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Election Day USA !!!!!!


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Good Luck with your election today ! Perhaps to be the most problematic since......................

Thanks! One way or the other, get ready for about half the people here to move to Canada in the next month or two :-)

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Don't be fooled by the rosey picture painted by our politicians in Canada they have been spending their way to power like every other politician. Interesting how much money the political parties have to spend as parties without going bankrupt, but they bankrupt the Gov't once in power, but not before they collect a nice fat pension. After seeing how the process works (or doesn't) in Florida i'm surprised people even bother to vote there.

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My favs of the season...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QlwilbVYvUg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dyK7TEDxTmA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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My favs of the season...

Awesome - need to watch that Chris Rock one when I'm not at work...

Here's my favorite: <a href="

">Gangnam Style parody called "Mitt Romney Style"</a>

Edited by Dan
I'm not bright enough to embed videos properly
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Both are safe for work. :)

"Only if you work from home!" I'ts interesting that something so important can have so much humour in it. As a Canadian the election doesn't have an immediate cost to me but the tax implications for US companies operating in Canada and their exit from Canada will affect us, at least untill the US debt is paid off sometime in say June 2199.

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I'm very excited about the US election - but for entirely selfish reasons. Once it's over the media will have to talk about other things that I'm more interested in. ;) I think the Canadian media covers the US elections more than we cover our own.

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I'm predicting a bunch of lying politicians will get elected.

LOL, that's about the size of it. The Portland OR mayor's race has been one for the history books: one income tax evader vs. a guy who routinely throws temper tantrums and has stooped to physical violence in pickup basketball games and adult league soccer games...and who apparently once decked a woman so hard she needed stitches. Looks like the income tax evader is winning and the bully is talking about leaving town.

Can't believe these are our options, wish we could get Bud Clark to come out of retirement. Bud owned a bar and ran for mayor because he couldn't stand how the city was being run. He turned out to be the best mayor in decades in this town, as well as having the best sense of humor. He's pretty famous for the poster below, which he sold to cover campaign expenses.


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Fun to watch here in NZ

Had a few moments of schadenfreude for the Republicans. They need to realise the mass of contestable votes they need to win are in the middle of the political spectrum, not on the loony right fringes.

Meanwhile the Bush tax cuts evaporate on Jan 1st 2013, with compulsory cuts to military spending also occurring. That might make the books easier to manage.

Near universal affordable access to quality healthcare is about to become part of the USA.

And maybe the USA will want to fix its election mechanics, in a place that prides itself as a bastion of democracy. The last time I saw lines that long for the chance to vote was in South Africa's first all race election in 1994.


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Had a few moments of schadenfreude for the Republicans

Def: pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. Me too! Once the numbers started to look good.

And maybe the USA will want to fix its election mechanics, in a place that prides itself as a bastion of democracy. The last time I saw lines that long for the chance to vote was in South Africa's first all race election in 1994.


I think only a few states had this happen. Here is WA , it is mail in. No lines to speak of.

Near universal affordable access to quality healthcare is about to become part of the USA

This would be nice, but very unlikely. It is still likely to be very expensive.

Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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Meanwhile the Bush tax cuts evaporate on Jan 1st 2013, with compulsory cuts to military spending also occurring. That might make the books easier to manage.

Near universal affordable access to quality healthcare is about to become part of the USA.


yea, should be interesting to see what happens when everyone, not just the well off have to pay higher taxes than they currently pay.

affordable it will not be, many employers and health insurance companies are already charging more and making things more stringent because of the full implementation of the law that will be happening.

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affordable it will not be, many employers and health insurance companies are already charging more and making things more stringent because of the full implementation of the law that will be happening.

We can hope that after the first few years of getting things sorted out we will see a stable , reasonably affordable health care system.

A great deal of money is being spent on redundant systems and those who must use emergency care instead of seeing a regular doc.

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About health system

The biggest problem is that 1) Nowadays it costs so much to become a health practitioner such as doctors and dentists and that costs gotoo e patients 2) people are greedy and doctors and dentists are no exception 3) the only way I can think of solving the problem is government forcing the prices but that's against market economy and doctors and dentists hate anyone who try to control the prices 4) therefore I can see that there is no solution to the problem. It's like we're expecting gasoline prices to drop, not gonna happen.

Might as well embrace the future of higher cost for everything...

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There may be some truth to that, but the point is that currently the U.S. pays way too much for fairly poor results. Check out this chart...lots of room for improvement there, either in cutting costs or improving outcomes.


The full article is <a href="http://ucatlas.ucsc.edu/spend.php">here</a>.

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There may be some truth to that, but the point is that currently the U.S. pays way too much for fairly poor results. Check out this chart...lots of room for improvement there, either in cutting costs or improving outcomes.


The full article is here.

Also try looking here.



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I apologise in advance for my cynicism....:rolleyes:

It would be interesting to look into

a) who started giving out funding to medical schools back in 1913 and thus quashing a side of medicine that believed in using the body to help heal itself, therefore leaving today's system of treat the symptoms but don't look for the cause

B) who are the big shareholders in the insurance companies and drug companies

c)are these funders and big shareholders also connected to the FDA and 'friendly' with the those in the white house

Some very interesting dots connect..

Although in the UK, we pay differently for our health system, the same type of treat the symptoms but don't help patients find a cure exists, thus making drug companies damn rich

I have developed this attitude due to personal experience and do a huge amount of research on a condition I have, as the medical system I believe is trying to brain wash me. I ask questions that doctors and specialists will not answer directly, they turn into medical politicians...

as an aside, I have recently solved a very small part of the equation of my condition by a process of trial and error over the past 2 years and done purely by nutritional means.Not as easy as it sounds when I've had to compare farming practices of yesteryear to modern practices and work out what missing in the foods we eat today including organic. But it's worth it :biggthump

No wonder I joined the Californian petition for Americans to have a right to know what's in their food.. As part of my cynical rant...I am disgusted by companies like monsanto and Dow who don't appear willing for the food labelling to go ahead...hmmm...i wonder why it is that they don't want you to know that you are eating ... Recent research by the French shows some ghastly outcomes to 3rd generation rats having been feed GM food through the lineage...

....I wonder if the same shareholders I refer to above have shares in these companies and connections to the FDA again?

So I conclude it is all about money and power:angryfire

Edited by floBoot
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