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Everything posted by eajracing

  1. Not sure about the boards - but i watched signatures this past weekend - just awesome vid about the gentem crew. best riding vid i've seen in a long time.
  2. Further to that...... we had a gentleman 'hunting' with us a few years back up near sudbury at our usual camp in town from Calgary. His idea of 'hunting' involved playing cards and drinking til first light and repeating for a week. Those of us that actually cared to hunt grew tired of the routine of him trying to wake us up at 3am for a round of whatever. His final day, he had to leave camp at about 8am to get out to the highway in time to make it back to Toronto to catch his flight. We were up before 6, he was still at his usual routine, so my old man stuffed a few whitefish into the bottom of his sleeping bag. Around 7am this gentleman was in a panic, rolled up his bag, packed his belongings and left, still drunk. The following August, a phone call was received informing us it took him weeks to figure out what the smell in his basement was, his wife has been furious, he had no idea what the jellied mass in the sleeping bag originally was, and that he would not return to hunt with us ever again. "it turns out that fishy smells, like hard feelings, last far longer than I had thought." Indeed.
  3. this brazilian guy certainly liked it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izaWlKxVo1A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E09fPXK0XE
  4. thats not a core shot!!! its just a flesh wound!!!! make sure you cut the stringy bits off and clean it out real good. best of luck. might be a candidate for toko powder.
  5. i usually use a propane torch, and light it in the blue part of the flame. this also helps prevent any carbon bits and/or yellowing of the ptex as you drip it. Clean the gouge well with a razor, i will usually cut back some of the damaged base to get a nice clean surface. Finally - drip it along the top edge and let it run into the gouge - don't drip it right in as it will push itself out and cure concave. its tricky. even after all the years of doing it, its still tough to get it just right. i've become a big fan of the toko powder as a result for smaller cuts.
  6. Can't stop listening to these guys this week: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMagneticZeros#p/a/u/1/YHKuB85EgnI will be on this weekends playlist....
  7. homina homina homina..... why do you have to make this, and a bx board next year?? you have any idea how many nights i'm going to have to spend on the couch with the dog?
  8. Canada Snowboarding news release http://www.canadasnowboard.ca/<wbr>en/about/news/?id=657 Mississauga.com article http://www.mississauga.com/<wbr>news/news/article/653219
  9. yep. that and the guy with the beard in green toque who won that thing works in the kitchen at the silvertip for judd. deadly chicken fried steak. i miss that gravy.
  10. It's with great regret that I pass on the information that Jacquie Snarr, president of the Association of Ontario Snowboarders passed away this morning from injuries sustained riding at BVSC. If you're a competitor in Ontario, or a member at BV, you know how great a person she was. Our condolences to the family.
  11. The guide explained them snowboards are meant for bigger turns - you just dont do jump turns on 'em. I ended up buying them a round of dogshark porters after. Amazing how far that goes for international relations. Besides, I couldn't use all this up if i tried:
  12. not the whole hill, just not staying in a nice little 6' corridor. its cats. there's a whole freakin' mountain. if thats being a dick, then dick I am. i've started yelling Nein Nein Nein when i drop in.
  13. Calc, geometry & physics. (mech/materials eng) I took the time to make calc my best friend and it got me through more exams than i can remember. physics helps with the approach to solve the problems. Inevitably you will get the prof who puts out more papers than students and enjoys esoteric exam questions. It was dynamics II and fluids II for me. Start with the physics - state assumptions, assess the problem, remember Min-Mdelta=Msys and start throwing calc at it. I got a 52% on fluids II exam using this approach. By the time the faculty stepped in due to this nut failing the damn-near the entire program, the bell-curved marked worked out to something in the high 90's. the mech route is based on it - thermo, fluids, dynamics etc - all need a sound calc background. finite & stats if you're going manufacturing. remember - you know you're an engineer when you have no friends and can prove it mathematically.
  14. on the tram at alyeska yesterday "whats the most difficult thing a snowboarder ever has to do in his life?" "tell his parents he's gay" there's some serious hate between the ski/board camps up here.... not nearly as bad as i experienced in val gardena. zee germans here still yell "nien nien nien" when i carve the whole hill as opposed to the little tight radius fall line turns they believe are an unwritten rule of pow.
  15. http://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/car/09q4/ktm_x-bow-specialty_file says its about $78k USD before optioning, shipping, taxes etc. I cant remember if shoot-out i read was in C&D or R&T, but they did their annual track shootout for a whole whack of cars, and put the KTM against the atom. the KTM dusted it, and mostly everything but the ZR-1. Again, if memory serves me, the only place the ZR-1 was faster was the straights, and significantly enough to make up for the losses through cornering. Even though I know it's the KTM dutch orange.... my brain still associates it with McLaren.... and with all that lightweight, pared down CF it might pass for a Gord Murray design.... just needs a fan out back and body-panel rads.
  16. Nope. They find him DREEAAAMMMYYYY. I was stunned myself.
  17. in the track only cat - apparently this thing blows its doors off:
  18. http://www.yyzcanuck.com/E_tech_cooking.htm
  19. those blue pads i used to sleep on before i got a thermarest.... http://www.rei.com/product/374059?preferredSku=3740590017&cm_mmc=cse_shopping-_-datafeed-_-product-_-3740590017&mr:referralID=4e6bea37-2081-11df-b5f3-000423bb4e95 that link is pretty $$$$.... i got some at Canadaian Tire for about $5... i looked at the neoprene paddling socks at MEC, but this was a substantially cheaper option, and I'm always finding new uses to jury-rig it for something.
  20. sure aint no Tom Knapp..... reminds me of convincing my wife to shoot clays last fall.
  21. on YYZ's advice (if memory serves me) i made a set out of duct tape and blue camping foam. worked like a charm.
  22. Saw no fewer than 4 people wearing jeans and plaid shirts on hill this weekend. Judging by the CF shin guards on some of the ski racers, they were neither yetis, nor did they have cash flow issues... bunch of steeeezy park riders too. A number of people remarked about how many people were out in jeans and assumed they were all rental-mentals. like it or not, the clone effect is in full effect. i will stick to my old, curmudgeoney, arcteryx for the time being.... i only get out the kenora tux for weddings. and the 16 y.o. girls going beatlemania mental recalling shawn whites run, or smile, or medal acceptance, or shot on the big screen at the top of the pipe also provided endless chair humour.
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