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USASA Nationals


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I agree with Mike, Neil and Bordy. I have been asked to set courses here and there and they usually come out to turny and too tight. It happens. But, at USASA nationals.....I noticed the same thing last yr at Copper in the Slalom. TOO TIGHT. Couldnt get a good rythm going. I noticed that guys using freestyle boards were ripping the course and that alpine gear was a little too much for it. Not counting the top 5 open riders who can ride anything anywhere.

I say come on USASA/Alpine world. If we dont start attracting riders to the sport, then people in "Legends" class will be the fastest on the hill. BTW they kind of are already. I would have to agree with Mike and Bordy that Nationals should be a showcase for athletes and spectators alike. If not USASA, then where? USSA? give me a break and dont get me started on that one. Mike has a right to speak up. He and so many others spend alot of money to gear-up, train, race and get to nationals. The customer is always right dude.

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One argument I heard was, "oh, it's just USASA, it's not important", but as another coach pointed out, it is the only race option for Masters Snowboard Racing (personally I don't count NASTAR Nationals where they treat us like lepers) and so does matter.

Martin, it's obviously been a LONG time since you've experienced the NASTAR Nationals. Talk to the folks who do both each year to get a current perspective.

Best of luck to you and everyone at Copper. I'll be following your progress.

Go Fast! And don't forget to have fun!

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Hey everyone,

It is too late for this year, but in the future, if there is a problem your having with something involving Nationals or USASA in general I urge you to come to the Riders Forum at Nationals. We held this years meeting last night. It is a time when any and all competitors can come and voice their opinions or any complaints to your Riders Representatives (who this year were myself - Mimi Wiencke and Natalie Aldrich), which we will then bring up as topics at the big board meeting at Nationals.

As far as the slalom training day course issue, that was something that was brought up last night, not to mention I was also up there training on that day. I agree that it was a problem how poor the course set was, however I do not blame it on the coach who set it. She doesn't have much experience in setting, but she was asked to help out, and she did. That's not her fault. The bottom line is that this was a planning issue, someone with more experience should be required to set on the training day, and I apologize to anyone who felt like they did not get quality training that day. We will be bringing this up at the meeting tonight, and it will hopefully not be an issue in the future!

You can also express your opinions or concerns any time on the USASA Riders Forum on the USASA website: http://usasa.org/forum/14-usasa-riders-forum.html

Hope everyone is otherwise riding well and having FUN at Copper this week!!


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Congrats to all the racers this week. There was lots of good riding, and some stiff competition. Nice to see Bomber and Donek get on the podium.

*If anyone is reading this and wants to freeride on Thursday(today), there is a large group of people heading to ABASIN!*

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not sure how the weather was yesterday and today, but my 3 day stint at copper showed me three different weather patterns. so hope all is we'll for those still out there.

heres how some of the boys did from the right coast !

Mike C: placed a solid 3rd in the junior men gs. he edged out the comp with the fastest second run of the day, sliding him into 3rd. so get your $hit together next year: lose the white pants, give me back my flannel shirt, shave that awful beard and you can keep your awful looking canadian pride prior, because i just unloaded my awful looking canadian pride coila. great job, and gfy !

Greg Fligor: This T32 youth, came off his death bed. not only with bad altitude sickness that required emergency medical attention and an IV, he brought with him a nasty stomach bug which i guess stunk up the whole copper village, per his little sister cricket. i even heard from the environmental police it rivaled the smells coming out of room 219 at the alpine inn. the pair off illnesses forced him to sit out his strongest event the gs. In T32 fashion beat the piss out of the field in slalom on a borrowed prior, while his 177 coiler chubby was forced to sit this one out. believe me when i say this, that chubby has lots of wins left in it, because the origional owner of that can't ride to save his life ! great job greg, Fhukkin A for effort and gfy !

Alex Orbregon: had a more than respectable 6th place finish in the open class men slalom division. surrounded by 14 world cup athletes, and another handful of f.i.s talent, he had the most impressive finish of the whole group of right coasters. great job and gfy !

Ryan Rozencranz: Rosey, Had 2 very respectable showings. like holderness teamate alex who also tudors rosey in algerbra 2, science, and history, he was right in the thick of things in the very talented open class division. On both days, he was 100's out of the final round. "RR" ended up with two 9th place finishes. he promised the Team this summer he would put on 25lbs of muscle this summer so he could fit into his new nickname "Rail Road", and be heavy enough to finally put on his T32 sticker that he was gifted to him this past winter !

GUY-Fatha: the god fatha of new hampsha cahvin. the concid express slugged it out for a third place finish in the "legendary" male division, but he made his point. He then came back the next day with an even thicker beard than the day before and put down two cleans runs in gs. if my math is correct, he beat the second place finisher by 8.5 seconds for the gold. nuff said ! btw, bruce varsava called me today and cut all ties with the team, because this GUY was showing off, like vince vaughn on the dance floor in wedding crashers. great job you stinky fhukker, and gfy !

Hollywood 90210: i wish i could have said age before beauty but i can't. i dont even no where to begin with this guy. i'll list it out as it happend. 1st, bomb squad had to defuse the bathroom in room 219. 2nd, i thought parades where only held in southie ? 3rd not sure what to list here, the pegged jeans, the tucked in T-shirt or the begged jeans tucked into the canadian knee high winter boots, but whatever it was you can't touch alchohal under these extreme wardrobe circumstances ? he was a denim shirt away from a canadian tuxedo ! alright enough is enough, ill get back to the results. a new comer to the man-huge-bulge division, the slalom results where nothing to right home about. however he did take a positive away from his 1st day of competition. when you can beat the raining national overall champion in your first race in a new division, you can certainly use it as a stepping block for succes. This P-90X sponsored competitor walked away with another gold medal for T32. Nuff said part II, and gfy you angry drunk !

Trappy: two 1st place finishes in the open class, edging out one of the best in the world ! it makes you wonder when this wvbbts alum, is gonna be a mainstay on the world cup podium's. with all the money he stole this past week i hope he knows how to fill out a w-2. great job trappy and gfy !

TS/Coach of the year: Noah Cemark, his starting coral was the place to be. itensity in ten cities would describe it best, yelling, screaming and more yelling at all the age groups noone was safe, not even the little squirrels ! my balloon knot even tightened up when he threw me and BV off the training coarse on practice day. which lead me to run over a fhukkin squirrel, not kidding, while cutting through too an open trail. noah great job and thanks ! ill email you my address so you can mail me my Ride my MA$$-HOLE sweatshirt ! gfy and have a great summer !

if i missed anyone im sorry ! well not really, gfy's !

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:lol: You are awesome.

Ill grab some tan pants for next year, I'll make sure to get em tighter like my favorite guy Shawn whatever his name is...

(Brag brag brag pulled the only 19 second run of all week today, f*cked up second run so no finals.)

Grats to Johnson for getting all 3 golds in Junior, talk about machine. How bout one of these JD?


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Great riding alongside you in the slalom Dave, just wish I hadn't found the hole Glenn Chapman left three gates from the end!

I still claim I pulled the only McTwist outside of the pipe at the end of the GS course! You know you hit hard when people ask you a day later how you are and say they didn't expect me to get up...at all! God bless POC helmets.

A great week and I met some great people, I highly recommend it to everyone. Noah's Pre-race meeting was worth the price of admission alone, hysterical!

Happy with my gold in the SBX, Nate Holland's Oxess was worth every penny!

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