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Heard it in the lift line 10-11


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I never really get comments - but today at a local hill I got lots of comments from "is that one of those race boards? you race!!!" (I do not), to "sweet plates". It was nice.

The best was ... "there is another one of those funny boards - they are everywhere today" (there were three of us on the hill but we were not riding together).

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A teenage boy on a Friday night, and too cool for school, was asked by a girl in his group if I was on a snowboard. He said no. I turned and told the young lady not to go around misinformed and explained that it was in fact a snowboard. He was visibly annoyed and started a whole other round of it when another asked him if I was wearing ski boots. He said yes. I corrected him yet again and all the girls laughed at him. He looked like he wanted to kill me when I pointed to his gear and asked; "what are those, rentals? or maybe you don't know." Can't help myself.

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Riding the plated Riot with some colleagues at a conference who were fairly dismissive of snowboarders. I take off and carve down a steepish slope ahead of them. When they catch up, a little short of breath ....

"With your arms out like that, you just looked like you were flying!!!"


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Here's one from last year we still laugh about

<table class="tborder" id="post286880" width="100%" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr> <td class="thead"> #123 report.gif

post_old.gif February 8th, 2010

</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt2" style="padding: 0px;"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2">image.php?u=5508&dateline=1261355732</td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> b0ardski user_online.gif

Hardboot Wizard

</td> <td width="100%"> </td> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> Join Date: Oct 2007

Location: inland northwest

Posts: 2,292

</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="alt1" id="td_post_286880"> "dangerous ruts" You should learn to ski over there

<hr style="color: rgb(51, 153, 255);" size="1"> Kram, crazyTDKsquirrel & I were trenching up Kaniksu(fave carving run) getting some video clips sun. afternoon. About the 4th run I carved down to a camera stop followed closely by a skier who pulled up to me and said "what's your name".

Expecting a flattering comment I said "Troy, what's yours".

He didn't expect that, hesitated, then said; Bob *******, you know, your making a lot of ruts(poking my trench with a pole), you should learn to ski over there(pointing to dense trees off piste).

My turn to hesitate thinking to myself 'I know how to ski over there'.

Bob, poking the ruts; "I'm having trouble with these ruts, they're dangerous (pushing ski into trench) someone could get hurt. Really, the snow over there is great(4in of chewed up, skied out sun. afternoon dust on crust), you should try skiing over there.

As he skied off disgruntled I said, "If it makes you feel better I tripped over them too":smashfrea

Then I pulled out the camera & signaled the crew to make some more trenches:biggthump




<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> Originally Posted by Chris Houghton viewpost.gif

"Why don't you guys skid the tail like all the other boarders?"

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

That,s funny:lol:


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Carving skis leave trenches when they are carved. But few skiers carve them, they just skid short turns in a narrow line down the fall line.

In early January I had 5 days skiing with an old friend and his son at La Plagne in France. I've not been on skis for quite a few years so the first couple of days I was just reminding my legs what to do. Day 3 and all this time carving on a snowboard kicked in and I found a feel for my edges in a way I'd never done on skis before. I started carving, just as I would on my alpine snowboard, down the piste at speed.

My friend complained that a) I was using up all the piste and b) that I was going too fast to easily get past!!

Most skiers just don't get it!!


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Carving skis leave trenches when they are carved. But few skiers carve them, they just skid short turns in a narrow line down the fall line.

In early January I had 5 days skiing with an old friend and his son at La Plagne in France. I've not been on skis for quite a few years so the first couple of days I was just reminding my legs what to do. Day 3 and all this time carving on a snowboard kicked in and I found a feel for my edges in a way I'd never done on skis before. I started carving, just as I would on my alpine snowboard, down the piste at speed.

Yup, I'd say well under one in ten skiers around here really get up on their edges. Even then, they tend to be a bit shallower of trenches.

I've been curious as to if I could ski better now also. Not highly motivated to find out, though. Kinda enjoy the better edge control I have on one board.

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Comment from an elder gentleman Regarding a 188 Sims Burner

"So that is kind of like a snowboard huh"

Oh it is a snowboard, it is an alpine board or carving board

"Oh I see so it's not a snowboard"

Yes it is, it is designed to let the rider carve turns rather than slide their turns

"Gotcha, so it is kind of like a snowboard but different really"

......Um yeah...it's not a snowboard...have a great day :lol:

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Yup, I'd say well under one in ten skiers around here really get up on their edges. Even then, they tend to be a bit shallower of trenches.

I've been curious as to if I could ski better now also. Not highly motivated to find out, though. Kinda enjoy the better edge control I have on one board.

Sorry a bit off topic but ABSOLUTELY putting skis back on after riding a carving board will make your ski carving much, much better. Personally, l love both and will never retire my skis.

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Not in the lift line but still a pretty good one from last night.

The local ski racing team had set up a practice course and had roped off a section of a great carving run. I kept looping the run using the open side. A few instructors/coaches were stationed along the course.

As I came by one of them yelled out "If you keep carving like that you can come on this side of the rope" :)

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One of the other lifties' kids : "Hey, I'm going snowboarding later. You snowboard too, right?"

Me : "this *is* a snowboard"

Kid that hangs around at the top of one of our lifts : "Your snowboard's wierd"

Me : "Really? In what way"

Kid : "It's square at the end"

Me : "Yep, got fed up with it falling over when it was leant against the cabin, so I chainsawed the end off"

Kid looks at me, then looks at the board, and then looks at me again, then starts looking *really* closely at the back of the board.

Kid : "Can you do that to mine?"

My son, seeing my new skwal for the first time : "Trop STYLE!"

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My wife overheard a group of ~50 year old skiers at the hotel breakfast during SES:

"Skiing is hard. I'm going to switch to snowboarding. It looks much easier - they only have one board to control so it must be 1/2 as hard!"


Me and Riceball were stopped on the side of Copper Bowl immediately after First Tracks. Three skiers appear over a crest while doing very fast skidded turns. The last guy looks at us and yells: "F__KERS!" without missing a turn.

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