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Everything posted by martyagt4

  1. I tried all sizes of Superfeet till I came across the one that fit my arch the best, regardless of stated shoe size. Turns out I needed one a few sizes larger to get the arch support in the correct spot. I just trimmed the excess toe area off.
  2. My feet measure a tick over 24, and I'm in a fitted 23. I could not get 24's to fit. Still need some work on the right boot, but the left is perfect.
  3. martyagt4

    Lucky Fin

    I'm not entirely sure I could have kept my cool in that situation. I don't think a stern talking to gets through to someone who is willing to take a risk like that. I'm thinking he should have his testicles pinned to his forehead with one of those ski poles.
  4. Driving back out to Wilson this year. Plan on being there for two weeks, so I hope to get a chance to ride with you folks this time. The girl and I are planning on riding at Grand Foggy mostly. Aiming for Feb. 14th till the 25th. Were planning on going to SES instead, but I can't pass free housing for two weeks!
  5. Sugarloaf is on my list to visit this year, so it'd be nice to have a little meet up.
  6. I've also had great luck with onlinemetals.com.
  7. Which version iPod is it?
  8. Happy Anniversary! We also have a rescue doggie. I tend to think they make the best kind. This is Duke, our white German Shepard. We think he was the runt of the litter, since he is so tiny for a Shepard. He has an insatiable appetite for tennis balls.
  9. Those aren't antlers, they're hockey sticks. Must stiffen it up tremendously.
  10. Count me in for a pair when released. These will help out my girlfriend immensely.
  11. Sounds like a good thread starter. Thought I had saw one already, I'll have to search around.
  12. If that NSR wouldn't kick me around like a rented mule, I'd jump all over it. I'm in the market for a new shaped metal board. Just don't think my weight and skill set match that board.
  13. martyagt4


    Went for a tandem skydive this weekend. My girlfriend was going, and said she'd pay, so what the heck. Oh man, I am hooked. It was nothing like I've ever experienced before, and now I know why these guys do it. I got a little nervous right when the door opened, but beyond that it was smooth sailing. Heck, I've been more nervous than that before. I plan on getting my license next summer, and hope to find some good used gear to buy, the new stuff is just outrageous.
  14. You are looking for this thread I believe. They don't seem to be in production just yet. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30507
  15. Pretty sure where my next board is NOT coming from. If I had someone tell me that was OK, and safe to ride, I'd laugh at them till I was blue in the face.
  16. martyagt4

    Phone Poll

    Not used the G1 before. I have the Nexus 1, which has substantially more processing power than the G1. The fluidity of the transitions and object rendering in fantastic.
  17. martyagt4

    Phone Poll

    I'll qualify this with the fact I also own an iPod touch. I find the quality of Androids apps on par with those available for the iPod/iPhone. Other than some specific apps, such as Slingplayer and Uverse, I've found something as good as or better than what is available on my iPod touch. The same goes for my Symbian phones. Have had the chance to play with friends PalmOS phones. The OS is great, the hardware is not. I love the control I have with Android over MY PHONE, that I paid good money for. It will take a huge leap in OS and hardware quality for me to switch back to Nokia.
  18. martyagt4

    Phone Poll

    You forgot Symbian. Maybe not relevant to North America, but fairly significant in user base. I too have switched to Android, having a Nexus One now. I tried a iPhone 3G when they first came out a couple years ago and just hated it. Closed off, reception was terrible, "keyboard" was awful, etc... Obviously just my opinion. Didn't work out for me. Besides the iPhone tryst, I was always a Nokia user. I have been upset with their latest offerings, releasing what can only called beta devices to the public.
  19. I know, what terrible fortunes these people endure!!
  20. Where in Ohio? Columbus area here. I'm interested.
  21. Can't wait to get back out there next year! Appreciate the stoke!
  22. Incredibly jealous. Anyone need a race car mechanic in east Idaho? :D
  23. Please, continue to not wear a helmet. I would love to see you removed from the gene pool. And please put me on ignore too, because your dumbass is on mine.
  24. I have a large puncture in my first helmet. It would have been in my skull otherwise.
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