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Session Dates 2007


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hopefully I'll be able to make one of them...

Anyone know dates for SES, ECES, WTC, or any other planned session for next year?

Now that my son has started school, my week-long vacations have to fit with his schedule...

I'm sure this is somewhere in here, but I couldn't find it with a quick search and I'm really lazy today :D

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After much deliberation, Todd and I and other intimately interested parties have agreed that in order to uphold and grow the quality of the event, the ECES should stay on a biannual schedule. See you in 2008!!

We encourage anybody else to organize a carving get-together in the east in the off years. But out of respect for what the ECES has become and all those involved, we would really appreciate it if it didn't have a "MacDowell's" type name like East Coast Carving Session or Ice Coast Expression Session or whatever. Thanks.

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After much deliberation, Todd and I and other intimately interested parties have agreed that in order to uphold and grow the quality of the event, the ECES should stay on a biannual schedule. See you in 2008!!

BOO. :nono:

And this was to be the first year I could make it! Looks like I might have to wait until 2010. :mad:

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Was hoping for ECES but I guess I can wait another year to embarrass you guys :p I do plan to make SES but I'll have to get a ride to and from the airport with someone since I cant rent a car. I'll pay for half the car rental and split gas as well:biggthump

I'll have to make sure with my teachers that I wont have tests in any of my classes that week. I'll only miss 2 days of classes thanks to summer classes.

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Hey Tex,

It looks like another year of tough choices. Another event that has gained in popularity in the last few years is the Annual Big Mountain trip. hosted by Shred Grummer, And tentatively set for the last full week in January. Big Mountain Montana is largely known for great all mountain riding, without all the pesky crowds...Disclaimer: there is no night life.

If this all sounds good, you could triple the fun... I'm planning to link this trip to the session in Utah 25th-28th, and from there to the session in Aspen(2/4-2/10?)..

Hey Gleb, Lots of options for SES transport from the airport. Last year I picked up two friends from DIA and it worked out well. Others booked a snow bus to Aspen. Keep in touch as the dates get closer...

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Paul, you cant waste all your money going on these trips to do that lame snowboarding thing. Save the money so you can by that nice new race bike for next season. I told Steph the same thing as she has been talking about going to the SES. If she does that there is no way she can afford to buy my bike.

Talk to you in 2 weeks,


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New Michelin tires, A "Flow Commander" for the carbs, new brake pads, Hyperpro steering dampner, Upgraded headset bearings, and FRAME SLIDERS.......

I'll be ready in two weeks...

As far as the new race bike.... I'm gonna sell the condo and move in with you right after I buy that nice new Ducatti 999R..



See you in two.

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I'm not ready to declare a date yet but I will be aiming for a Friday in late February. The best combination of conditions and weather seem to prevail around that part of the calendar. It will also give people time to get into their season and feel on top of the board again.

There will be improvements to Lookout this year with the lower part of the run including the pitch widened by about 10' down to the Poplar Chair loading area. It was a memorable run before but it should be epic now.

I may work on a limited Saturday group too. Limited because of guest count restrictions. More about this later. In the meantime, tune your gear and get yourselves back in shape.

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I'll definately be going to SES this coming season. Dates are Feb. 11-17. It's ladies year!!! Alex, you can keep your "little" bike, as I will be getting the Busa very soon (it's on order). :lol: :lol:

Paul, there is definately space here for you, if you sell the condo. Don't tell Cheri and I won't tell Greg :lol: :lol:

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I'll definately be going to SES this coming season. Dates are Feb. 11-17. It's ladies year!!! Alex, you can keep your "little" bike, as I will be getting the Busa very soon (it's on order). :lol: :lol:

Paul, there is definately space here for you, if you sell the condo. Don't tell Cheri and I won't tell Greg :lol: :lol:

chicks on 'Busas = very hot :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

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