (A. Senna's comments on touching it, then stepping over it being exempt). I cannot stress enough how bad multiple concussions are. My first concussion had me wearing a neck brace around school for a week or so. I thought it was cool. Soooo many chicks asked me what happened and they never acknowledged my existence before that. My third was a monster. I was told it went like this: I got down to the bottom later the the rest of the guys. Caught an edge landing a switch 180 waaaaaay to fast, bounced off the snow, bounced off chair tower #6, off the snow again etc. My goggles were broken, nose bleeding all over the place. I couldnt remember how i got into the patrol hut, what i was doing there, why i was dressed in my snowboard gear, who i rode the lift up with, the name of my girlfriend in the other room and on and on. Finally a buddy came in to offer me a ride to the hospital as the patroller asked me my name. As I was trying to remember my buddy (in high school physics at this point) says "Newton's three laws of motion" - and those i start rhyming off - "Vf equals Vnaught t + one-half a delta t squared" etc. No idea who I was though. Doctors told me I should never snowboard again. Shouldnt play hockey, no biking. I should consider myself lucky I'm able to talk and didnt go full vegetable. That was '95. I was still a teenager. After that, I was one of, if not the first boarder on my hill to start wearing a helmet. To the delight of many single-line Statler and Waldorfs. Now, over a decade later, I have to be EXTRA careful. Had a bit of a boot-out toeside back in Dec and came down before I could get my arms out.... regular crash you'll see multiple times from the chair any given day and sure enough... nausea, headaches, the ol' twitchy eyelid syndrome. Please treat them seriously. Each one you have makes the next one that much easier to get. I can live with my gamey shoulder or bad ankle, or, or or... with the help of physio, rehab, ibuprofen etc. Reinjured that shoulder last weekend too. Like Dalton said - 'pain dont hurt' right? The thought of turning into a vegetable from another big concussion scares me too much to take any odds on that line. I'm not saying to go easy.... just dont be stupid. The one thing I can attest to is that all the times i've actually used my helmets are the times i never thought i would have. and, as i continue to prove i cannot come up with much from the jellied space between my ears... I have to quote BlueB... "just my $0.02CAD"
  11. 1 biking 2 playing hockey at least 4 snowboarding. first one was a doozy and i've been wearing a helmet since. to the best of my recollection...
  12. will know for certain by the end of next week. keeping fingers crossed.
  13. took me two days to dial in the new VSR. tried different angles for half the day at a time on different runs (i.e. steeps, rollers, etc) until i found what worked best. just starting to play with stance widths, but once the angles got figured out it should be a piece of cake.
  14. Met up with Bruce and YYZ today at the local hill and took delivery of my new baby. 177 VSR with all the usual trickery and a 21cm waist for my violin-case feet. It's my 20th season riding and i felt i should celebrate with a 20th anniversary deck. Got a good friend to do the custom topsheet based on the first board i bought back in '89 - the Kemper 165 Freestyle. It rides like a dream. Getting up early tomorrow to rip it all day. edit: having spent three days on it now.... it's a quiver killer. there will be a garage sale of decks in the near future....
  15. Ahhhh... Air Canada. Where the motto is "we're not happy until you're not happy". been westjetting since a similar experience in '05.
  16. I can honestly say the thought of riding high softie angles in bottomless pow never has crossed my mind. I can see it for big open bowls though - similar to the other threads of those who ride plates on heli trips. My eastcoast brain focuses more on riding the boilerplate that keeps the amateur hour off the hill.... If i'm ever out your way... I'll give it a shot. Until then... keep heaping the salt into the wounds. Despite the initial irritation of realizing i live in place with no bottomless days, it's nice to live pow-vicariously. All that said, back in '05 when i had a chance to ride the bottomless stuff I found myself fighting with the high angles in the trees and on a good friends (hard booter as well) advice, I dropped the back foot to duck, just enough to keep the toes from hanging and it worked like a charm when the trees got tight. I've been doing that since and had great results the last two winter's cat trips. Would you ride 45+'s in trees? maybe i'll just duck it up -50/+50, hope my knees/hips etc hold out and go for a laugh in the lift line... although if memory serves correct, I may have rode that back in '96 on a 147 twin and a 28" stance.... (don't worry - still had a PJ6)
  17. usually run about 27F, 6R.. but as noted by many this changes quick depending on which board i'm on and what the conditions are. East coast ice hauling - more centered turn the angles up. West coast trees - duck out the back foot, shift everything back. Spring slush - bigger duck, super wide, off to the park. last season i spent most of my softie time at a +27 front centered, -3 back over the back set of inserts, but thats just what i found works best for me on a 172 prior MFR. I dont know why/how you would run >45's on softies... get a set of plates if you want to carve like you're on plates. softies have a regular place in my quiver, but i dont try and ride it like it's a plate board.
  18. i'm late to the party on this thread but have immensely enjoyed reading it.... i second the opinion (not fact... gotta be careful here) that for all the decambering/sidecutting etc its the combination of them that makes a great board great. I have spent numerous hours modeling this in the past and as Bruce continues to point out - all my models came with assumptions - and its the R&D approach that really ekes out the best rides. look at aero for f1 cars.... you can CFD til the cows ome home but until you run it, and get feedback you can interpret (jackie stewarts "its a little speeedboaty through 4 comes to mind) all you've got is a great computer model. I was fortunate enough to ride a 'new school' board last year (coiler, titanal, multiple-increasing from tip to tail sidecut) and couldn't get over how awesome it was. I look forwards to taking possession of my very own VSR in the VERY near future (ahem - bruce - squeak squeak squeak) to better understand the minutiae of the effects discussed. I think its fantastic that there's this many people that feel this strongly about board design involved in our sport and it will help create better designs for us, and hopefully more of us, in the future. On that note - hypotheses are just that - expect them to live dangerously, and furthermore, expect to defend your own. Engineers are a unique bunch and they feel very strongly about their work, which is a good thing. The day we stop trying to one up each other is the day i give back my stamp and ring to the PEO. If Bola is ever up in TO... I would love to moderate the discussion with YYZ... and although it might not be over beers, Dave does have some deadly roti shops i've visited in his neck of the woods... perhaps we could sort it out over some goat curry and doubles? there's always ginger beer. at risk of sounding like jack's terminal intermediate... theres such a small group discussing these designs, it would be shame to break it up over petulant name calling.... show love to one another- we're all brothers like the bee gees....
  19. i've grown fond of the canwax slide - you can get it on ebay - for 90% of the time. Inexpensive and slides better than most at the price, wears well etc. if racing... well... i cant share secrets....
  20. despite the temptation i'm gonna wait. nothing like an opening weekend at blue/horseshoe/MSLM etc.... 3 runs barely covered in snow and high-speed 6 person chaur flooding those three runs with hundreds of people at once. I was more scared opening weekend at MSLM a few years ago than i've ever been cat riding/jumping cliffs/etc.... too many rentalmentals in jeans tucked into grey rental boots and sweet chicago bulls starter jackets. i got so paranoid of committing heelside i swapped out to softies and hit the park only to have my line snaked umpteen times by the urban thug freestyle park crowd. i know.... serves me right for putting on softies... and going to a park...
  21. But his long hair's so purty.....
  22. But only realized it a few years after. my '89 kemper freestyle still hurts - especially cause i still have the matching kemper one piece. That funded the PJ6 that was sold to fund a Joyride experience when the ski school wouldnt let me teach on plates. Still have the experience in all of it's home-workshop-cut-down-tip&tail but regret selling the other two. Best boards i've ever ridden? never. favourites? hells yeaher. had the same discussion with the Bearcat last night after he sold an old deck to make rent payments.
  23. What!?!?!?!?! Who let Cam in?
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