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Not sure what to say about this


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I saw one on Saturday at Mammoth, didn't stop in though. I don't mind the fact that the food is more accessible now, I'm a little worried about the litter that might result from this. Oh, and riding behind someone who just had one of those burritos. :p

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How about a sno-cat bar?

On second thoughts, maybe not. I can only imagine the drinking games that would ensue....

Did anyone know that they used to have, maybe still do, bars made out of snow at some of the German slopes! I spoke with my German uncle, by marriage of my related aunt, that when he was younger he would hit the slopes for a couple of runs and then sit at the bars made out of snow and drink cold Schnapps! I love the idea of a bar made of snow! Why don't they do that here? You can already drink at the top of most mountains in the chalet so what's the difference?

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They need to combine it with this stupid thing we have at Alpine Meadows. I call it the Disco Cat. The "box" like thing on the back is really a stage - the sides fold down. They can put a DJ or even a band up there. Even without the DJ or Band, the speakers atop the cab crank out music. They park it at various spots around the hill. It is pretty cool at the Ice Bar we have on the back side on sunny spring days. But it seems like they could have spent the money in a more productive way.


Galen: Keep in mind this is at Mammoth. That place lives up to its name. I'd be this thing will be popular in the right place at the right time.

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Keep in mind this is at Mammoth. That place lives up to its name. I'd be this thing will be popular in the right place at the right time.

Bottom of 4, top of 15, top of 22/25, the mega intersection at 16/4/21, top of 1 and 2... so many places where this would make mega bucks.

I am going to try it as soon as I have a chance. I spent most of my time at June away from MMSA due to the crowds last week.

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nek you do not miss much else than crowds of money, big car with slapping chain and sassy American kids chastise the parent...but that crowd has migrated south with smoke from their a55 as soon as the road was cleared

and 10USD tube of bean and fake cheese? a simple 2dollar nonfood like hotdog could make so much more revenue for resort concession

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nek you do not miss much else than crowds of money, big car with slapping chain and sassy American kids chastise the parent...but that crowd has migrated south with smoke from their a55 as soon as the road was cleared

and 10USD tube of bean and fake cheese? a simple 2dollar nonfood like hotdog could make so much more revenue for resort concession

Yeah, but people will pay it! That's the sad part. Instead of packing a PB&J or powerbar in your jacket, they'll pay that because they have money, big car with sassy bratty kids, and attitude. At least, that's how it is here.

LOVE THIS. <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by bjvircks viewpost.gif

Each burrito wrapper should be worth $10.00, paid when you buy the burrito. You get your $10.00 back when you turn the paper back in at the coach or any lodge. That might help curtail some of the littering.


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because skiing to an on-mtn lodge is so difficult.:rolleyes: :smashfrea

at some hills I've been to the problem is Not skiing TO the lodge for a quick snack...

the Problem is the extended walking/waiting on line to get the snack and then waiting in the liftline from Hell with all the sheeple & never-evers in hopes of making it back out on the slopes :freak3:

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