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Wtf 2011?

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Time to set your calendars to WTF 2012!!! last full week in January as always..

Thanks for all that came and congkerd the Kord !! Kinpa for having the brass to ride the Monster..:ices_ange.. Still sound funny every time I say that..I don't care who ya are..:lol:

Russ and Company

Big Cannuck and the Gang!!..

Allee!! gross toe and all !! ha..

New Dave

Old Dave



Garret and crew... flew from Hawaii !!

Steve Pro


Carvin Marvin

Two Plank Mark



and many more!!

What a blast and we have it all !! never had a bad day riding!! never is !

and the Hellroaring crew for putting up with us for a whole week...


Right Said Shred:lurk:

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howdy all

whew!!! a solid week of wtf11, going back to work is a good rest. wow!!!

another stellar day, same conditions as yesterday, great carving in the

morning than a little wet-n-heavy after lunch. the sun was out for a little

while than high overcast with the sun filtering thru than cloudy. it was

great that the snow held up cause temps are pretty warm. the snow

we had last week really helped maked this weeks groomers carvable.

it was great to see everybody again and i'm glad i got to ride with

everyone. this is the best unorganized carving event in the country,

just show up and ride. hope to see you all again next year...

rode my donek 171fc2 from 9 till 1:30...

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Yesterday he predicted I would go home early if the light got flat.But it wasn't so much that as my quads were feeling like I was just borrowing them from a cadaver after riding yesterday afternoon and this morning with the Montuckeyho boys.You guys rip.I like to think I'm always pushing to get better,but riding with Dredman and Johnasmo will surely result in a bump in fitness I needed just in time for SES.It brings up a point that is made frequently on Bomber; ride with great riders if you want to be a great rider.Oh and thanks to Dred for setting up the boilerplate on my board in the dark parking lot.Wow,what a work of art that plate is! And this one was a blem.Who could tell? Mighty high standards at the bomber factory.

Totally agree with big canuck that Mark(kram) is the most improved rider since last WTF.It will be interesting to see how Rick(brand new carver kicking ass on a 155 Hot Logical asym and ski boots!Not that there's anything wrong with that...) is doing next time.Wish I could have been there to see Kinpa, another contender, ride the monster.

Shred and Cuban,always a pleasure.Big canuck,Maureen will be there with me next year so remember to bring lots of aero chocolate bars.

Looking forward to seeing some of you at SES and NICE next.Otherwise,until next year!

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Kinpa for having the brass to ride the Monster..:ices_ange.. Still sound funny every time I say that..I don't care who ya are..:lol:

Thanks Shred.... actually it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Once again I can say a well designed board rides well. One day, maybe I'll have you design one for me. When you first said about getting on it, I kinda took it as a dare.... I figured one day I'd have to prove myself. Maybe the next dare should be that I actually start laying some over! hahaha..... but seriously, thanks a ton for letting me try it out.

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Seriously no carving shots???

I'm beginning to wonder is this actually a carve fest or a drink fest:eplus2:

I've seen more pics of empty glasses than carving?

We want to see some action shots:angryfire

I bet you guys had more glasses of beer than carved runs on the mountain;)

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Seriously no carving shots???

I'm beginning to wonder is this actually a carve fest or a drink fest:eplus2:

Hell, the only reason I go there is for the drinkin'. Some mighty fine drinkin' in that part of the state.:) There's a reason every second person you meet in Whitefish is from Calgary!

See you in March, team!

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howdy all

you wtf ers were lucky to have such good weather. today thick fog down

to chair 3 and dumping snow in the mid morning. had to be very careful

with saturday crowds and low visibility. forcast is more snow tonight and

tomorrow and temps are to drop to single digits in the next few days. so

maybe good groomers by mid week. anyways, it was good to just putt

around and relax. rode my 160speed from 9 till 1...

hope you all had a good time and made it home safely...

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Seriously no carving shots???

I'm beginning to wonder is this actually a carve fest or a drink fest:eplus2:

I've seen more pics of empty glasses than carving?

We want to see some action shots:angryfire

I bet you guys had more glasses of beer than carved runs on the mountain;)

got some

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Seriously no carving shots???

I'm beginning to wonder is this actually a carve fest or a drink fest:eplus2:

I've seen more pics of empty glasses than carving?

We want to see some action shots:angryfire

I bet you guys had more glasses of beer than carved runs on the mountain;)

Why yes! Hard to keep up with the Canadians they win the gold for the beer event!! Shots I might give em a run for the money. $$cash accepted for pickled liver foundation!!


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got some

You must stop posting up these photoshopped pics to try to prove how great the carving was....really.

We know you guys spent all your time in the bar talking about carving and how good you are.

If you are going to photochop something, at least make it believable. There is sunshine in these pics......What up with that?


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