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Everything posted by mojo

  1. I've know know Joe for approx. 10 years. We meet because of snowboarding at Loon mountian. However we have become close friends over the years due to Joe's values. My wife and I have been fortunate to get to know Joe's family including multilpe interaction with he and his daughter. Through these I've come appreciate that this commitment to his family is priority one. An any comments stating otherwise would be considered slander. As a father of 4 and with many previous experiences with Joe and his family. I know that Joe is not only a responsible father and reliable friend. He is surrounded by a strong support group. Headed by his family and well rounded group of friends.
  2. I've put up a email address if you want to try to get pictures, email me at aol address pspeedfreak@aol.com. Have the board packed and ready to go.
  3. Mikemcse My aol address is pspeedfreak13@aol.com. If you email me . I'll be able to send you the pictures. I think that if you interested we can work with the price.
  4. I went to your BOL profile it lets me email u but there is no funtion for attachments. I have tried to attach it to this thread but no luck unless it has come out on your end.
  5. The Coiler that john deere is talking to you about is at my house. We ride togather. I have taken pictures, but they are not coming up as attachment for some reason. if you are serious about the board I can email them from my aol account to another email address.
  6. Coiler 196 pure race. . 2003 in good shape. scratch on top sheet from yahoos in line. base is great. 400.00 plus shipping. I have two long boards and need a 165 to 178. So I will consider trades.
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