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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. I always thought that to be only partially true. My best relationship didn't really require work, or if it did, it sure didn't seem like it. It should almost come naturally instead of having to force something into it. Thats just my opinion though, and maybe overtime I'll prove myself wrong. Most of you have waaay more life experience than I do so don't listen to me:)
  2. that sucks. Does a problem like that happen often? also, love the shirt.
  3. i'm looking at some wetsuits online and they seem pretty affordable for something thats essential out here.
  4. i thought its closing this saturday. damn. oh well. Guess wachusett it is. I hope i can find a car before then.
  5. i got 4 left as well. going to gunstock!
  6. I found the radar gun but infortunatly you had to enter a contest to be clocked. I wouldve done the contest but you had to be 21+ and i didn't have my fake, or any id on me at all. By 1 o'clock, they had the top speed of 46 mph but they only gave you about an 8th of a mile on a very flat part of the trail to gain all the speed. There's always next year.
  7. Gleb


    being middle aged is no excuse!!! Last time I was there, there were men and women 3 to 4 times my age doing stuff I wouldn't imagine myself doing in the near future. A we ran out of water and decided to only take one run up. We saw people going up 4-5 times. Get off your ass and go!
  8. Gleb


    ya thats true. Also, these seem usefull when hiking in the boots like the final leg of tuckerman's ravine up here. You hike up most of the way in regular boots, then when you get to the bowl, you drop your gear and suit up. It'll be a kick ass time and so much easier to climb in these. I defintly need to buy more gear because everything i have is very used or completly destroyed like my liners. Also the cat walks are good because at my local mountain, there usually is some cement to walk over to get my shoes.
  9. Gleb


    Ya i noticed that too. My laundry list of things to buy for next season is getting enormously long. another board, some TD2s, cat walkers, thermofits...when is this maddness gonna end!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!
  10. Gleb


    thats only if there any carrier plates around. Your def right bout that. I think i might spring for the $9 cat tracks. Good find.
  11. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  12. Since my boots are waaay to small for me and I have to wear them barefoot, I put them on then after 2 runs I go inside, take my foot out and put them on again. Exactly as Dr. D describes. My boot doesn't seem to have a consistant flex in various temperatures so i need to do this every few hours as the boot warms up more and more.
  13. Sweet! I got $300 so far and I'm working 20 hours a week so I'll have the $ in no time.
  14. aright sweet thats what i thought. I love setting my cant all the way up but then toeside becomes a pain in the ass to do. 4 degrees is where its at then.
  15. im going there this saturday. Anyone else gonna be there?
  16. Thats the reason i like snow and water sports alot more.
  17. i have burton cants aswell but its the type you can swivel around to go from no cant to about pretty steep angle. Anyone know what are the ranges for those. There are settings from 0-8 and i use 4. Just curious.
  18. most of the moeny ive spent has gone towards my boots. They are the most important part of your set up. If you aren't comfortable, you can't enjoy yourself. I can't wait for next season when I finally get my Burton Winds stretched out even more and get new moldable liners. My bet for you is that your boots aren't wide enough. Get the boots widened for like $50 or less and you should be fine.
  19. i hear you on the jag issue. My friend's dad owned one pre-ford and said that he drove the shop's rental car more than his jag. Ford defintly brought the jag back from the dead. I had no idea that volvo was bought by ford. damn :-\ But a nine time volvo owner...thats dedication. I don't think I'm more than a two time owner of anything because I don't have much brand loyalty yet.
  20. Ya weren't they pornstar nihilsts? I forgot, ive only seen the movie once and I'm defintly a fan. mmmm...white russian. Could defintly go for one. No partying tonight really, gotta get up 4 am to get going to the mountain with my school. Caving > Drinking
  21. I'm very against a relationship within the dorms because if the open relationship doesnt work out, you'll see that person everyday. My school is tiny, 400 people in my freshmen class. My relationship works because she doesn't live on campus and I only see her when we go to parties. I do not see a point to an open marriage though. Thats crazy. Gecko, we create our own nightmares:rolleyes:
  22. hey cybi. Welcome to Bomberonline. I used to live in St. Petersburg 14 years back. Glad to see another Russian on here :)
  23. hey, we can dream:ices_ange
  24. Ya I know, a relationship pretty much IS drama. So far, so good though. Drama is kept to a minimum, infintly small. I hope it doesn't past that for a long while. As for steak and BJ day, we didn't have a grill :( Justin, just remember the rules of the OT thread: #1 - The first rule of the OT thread is, you do not talk about the OT thread. #2 - The second rule of the OT thread is, you DO NOT talk about the OT thread. #3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the thread is over. #4 - Infinite people to a thread. #5 - Infinite topics at a time. #6 - No shirts, no shoes. #7 - The OT thread will go on as long as it has to. #8 - If this is your first post on the OT thread, you have to fight.
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