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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Isn't Mammoth supposed to be pretty good too as far as terrain variety and crowds? Also, how about Whistler in BC, Canada? I have never been out west, I'm just throwing things out there. For a honey moon, that would be perfect. i won't spread any more word about it:D It would be a pretty expensive trip with just friends, until we all graduate. Maybe if I win the lottery in the next few years :)
  2. wtf!? a syringe? Attempted assult with a deadly weapon and he's in 5-10. I know one time someone threw a potato with razors in it during a Patriots game a long time ago. People do stupid things.
  3. wow i wish i could take two months off. Because of summer classes, I get like 4 weeks off then back to school I go...You're so lucky:biggthump
  4. Next season I'm defintly getting a silberpfeil. When researching for my first board, this one came up constantly as an easy to handle all around fun board. Plus, all of them have awesome top sheets. It'd be cool to have a volant but maybe later.
  5. you want powder stashes...check this out: http://www.skijapan.com.au/reports.htm pretty much unlimited powder all the time. The pictures are mind blowing.
  6. Damn, batteries? thats pretty crazy. You crazy philli people with your Pat's and Geno's and stuff.
  7. well any mob movie, he plays the exact same role. He is the short psyco guy. I love My cousin Vinny. Also Home Alone 1 and 2 were awesome!
  8. you can pretty much take the same exact role from Casino and apply it to almost every other movie he has been in, and you get the same movie. Its only 33 pages for me.
  9. casino was an intense movie. the part where the guy's head was in a vice...
  10. thinking back, pong was my first game too. How could I have forgotten. Actually it was super pong with the 5 different modes. I still have it too. I also had at the same time atari 2600. I got so many games for it and the cool thing is, it still works, unlike the junk cartridges nintendo came out:freak3:
  11. not even close to the level of india vs pakistan. They absolutly hate each other! And with pro sports in the US, most players are not from the local area of the team. With cricket, you will never, ever see a player defect because for one thing, they can't, and no one in their right mind would want to. Jack, I heard about the thing where it could last for days and I thought that baseball games now take ridiculously long, but wow. My attention span gives out after 2 and a half hours unless I'm at the game.
  12. there is no way thats real. :lol::lol::lol: wow, thats great. I forgot to mention the "benifit of the doubt" issue. As long as there are no witnesses, a woman can say a man touched her or tried to rape her and she could easily get away with it. keep stirring...
  13. HOLY SH*T!!!!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!?! no one has every guess that. anyways, yes, thats right. People will die to win these games. I never had the pleasure of watching one but that maybe because I actually don't know the rules of cricket. Congrats, you can claim your prize here
  14. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I remeber some games that ran on 265 colors and used to huge floppy disks. Lets see, Golden Axe, some formula one game and my official first video game was....COSMO!!!! wow i miss that game :-\
  15. WHAT!!! how did you call other people? I heard about this popcorn in more than 2 minutes but thats only if you put the microwave on low. Why would you microwave oil with a hair dryer? Thats dangerous, you know. I'm glad the world finally gained some pigments. Hi-definition must've been really weird in only black and white. :)
  16. Well for now, life is college life:) College life will be soooo much better when I finally move out of the dorms away from the anal rules. I was just told that she actually admits that she is in a bad relationship, but "she loves him." Her room mates here him saying things like, don't listen to anyone, they're only trying to pry us apart. edit: He also has one of the ultimate forms of control on her. He pays for her cell phone (dunno how) so he has a log of all the calls. bad idea. Probably one of the oldest tricks in the book.
  17. well home season opener went well. Fenway is probably packed but I'm stuck here studying for a test before work:( The reason everyone hates damon is because a shirt told them thats what they should do:biggthump also, defecting to the rival team only strengthens the most intense rivalry in American Sports. Awesome spoof. Pop quiz: what is the most intense rivalry in world sports? Hint: not US and USSR hockey.
  18. wow this is deep. I also know that the more you try to help a person, the more resistant they are to accepting the help, in a way. I hope she realizes that she needs to get out soon because she is missing out on the college experience. I was told she used to party every chance she had and then he came along and she isolated herself from everyone she knew. I never really considered about abuse being part of "the chase" that makes sense though. One thing I forgot to mention is that she might think his control over her is cultural. He came from Russia a few years ago and she might think thats how things are over there. Defintly not true, especially in my family. My dad, like myself is pretty passive and my parents' relationship, and the relationship of my friends' parents is not about control at all.
  19. I didn't set a time for myself to be married. It will happen when it happens. I never meant that a relationship should be a power struggle. I meant to say that when it becomes one, it never turns out well. One thing i don't understand about the girl is that for one thing, she is absolutly drop dead gorgeous. Second, she is working her ass off in school and is defintly going to have an amazing career when she gets out. I've never seen the guy, but her room mates say that he isn't anything special, not in college and doesnt have a job or is he looking for one. At the age of 23, he has no ambition and just lives with his parents and goes to clubs. He won't let her go out unless he is with her, and he never wants to go anywhere except clubs. She isn't a club goer at all. He controls what she wears and most aspects of her life...over the phone. I never understood how you can get a relationship to go that way, but I guess it happens. The scarey thing is, it happens often. She is one of 2 people I know that are going through something like this right now, and a bunch of my friends said that they have had boyfriends attempt the same stuff. I hope her roommates get help for her as soon as possible because she needs it. Not much that I personally can do unfortuantly because I don't know her well.
  20. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I appreciate it man, but i have no time to devote to a relationship and I would be totally unfair to anyone thats together with me. Busy summer ahead with kiteboarding, work and summer classes. I am taking summer classes so next snowboard season, i'll have classes two times a week! Combine that with a season pass for next year to a mountain thats an hour away and me having a car and you get a winning combo. I'll get in 50+ days easily. Double what I got this year and about 25 times more than most previous years. Picture me as Zeingiff except with tighter and skimpier underwear. Also, skipuppy, I don't think I ever realized it, but you're absolutly right about the fact that appreciation is lost if its expected. Wow i learned alot from this thread.
  21. you are a lucky man. You are living my dream. My main goal is to find a girl who loves snowboarding as much as I do as well as just being outdoors. I'm in no hurry though. Congrats!
  22. Well there is an exception to every rule. I always thought that women have alot of power over men. Alot more than they think. One of my friend's room mates is in an abusive relationship and it only resulted because she gave the guy the power over her. We're working on tryin to get her out of it, but its alot harder than we thought, because she "loves" him. I don't think its a physically abusive, just all mental stuff. You can't do this, cant do that, can't go out on a friday with friends, can't talk to people on AOL instant messanger and so on...Its horrible... Anyways, DrD is totally right, women can rule the world and, for the most part, all they have to do is "just go with the flow."
  23. thats cool. Any snow left in souther NH?
  24. wow...i'm speachless. That was really well put.
  25. i dont think your majesty hilary is a master at that at all. I doubt she cooked much for bill or every wore a french maid outfit. Prolly not much rolling around in the hay, especially now. a memory just popped into my head...wasn't bill supposed to get a show on tv or something?
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