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Heard it in the Lift Line 2012/13


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Trolls can be found in many places apart from the InterNet!


Riding the Coiler 180cm NSR with a plate today at Aspen Highlands produced lots of looks, positive comments, questions, and a couple of long conversations with Bomber cards handed across at the end.

Liftie (with a wicked grin) "Is that thing legal?"

Me: "At any speed."

And the ski instructor in the queue, with his group of kids around him, "That must carve really well!"


PS: See y'all at SES!

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While riding in the chair over some previously made carves, first day groomed snow firm pack from a storm the prior day, so they were pretty deep. A 5 or 6 year old boy on skis going slowly approaches the carve and stops, I hear him say to his Dad, who is right behind him, "Should we take our skis off? The father said, "No, just ski right over it" and both did exactly that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Midweek-Patroller pleasantly suggested that we dial it back a notch as we approached the SLOW zone..."you guys look great and are tearing it up...more worried about someone else crashing into you"

Another gentleman skied down to us as we rested from some trenching and said "you know....I want to be pi$$ed for what you did to the trail up there but damn, you guys look terrific"

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Midweek-Patroller pleasantly suggested that we dial it back a notch as we approached the SLOW zone..."you guys look great and are tearing it up...more worried about someone else crashing into you"

Another gentleman skied down to us as we rested from some trenching and said "you know....I want to be pi$$ed for what you did to the trail up there but damn, you guys look terrific"

Heh. Heh heh. ;-)

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Yesterday I found myself - while trying to step into the bindings - surrounded by a family of six in a half circle. They were staring at me like deer in the headlights. Felt like a freak show and made me so nervous that missed the heel bail about 6-7 times in a row. Probably they are convinced now that was my first day on a snowboard :P

Edited by Levinnyog
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early in season in chair lift with old grandma, she said respectfully :"HOOOO my god!!!!! Sorry Sir..... I think you've lost a ski ?! "

I explain is carving board and i need hard boots like ski boots.....bla bla bla.... and she responds after explanation:" are you all right to go down the chair lift?

I'm ok.... I'm a big boy ;)

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early in season in chair lift with old grandma, she said respectfully :"HOOOO my god!!!!! Sorry Sir..... I think you've lost a ski ?! "

I explain is carving board and i need hard boots like ski boots.....bla bla bla.... and she responds after explanation:" are you all right to go down the chair lift?

I'm ok.... I'm a big boy ;)

One of the best stories so far in the season :P

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I think between us, Riceball, myself and surlyguy talked to half a dozen people about riding hardboots at Nakiska today. There was one guy on the lift whose son is in his second season racing PGS, and he was saying that he can't wait for him to upgrade his Kessler so he can snaffle it for himself. And we had a few people approach us in the lift line or outside the lodge and ask questions.

I was stopped on the hill waiting for the guys to make space below me, and a couple of jibbers stopped across from me. One of them watched Bruce go down and was "wow, look at that guy NAILING those turns". Then I went and showed them how to screw it up ...:)

It's always nice when people compliment you on your riding. I went to Whitefish last weekend with a couple of girlfriends, one of whom is an expert skier that I haven't snowboarded with before. She was "that's amazing how you ride. I've never seen anyone ride like that - that's so cool!" And on Sunday when I was softbooting, I rode the lift with a bunch of skiers and Rick rode underneath us on his way down the front side. The conversation was "that is so freaking cool. Those guys are amazing" "yeah, that looks so cool when they do that" "Yeah, that's definitely awesome". I just sat and smiled ...

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On my Kessler 168, all I ever got was questions about what kind of bindings they are or why they're turned like that, and lots of "cool board!"

On the first day out on my Coiler 196, hilarity ensued.

A patroller cut the line to ride the lift with me because he'd never seen a board bigger than his skis. Cool guy; we ended up talking about motorcycles the whole way up.

Some jibbernaut asked, "hey bro, why's your board so big?" I hate being called bro. I replied, "to destroy all groomers; why's yours so small?" He was on the ball: "To destroy all terrain parks!" We laughed, rode up the lift and talked alpine.

One liftie working the top came out of the booth to snap a picture the second time I came up.

A teenage girl asked me why the board was so skinny and when I told her it's because it's a raceboard, she said, "oh, so it's like skiing." No child, it's nothing like skiing.

And lots of people grinning and pointing while shaking their head and muttering to their friends, "that's nuts..."

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"dude" in ticket line: "Hey is that old technology?"

"well sort of, it's for carving." (Madd 158/TD3)

"it must be super light weight!" (me nodding approval)

"I like my feet sort of splayed out like this." (me nodding approval).

At least his girlfriend was impressed by his knowledge!...I didn't spoil it for him.

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I was on my hard boots for a change...

Yesterday, at top of run, a snowboarder comes up to me and says, "I saw you earlier come down this run and you looked really stylish.":confused:

Gosh, I must be improving somewhat:rolleyes:

Today, at the bottom of the run, a snowboarder comes over to me and said, " what kind of board is that?". So I told him plus I said I was trying to control my speed. He replied, "you looked like were having fun. I want a board like that to go fast on". So I explained a few things of where he could get a board boots etc from my limited knowledge.:D

As an aside, my thighs were burning like hell this afternoon, as I have spent 2 days really trying to get low on the board.:)

Edited by floBoot
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This one really pissed me off. At Stratton today, i hear from behind me in the lift line a kid on skis say to his dad "Hey day, what kind of board is that?" while he stabs the back of my board with his ski pole. Really? Good thing I was in a good mood cause I was in VT. Needless to say, I didn't take the time to explain what kind of board it was.

On a positive note, my brother dropped his helmet cam at the end of our day. We spent over an hour searching for it and finally gave up. We thought for sure it was gone. Took a shot in the dark and went to the lost and found and someone actually turned it in! + 1 for humanity. What a great way to end the day.

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2 comments stood out from my time at SES, and there were so many positive conversations over the 15 days I had in Aspen -

Female liftie in her 20s at the Village Express "Is that the most fun on earth to ride, or what?" (Kessler SL 162 with a BBP)

Rode the Elk Camp chair with a skier in his 60s on the last day, the kind of guy who is set in his ways and loves his skis. We talk on the chair about why I turned to carving boards and he says he'll follow me down. At the bottom he says "Yeah, that is kind of graceful. You're one of the few people who can keep up with me!"

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Guy says to me, "How old is that stuff?", I said, "About 15 years old". He says, "How old were you when you started and did you ski before?" I said "45 years old and I did ski before." He said to me,"Why did you quit skiing, it kind of looks the same?" I said, "I already had two grown sons and my mom said if you don't want any babies, keep your knees together." It was a quiet ride up the lift.

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"Dude's on a race board!"

Ok fer F's sake. It's a 171cm Donek Incline directional "normally" shaped board. While I'll admit the guy probably couldn't tell my UPZ ATBs were a ridiculously soft 'hardboot', riding plates doesn't make something a 'race board'.

Ok internal rant over.

So I replied with, "no its actually an all-mountain board" to which I got a blank stare.


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Dry Fluffy Powder on Groom, nobody around :) First Tracks lasted for over 2 hours while it dropped another 3" by the time I left at 1:15 :biggthump

When I reached the Lift on the First Run...the Liftie said, "I just saw you come down under the lift...Amazing!!"

yes it was...as were all the runs after it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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