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wax your boots?


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I said BOOTS, not booty... not talking 'brazilian' here.

I've had trouble with snow and ice buildup on the bottom of my boots which causes trouble with both my toe-clamp bindings and my intecs. I've also had snow compact into the heel-bale groove of my UPZs which causes trouble too.

I started applying wax to the toe and heel blocks as well as in the heel groove. Seems to help. To help a wax film stay in the heel groove I scoured the groove with a scotchbrite pad to roughen the surface without nicking or gouging it. Next I plan to try waxing some of my binding surfaces to help them shed buildup.

anybody else tried any of this?

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I always spray silicone on my boots to keep friction between the overlapping plastic parts to a minimum. I lubricate the buckles and threads, step-in heels and cables, it helps keep snow from sticking & helps waterproofing. I also spray the bindings to help keep snow from sticking and building up. I tried (Pam, Pledge, Rain-X) Alcohol and just about anything I could think of, and went back to 'Food Grade' Silicone Spray when possible (but the airlines :( on traveling with it :nono: as I found out).

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Some interesting approaches pitched here so far. I try to stay away from oils and solvent containing products because I know they tend to attack plastics, some making them soft and gummy, others causing brittleness. Even though our typical hydrocarbon waxes are very similar in composition to oils, because of their much higher molecular weight (longer chains) waxes are not as agressive towards my boots. I just might have to try the KY option just for the heck of it! I wonder if Fin would consider using a very heavy, porous anodize on selected binding parts. The porous surface would serve as a resevoir for wax to permeate into, keeping it in place longer to aide in shedding snow/ice. Also... I wonder about using Armour-All as a release agent. Since it is designed to be used on automotive plastics and rubbers, it shouldn't be too destructive to boots. I just wonder if it would help shed snow/ice. Sorry Ink, but I think Lemon Pledge would clash with my Pine-Sol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I applied a small piece of duct tape over the bolt head, machined recessed area on the toe-plate of my rear binding a few weeks ago and it has worked to eliminate snow / ice build up in the immediate area.

If you experience problems engaging your rear foot, the first thought is snow on your heel, sometimes it is? Most times the issue is a nipple of ice forming over the toe plate bolts (both bolts) and it can be a challenge to remove and prevent re-occurence.

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I still have this exact stomp pad on one of my boards. I really like it, but when I travel by air I take all the bindings off and stack the boards together (with a cloth pad in between each, of course). This type of stomp pad got to be a real pain for this and so don't use it anymore.

Big Idea!!! Put velcro on the board and stomp pad and then just remove the pad for travel. Well, duh...

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