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john deere friends


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If any of you have stumbled onto the VT NH ME ride board and read our “Loon/WV Opening Days” thread you probably have seen some pretty outrageous posts coming from the identities we created there. All are posted in fun and certainly embellished to make things more unbelievable/funnier (to us) than the actual experience. Unfortunately this thread is being used against john deere in court portraying his fictional character here on BOL as the way he (JoeC) actually lives his life!

<O:p</O:pAs a professional ME and part business owner I wouldn’t have the john deere BOL character as a friend, but I do call JoeC my friend. Every time we get together he helps me out with anything I may bring up, is a true professional fielding calls about work- even on the slopes, and always brings up his daughter in glowing terms.

<O:p</O:pIf you know JoeC, post up a comment or two and help a friend out.<O:p</O:p

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It is true. Our posts on the Loon/WV thread are all in fun. Our exploits are fictional (except for the hard-core snowboarding:)). I too am a professionally employed engineer (environmental) and would not tolerate friends who did not respect themselves, their families, and their friends. Joe C is a stand up guy. He works harder than most people I know both at home and at his job. He's a dedicated father, a family man, and a true friend.

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I have known Joe C since USASA Nationals '01-'02. The following season Joe moved to CO to train with Team Summit where I was one of his coaches. I am no longer a coach but a professional in the sign and graphics industry who still rides snowboards.

Ever since meeting Joe he has been one of the hardest working people I know. His dedication to his work, the sports he loves, and the people in his life is incredible. I have seen him step in to help out friends in bad times when he really didn't need to get involved. Heck, he wouldn't even let me have 1 beer after day two of the Summit Invasion '09 since I had a long drive home to pick up my son.

Though we are now a long way apart Joe and I still remain good friends. He will always ask about my wife and son and give me updates about his daughter.


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Some one in court is trying to use a online forum to slander a Joe's character in a legal matter is that correct?

As a long time waterville alpine rider I am at a lost as to why this would go down, for decades Waterville and Loon have been famous for playful alpine antics including many that I particapated in Including false characters that we all took great joy playing, from fake Euro accents to outlandinsh costumes and characters while riding.

It has been nothing but a treat to see thes same antics parlayed by the new group of alpine rider in the forums on this website, to read the post here on bomber has done nothing but brighten my days knowing that under a screen name the John Deere, Joe has joked about so many sterotypes, even taking on the fake persona himself while online.

You would have to be a Moron to think any of the antics that have gone on in the local ride board section BOL are true reflections of anyones nature or real persona. If you view these post as character referances then you are as nieve as viewing, say Tom Hanks as a true shipwreak surviver since he played a charcter who was such in a movie. Of that Henry Winkler is really the Fonze.

Thats what these forums really are to so many, a small community of friends who can act as they would like to for the ammusment of ther pers, Not unlike a improv group creating laughs for fun.......

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I met Joe at the 2008 East Coast Expression Session and he was very friendly, and easygoing. As a moderator/admin of this forum I can vouch for the fact that we have several members here who play a "character" on the forum that is in no way who they really are in real life. Joe C is one of them, with his character John Deere.

I am a software engineer, husband, and father of two. I personally would not have a friend like the fictitious John Deere, but I can laugh at his posts because they are just that - fictitious. We enjoy having Joe as part of this online community, and as a participant at our real-life snowboarding events.

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I met and rode with Joe last January at Copper mtn, and the person I rode with and shared a few chairlift rides with was nothing like his Bol persona, John Deere. If Joe was truley like his online persona JD, he would have walked into the bar for lunch and spent the rest of the day there. Instead, Joe went to the the upstairs cafeteria for a bit and went back outside to ride. I found Joe to be a great guy with a wicked sense of humor, with a strong aversion to neck gators and balaclavas, whom would much rather be pounding down a run on his coiler than pounding down pbrs in the bar.

Mark Washko

aka "big mario" on BOL

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I'm a complete noob here and I was easily able to recognize the parody of "team 32" and the participants. I feel a judge would/should reach the same conclusion.

On the other hand...

Bobdea... :smashfrea

well that's a toss-up. :ices_ange


depends on my mood!

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A grand place where all kinds of things get misconstrued or taken out of context. Some people like to have a little fun on BOL and sure why not. The funniest part about the "team 32" posts is that they couldn't possibly be true since people like that don't really exist. I met Joe a couple years back up at Loon and I immediately knew he was a great guy. A guy who genuinely cared for his friends and family. He didn't know me from a complete stranger but he treated me like a old friend the minute I met him. Anyone who has met Joe face to face will tell you the same. I never really take the stuff people post up too seriously because it's mostly good fun.

I'm a software engineer, husband and father of one and there really is nothing better then ripping trails with friends.

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I had the same experience, I think on the same day. When you ride with Joe and the team you ride with friends. Not sure what else to say, I found everything posted in this thread by the others to be very true.

I met Joe a couple years back up at Loon and I immediately knew he was a great guy. A guy who genuinely cared for his friends and family. He didn't know me from a complete stranger but he treated me like a old friend the minute I met him. Anyone who has met Joe face to face will tell you the same. I never really take the stuff people post up too seriously because it's mostly good fun.
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I have known Joe for most of my life. He has, and continues to be, a great friend to me and is always willing to do whatever he can to help out family and friends. To Joe, family is the most important thing in his life and has been since I’ve known him.

I am truly cannot believe the allegations against him. It really disappoints me that such a great guy is being raked over the coals because of some fictional and fun posts on this site. Joe is the type of guy that would step in front of a bus for any one of his friends and puts others first before himself.

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In the 5 years that I’ve known JoeC, I’ve found him to be a dedicated friend, a devoted father, and a committed family man. He is a passionate and caring individual who is intensely loyal to his family, friends, and loved ones.

Several years ago, I experienced a catastrophic snowboarding accident resulting in a weeklong stay in the hospital followed by nine months of recovery. While I was hospitalized, Joe checked in with my family members on a daily basis monitoring my condition. Just two days after I was released from the hospital, Joe drove all the way to New Hampshire to pay a personal visit. Throughout my rehab, he routinely checked in with me providing words of encouragement and support. He always kept my spirits high with his great sense of humor. My miraculous full recovery wouldn’t have been possible without Joe’s support.

Team 32 is a group of guys who are passionate about snowboarding. We spend every single winter weekend from November to April riding together. Most of our banter on the lifts revolves around either utter nonsense or our favorite hobby. However, when the conversation turns more personal and we ask Joe about his daughter, his eyes light up and he always has words of endearment for her. He loves telling stories about her learning new words and her funny antics around the house. It is clearly evident that he loves his daughter very much and that he truly enjoys being a father.

Our actions online in no way represent how we live our daily lives. We are all disciplined, dedicated and hard working professionals with the utmost integrity for our careers. I’m a high school teacher with my Master’s Degree. I practically have enough credits to have earned a Doctorate. I am also a part owner of a successful small family business. We all maintain healthy diets and high levels of fitness year round. None of this would be possible if we lived the rowdy lifestyle as portrayed by our characters in cyberspace.

Many of our posts on Bomber Online are 100% exaggeration and hyperbole with the full intent to be viewed for entertainment purposes only. Our goal in the Loon/WV thread has always been to create a big lampoon. In contrast to the typical long winded technical discourse that often pervades the Bomber Online forums, we felt obligated to encourage some comic relief in our little slice of cyberspace. Sure, some of our posts are juvenile and crass, yet much of what we write is in jest and should be taken with a grain of salt. Taking our fictitious posts out of context and then using them as factual evidence to pass judgment on one’s character is completely asinine, utterly infantile, and pure lunacy. It’s all a BIG JOKE!!!

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for the past two years, I have offered midweek race training at Ski Ward. Joe, AKA JD, Found us through BOL, and came out to join us on a regular basis. My intitial impression was wow..what a sick racer, It will be great for the kids in our group to watch and learn. By the end of the night, I realized how I underestimated him. No only did he set a great example for the young racers, but he was very giving of his expertise, spending more time coaching than actually riding. This shift from rider to coach was unsolicited, but the kids immediately took to him, and they shared mutual respect. When we rode the lifts together, Joe was eager to talk of his family. I wish he were still riding with us.

As for me, USASA level 300 coach, level 2 Technical supervisor, certified Judge, USASA series director, USASA Executive Board member. In my spare time, I have a full time job as a safety specialist in Manufacturing. also a former teacher...And I can't count the times I've said things I don't do or believe in online to exercise a point, incite a flame war, or just for the fun it.


Noah Cermak

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I've know know Joe for approx. 10 years. We meet because of snowboarding at Loon mountian. However we have become close friends over the years due to Joe's values. My wife and I have been fortunate to get to know Joe's family including multilpe interaction with he and his daughter. Through these I've come appreciate that this commitment to his family is priority one. An any comments stating otherwise would be considered slander.

As a father of 4 and with many previous experiences with Joe and his family. I know that Joe is not only a responsible father and reliable friend. He is surrounded by a strong support group. Headed by his family and well rounded group of friends.

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I have not meet john deere in real life.

However he have help me greatly when I was shopping around for a new board.

The following post from john deere show well thought out suggesions and genuine desire to help out a complete stranger.





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Joe Culgin has been a loyal customer of Bomber since 2002 and a member of our BOL community for years. If his dedication to the sport and my company is any indication to his character, then what his friends have all been posting here can only be true. Joe always takes the time to swing by our shop whenever he is in town riding.

Members like Joe add color and dimension to an online forum. If I and the rest of the Mods deleted everything that was silly and deemed unnecessary, it would be one damn boring place to be. So Joe, I thank you for keeping it interesting here and hope all works out for you.

Now, I always like to hit both sides of the argument so I will say this: Joe spits when he talks, he has a terrible habit of letting his back hand flop like a wet noodle on his heel-sides, and he once told a terrible joke about a two priests and a frog at a bar. Other than that, great guy.

I am a business owner, mechanical engineer, town planning commissioner, and I invented Windows 7.

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