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Everyone on the ban wagon?


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on some other forums people are not allowed to sell things if they get caught repeatedly doing shady stuff like selling broken gear.

on some other forums when people repeatedly give terrible advice they are not allowed to give advice anymore.

this provides a way for people to still take part on said sites without having to ban them from the whole site.

how do people feel about this?


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i think this is a great idea. the people on the ban committee have to post a video to prove they can actually carve a snowboard.

why dont you start bob?

on some other forums people are not allowed to sell things if they get caught repeatedly doing shady stuff like selling broken gear.

on some other forums when people repeatedly give terrible advice they are not allowed to give advice anymore.

this provides a way for people to still take part on said sites without having to ban them from the whole site.

how do people feel about this?


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I never made a video claim. I have however told others if they think they can rip to post it if they feel the need to say they are better than me.

I don't really make too many claims about my riding. that's not the point either.

a guy here was suggesting using a 13 cm wide board to race on.

another guy was selling a board that prior had already issued a credit on because it had failed and was saying the buyer would get the same credit.

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I never made a video claim. I have however told others if they think they can rip to post it if they feel the need to say they are better than me.

I don't really make too many claims about my riding. that's not the point either.

a guy here was suggesting using a 13 cm wide board to race on.

another guy was selling a board that prior had already issued a credit on because it had failed and was saying the buyer would get the same credit.

discerning minds can separate the wheat from the chaff. The rubes who cannot, well, they're gonna have problems no matter how many net nannies are looking out for them.

More lurk and less post == way to study mores of the forum.


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no, as someone who's done plenty of board setup for others maybe size 15 could justify that but not 13

you realize that the widest production board I have ever seen anywhere is 285 and that had specific sidecut geometry to make it ridable at that width.


also noteworth is elan also uses titanal in their boards

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As a noob here I felt it was my responsibility to read and then read some more... There is so much greatness about the information here at BOL... well it is just fantastic. :1luvu:

Banning for bad advice... NO... like the folks before me mentioned... people have to learn to dissect what they read to find what works for them... whether it be soft vs hard (boots or boards take your pick) or whatever.

There is no right answer or the only way. That said there is some pretty extreme viewpoints presented and it sure would be nice if the people representing the viewpoints at least acknowledged that they are way out of the norm. :smashfrea

Misrepresenting items for sale I see in a whole another light. Even in my limited time here I have seen some very shady dealings by a select group of people both here and on ebay (yup, the same people.). :nono:

It has a legal name... it's called fraud. I don't think BOL should "advertise" fraudulent merchandise. I'm not sure a ban is called for but when a very tired race board is advertised as "new" then maybe at the least the ad should be removed by the admins. (worst part I have several examples and I haven't been here that long :eek:)

Caveat emptor certainly applies!

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Bob, you seriously need to keep your opinions to yourself, I get more and more annoyed with you every post you make.

I think you're just an A$$hole plain and simple, even before you stuck your nose in my business.

don't try to sell broken boards to people who don't know any better

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I don't think because someone doesn't have 1000 count + post he / she cannot help other people or are not knowledgable... some people post a lot and don't ride much and some people are always out there riding and don't have much time to post. I guess it's like real life.. some people talk a lot, don't know much and some people are more quiet. So a few people should be giving all the advice to everyone ? No. When you are new, your responsibility is to read as much as you can and learn.

As for selling incident... I think 99.9% of people here are honnest and describe their stuff very well when selling. Never had an issue and I've sold and bought a few boards and rarely read about people who had.

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Why not just institute a seller rating system? VBulletin already has provision for it - I know because I've seen it on other Vbulletin forum sites.

But ban a long-time member because they pissed someone off or made a single (presuming its a one-time issue) questionable deal seems sort of extreme.

Fin can ban anyone he wants, and if what a user is doing in any way threatens Bomber's business I can understand such action. But banning users who simply piss you off doesn't seem like it would help the overall community.

And if you think what Dave did was bad, go read the Jesse Jones thread on TGR. Now that is epic!

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I have no connection to either party but have noticed that most of Dave's recent posts are followed shortly after by Bob critiquing them. Questioning people's comments is one thing, but this is becoming a vendetta.

yes, because he posts so many things that are flat wrong and refuses to accept that he is. I have made a point of it.

my point is that half of what the dude says is wrong. most of the people here lay off when corrected. even me.

I rag on him because for a long time I was polite when he'd say things that were just not true and he'd try to say it's because I don't know as much as him because he's been a instructor for three years and rides decade old gear. he does not shut up even when others who know more than him or have actual hard info saying otherwise from what he says. then he goes and presents his voice as a authoritative voice on the subject.

what irks me the most is that he teaches never evers and that's fine all you need is a pulse but when he offers to to give advanced lessons and take people's money it blows my ****ing mind. he is not qualified to do so. he just got his level 1 last year.

here's great post of his http://www.freecarve.com/15/Alpine-Carving-Bulletin-Board.htm

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Yea the board has a crack in its top sheet.. He notified us of that and fully photographed it. He is not hiding that. what is the problem. can you only sell perfect items here. If i wanted a brand new board for 900 i would order it from prior. how is he to know if someone recieved the credit from prior already. it is up to the buyer to figure out warranty information.

I would like to purchase the board and do not want it banned for sale

what the hell

IF the price is right which it is

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