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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. ahhhh! outbid! oh well. I guess i'll just get my burtons stretched out more and put in some thermofits. good find btw.
  2. i'm gonna start bidding on the boot. Defintly worth it with the liners alone. Hope it stays below 100 total
  3. it would not have been worth the trip to go this wednesday. I'm suprized the mountain is still open. Awesome year. Defintly my best. I went out 23 times this year and it'll be around 40 next year with my season pass and i'll be having a car more often. I'll be defintly be able to give lots of rides. Nice riding with all of you again:biggthump
  4. looking at the weather now, i get even more pissed that i missed ECES.
  5. i'm glad thats over. Fakie carve is my ultimate goal. Ive done an accidental toeside and then hit the brakes because it scared the crap out of me.
  6. not much to spearfish around here. most things in the ocean are either really deep down or are the size of an envelope at most.
  7. in my area the audabon (sp) society sells their own stuff. Ive been on tours there and I love syrup so much. I had pancakes with it in the morn:)
  8. wachusett is done for the season. Went today for one run and my friend returned her rentals and we went back to boston. I had a good season, defintly one of my best, even if there was barely any natural snow. nice seeing all of you there over the past weeks. I'm defintly glad i found this little community. :)
  9. at least you can get powder. For me, the season is pretty much done. Its as warm as a cold summer day outside and i went to the mtn only to leave after one run.
  10. bob, i'm down for fly fishing. never done it and it seems pretty relaxing. Thats what i need most in the summer. School is ripping me a new one. freshmen year blows:-\ Baka dasai, that looks like so much fun. I'm so jealous we don't have anything like that out here. :(
  11. thats probably what bob is reffering to as me not having enough time to get trained to do. That would absolutly be something i would want to do though. Special skills...well, you know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... (napoleon dynamite) I don't think those will come into use:) I'm going to look into some of the organizations around here and see how i can help them. Defintly a good thread.
  12. Slightly off topic regarding a tuck: The other day i discovered that I feel alot less wind resistance if instead of putting my hands behind my back, i make kind of a pyramid with them in front of me. go here and click the middle picture box on the top and look at the image on the bottom right. That tuck felt very effective.
  13. i pretty much don't plan on buying anything new for a long time. Several years, for both carving and kiteboarding. I prefer to pay 40% less and get stuff that was barely used than put myself in the red everytime i wanna get something new.
  14. i always wanted to tube on my local hill. Only problem is stopping:) I'm headed for the slopes right now to try the whole nuetral thing.
  15. oh aright. What else is there for me to do?
  16. Gleb

    what if?

  17. i'm a newbie to carving and what i found out that really really helped my heelside is to put a cant on your rear foot. This was suggested to me by a few people. This helped force my rear knee more into the heelside turn, which forces the board's edge in. Plus, as mentioned above, it kept me from applying too much force directly down onto the board. Its frustrating but well worth the effort. I remeber my first day when I was able to confidently link all my turns together and see my tracks all over the trails. I was in heaven:D edit: as cb200 said, don't reach for the snow at all. That will come with time. Also, i was told by many people that draging your hand in the snow can be a bad habit because you can twist your elbow/shoulder if you hit some ice chunks, aka death cookies.
  18. holy sheeeet!!!!!! thats incredible! ive never seen anything like that!
  19. The other day i was racing my friend who was in a soft set up. I was able to straight line it almost the entire way but bouncing back and forth on my edges slightly. Ive had a dozen to many crashes because i was flat and let my guard down. Defintly learned from my mistakes. By the way, i beat her by a lot. :)
  20. i was wondering all season what i would do when the snow melts away and i was introduced into the world of kiteboarding. I almost have enough $ saved up to get a beginner rig. It looks like its too much fun to pass up. Longboarding looks fun but me, high speed and pavement usually ends up with me having no hair or skin on my legs for weeks. people drive too recklessly to do much with a long board here :( I do rollerblade and bike (mtn and road) alot. We have countless teams practicing on my street because of the huge hills.
  21. That is a good idea. I defintly wouldn't mind teaching them how to use snowblades. I'm going to look into things like this for next season.
  22. oh come, why can't we just get along. *puts on flame retardent suit* flame wars never really solved much.
  23. i got burton winds. I now think it probably has to do with the 60 degree weather. The metal probably expanded and was a bit looser. Defintly a posibility.
  24. i gotta find a long weekend to go up there cuz i got a free pass. cant let that go to waste. I refuse to! :)
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