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Burton FP's and Ultraprimes


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I think we have to define 'ripping it'.

To me, making consecutive laid out turns, back and forth across the trail isn't really 'ripping it'. I would call it good technique, nice form, what have you. Being able to pull that kind of stuff out of your back pocket whenever you need to, at high speed, no matter the snow conditions...that is what I call 'ripping it'.

Take the infamous "Hard Attack" video. These guys are ripping it...


You can be a race car driver racing a Mazada Miata on the weekends, or you could be racing Le Mans cars. Either way, its the driver that wins the race and makes the car perform. Do they perform differently, no doubt. Is one necessarily better than the other? That depends on what you are trying to achieve.

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Nice deals on the Prior 4wd and ATV. See, Kirk and JohnBauer, $600. More isn't necessary... for the non-professional rider.

Nope, $599 for those rides seems about right! Ridden both - great decks for intended use! Get 'em mildly used here on the classifieds, even bettter deals to be had!

Step up to the WCR Metal - $799. Still not too bad, though it exceeds your $600 ceiling.

"Don't spend more than $600 for any board brand new and not more than $250 used"... Unless of course you are competing in the upcoming Olympics or are a member of the Hilton family

Yeah, I know, I know...I'm NOT an Olympic hopeful (though I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express)

...sure as HELL not a Hilton (see above - prefer Holiday Inn)

Yet, from my non-professional, not-stupid-a$$-Paris-Hilton-rich perspective and experience, that Metal WCR is worth EVERY BLOODY PENNY:p

Trust me, with a mortgage, family, FT employment in the public sector, I KNOW what a budget is. If a used FP or UP is what yer budget allows, DO IT! Enjoy and grow your stoke. But to say that the newest technoligies and materials available is reserved for the uber-rich or professional athlete seems pretty restrictive. Is it "necessary" to thoroughly enjoy and even perform well? Hell no! Plenty have proved that. Can gradually stepping up in gear help progress your riding? HELL YES!

Ahh priorities. As for our household, the kids are learning to LOVE beans and rice :1luvu:

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Guest JohnBauer
Nice deals on the Prior 4wd and ATV. See, Kirk and JohnBauer, $600. More isn't necessary... for the non-professional rider.

Your local park rat will tell you it's not necessary to get hard boots and alpine board to carve turns.

Photodad, with your logic, you should have stuck with a freestyle board and soft boots, and learned to carve on that equipment. Because getting an "older model" alpine board is still a crutch for carving. If you've got the right technique and setup, you can definately carve turns on the freestyle setup.

If I had found an awesome deal on a 4WD or ATV, I would have just re-sold it on BOL/EBay for a profit and put the profits towards the Metal WCR fund.

As it was, I just had to skip going to the local strip club a couple times and saved enough for my metal WCR.

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Anyone else, don't embarrass yourself by questioning Bordy's skills/experience/knowledge. One of the best I've seen.

good advice Mr. Michaud but you do realize that JohnBauer was not out of line by requesting further clarification from Mr. Bordy and he certainly did not "embarrass" himself. after all i remember you "embarrassing" yourself (equally if not worse) about a decade ago in a similar bomberonline situation lol.

i watched the NSR video before it was pulled and it appears that under the prevailing circumstances (snow conditions, slope pitch, chosen turn shape, chosen equipment) that he was indeed RIPPING on what appeared to be a fall 1995/spring 1996 burton alp 6.3. if Mr. Bordy rode the same equipment in similar prevailing conditions he would indeed have rode very similarly to NSR . i concede that Mr. Bordy would probably have ridden better--but just marginally. i've never met NSR or seen him ride in person nor have i met Mr. Bordy but i have had the pleasure of seeing him ride (EXTREMELY WELL) in person. i admit that i am guessing but NSR probably isn't a slouch either. wonder what NSR could do on Mr. Bordy's great equipment?

i have always liked Mr. Bordy as a racer and value his perception and knowledge of all things alpine related but even he will admit that his judgment is not always 100%. "Lot of errors in his fundamentals based on current technique" but NSR was not on current equipment. if he were then Mr. Bordy would not have noticed "Lot of errors in his fundamentals based on current technique." NSR was on an alp! that's why he rode the way he did. there's no reason to rudely cut into a person for his equipment choices. people will not adopt, upgrade, trade up or whatever for many reasons.

are they just cheap bas*ards or is it because they are independent thinkers who don't feel that it is necessary to spend money needlessly? the keyword is needlessly because they don't NEED to ride a certain way or at a certain speed or on a certain board or whatever the fashion/equipment arbiters dictate to be de rigueur. obviously it's not the price as alpine snowboarding is a lot cheaper than a lot of other hobbies--golf anyone?

as for the safety issue it's a red herring. if you know the board has a soft nose and you fold it then whose fault is it? the board's? if a newbie is a student and admittedly on a tight budget and furthermore essentially already has her heart set on the ultraprime that she rode on a TRY B4 BUYING basis and was just asking for a gentle nudge to take the plunge into hardbooting then we certainly did a good job of DISCOURAGING her from starting in the first place (or at best delaying her start.) how many beginners outperform their boards? did we take into account NADIA'S circumstances before the knee jerk responses? did we just discount her 11 years of softboot experience to the point where she couldn't identify an imminent nose fold?

RDY_2_CARVE said "I personally would have bailed on this site after all this crapola" and it is so true. i don't know if stuff like this prevents people from hardbooting but i do know it can stop people from participating in bomberonline. i know in my case i was really excited about 10 years ago when i first found this great site only to be appalled by all the bickering and flaming going on that i didn't even bother registering. i simply logged off and never visited again for almost 10 years. i even attended a couple of colorado expression sessions on my skiis just to watch and learn from the carvers but remained anonymous because i was afraid of a total stranger from bomberonline suddenly going ballistic on me for no apparent reason. if i stayed away for 10 years, probably a lot of others did also--i hope nadia will be able to see past the stupid bickering on this thread and appreciate bomberonline for the fabulous resource that it truly is.

i'm kinda disgusted by this thread to offer any helpful advice to nadia but i'll sleep on it and try again on the weekend. ironically ALL the advice for and against nadia's burton choices are excellent. it's just all the irrelevant non sequiturs clouding over the advice. if you (nadia) can get a good deal on the ultraprime then do it. it's late and i'll explain later in the week. i have been buying boards for a long time and have never resold any. only gave a few away to young kids without money who wanted to hardboot so essentially i have more than enough boards for my own good. i'll send you my ultraprime for free if all this bickering has delayed your decision so long that you missed your opportunity to get a good deal on one.

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I think we have to define 'ripping it'.

exactly my point for the video request. ripping means a lot of things to a lot of people. video sort of evens the playing field and lets the viewer decide. are there people who can rip on a burton, of course. are there people on here who think they rip on their current board but dont? of course.

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it takes a certain kind of person to make vague, baseless, 10 year old slams on someone on the internet from behind an anonymous username with no history. reeeal brave, tenorman. :rolleyes:

aside from the jab in the opening paragraph aluding to some history that I'm not aware of, I think tenorman made some very valid points and give him kudos for posting them.

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it takes a certain kind of person to make vague, baseless, 10 year old slams on someone on the internet from behind an anonymous username with no history. reeeal brave, tenorman. :rolleyes:

Wow, it's been alot of years since Bomber was this good. entertaining, keep em comin.....who's the best rider? whats the best board? hell what color jacket is cool? :smashfrea :smashfrea :smashfrea

Just let it go McCloud, there just sucking you in like the c_c days!!

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good advice Mr. Michaud but you do realize that JohnBauer was not out of line by requesting further clarification from Mr. Bordy and he certainly did not "embarrass" himself. after all i remember you "embarrassing" yourself (equally if not worse) about a decade ago in a similar bomberonline situation lol.

i watched the NSR video before it was pulled and it appears that under the prevailing circumstances (snow conditions, slope pitch, chosen turn shape, chosen equipment) that he was indeed RIPPING on what appeared to be a fall 1995/spring 1996 burton alp 6.3. if Mr. Bordy rode the same equipment in similar prevailing conditions he would indeed have rode very similarly to NSR . i concede that Mr. Bordy would probably have ridden better--but just marginally. i've never met NSR or seen him ride in person nor have i met Mr. Bordy but i have had the pleasure of seeing him ride (EXTREMELY WELL) in person. i admit that i am guessing but NSR probably isn't a slouch either. wonder what NSR could do on Mr. Bordy's great equipment?

i have always liked Mr. Bordy as a racer and value his perception and knowledge of all things alpine related but even he will admit that his judgment is not always 100%. "Lot of errors in his fundamentals based on current technique" but NSR was not on current equipment. if he were then Mr. Bordy would not have noticed "Lot of errors in his fundamentals based on current technique." NSR was on an alp! that's why he rode the way he did. there's no reason to rudely cut into a person for his equipment choices. people will not adopt, upgrade, trade up or whatever for many reasons.

are they just cheap bas*ards or is it because they are independent thinkers who don't feel that it is necessary to spend money needlessly? the keyword is needlessly because they don't NEED to ride a certain way or at a certain speed or on a certain board or whatever the fashion/equipment arbiters dictate to be de rigueur. obviously it's not the price as alpine snowboarding is a lot cheaper than a lot of other hobbies--golf anyone?

as for the safety issue it's a red herring. if you know the board has a soft nose and you fold it then whose fault is it? the board's? if a newbie is a student and admittedly on a tight budget and furthermore essentially already has her heart set on the ultraprime that she rode on a TRY B4 BUYING basis and was just asking for a gentle nudge to take the plunge into hardbooting then we certainly did a good job of DISCOURAGING her from starting in the first place (or at best delaying her start.) how many beginners outperform their boards? did we take into account NADIA'S circumstances before the knee jerk responses? did we just discount her 11 years of softboot experience to the point where she couldn't identify an imminent nose fold?

RDY_2_CARVE said "I personally would have bailed on this site after all this crapola" and it is so true. i don't know if stuff like this prevents people from hardbooting but i do know it can stop people from participating in bomberonline. i know in my case i was really excited about 10 years ago when i first found this great site only to be appalled by all the bickering and flaming going on that i didn't even bother registering. i simply logged off and never visited again for almost 10 years. i even attended a couple of colorado expression sessions on my skiis just to watch and learn from the carvers but remained anonymous because i was afraid of a total stranger from bomberonline suddenly going ballistic on me for no apparent reason. if i stayed away for 10 years, probably a lot of others did also--i hope nadia will be able to see past the stupid bickering on this thread and appreciate bomberonline for the fabulous resource that it truly is.

i'm kinda disgusted by this thread to offer any helpful advice to nadia but i'll sleep on it and try again on the weekend. ironically ALL the advice for and against nadia's burton choices are excellent. it's just all the irrelevant non sequiturs clouding over the advice. if you (nadia) can get a good deal on the ultraprime then do it. it's late and i'll explain later in the week. i have been buying boards for a long time and have never resold any. only gave a few away to young kids without money who wanted to hardboot so essentially i have more than enough boards for my own good. i'll send you my ultraprime for free if all this bickering has delayed your decision so long that you missed your opportunity to get a good deal on one.

There is a lot of good stuff in this post. I talk to riders, beginner and expert, all winter long that do not read or post on Bomber for the exact same reasons mentioned in this post.

BOL is full of passionate people with many opinions, but it is ultimately only a small number of posters that cause most of the problems. They are easy to find. Maybe the posters who have been so quick to condemn what tenorman has written should read it again and give it a little more thought this time.


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i am going to find a forum for a niche sport and complain that i cant afford to do said sport...:smashfrea

I'm doing the sport just fine, what I'm trying to explain to some hard headed people is that pushing your idea that you have to have the newest and the best and the most highly advanced technology to do the sport is insane!!!

Go to Dicks and buy a Lamar, strap on your softies and practice carving!!! Well, that may be a bit extreme, but Burton boards are just fine and the elitists push people away from the sport.

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Photodad, with your logic, you should have stuck with a freestyle board and soft boots, and learned to carve on that equipment. Because getting an "older model" alpine board is still a crutch for carving. If you've got the right technique and setup, you can definately carve turns on the freestyle setup.

Helloooooo!!! That's what I've been riding!!!!! I've been on my 1998 Sims 171 Search with my soft boots. I just bought a 1999 Burton Alp 171. Next season after I've tried it out I'll let you know if that was a mistake.

Photo taken 6 years ago before I'd seen the new form, still trying to be like Peter and Jean from 91. (Before I decided to get into carving) Sporting the old Airwalk Freerides and Nike bindings. I somehow lost the mounting disk for my Prestons. This was my avatar when I first started, but I'm much better now and didn't feel it was appropriate.


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By scaring them off with the cost of gear and the mind set that you have to have it. It's all over this thread!

I don't see too much argument that you have to have new gear, ... I do see plenty of argument that new gear is better. There is a huge difference between those two statements.

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