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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. don't get me started on the soap opera stuff. Up there with some of the worst stuff on tv. Well not worst than reality shows because they actually involve creative writers, but Dr D is absolutly right, 5 days of plot in 10 seasons. No exaggeration at all.
  2. I never actually tried the ski boot idea because my boots were too big for the bindings. I jumped right in. I bought some burton winds and everything worked out great. Either way, you're gonna fall, so why not fall in the right gear:lurk:
  3. I defintly agree with that arguement. I was always very prone to be in a steady relationship, that is why I simply refuse to be in one for a bit. A relationship takes some commintment, and that is something I don't have time for right now. With the approach of my first kite boarding season, I want to have as much time on the beach as possible. WOOHOOO SUMMER!!!!!!
  4. I do my best to never miss a colbert report or daily show. Ive gotten many people into the show as well. The first 15 minutes of each show are the best. I'm not always interested in the interviews. They make the news fun to watch. I defintly don't use them as my source for news, its just a great way to end a day or start an evening.
  5. its true how it doesn't look anywhere as graceful as on a board but I would still love to be able to do that on skis. I'm gonna look into some skis that can do that. Being able to rip on skis and a board like that is really my ultimate goal. If I get good skis, i'll always be conflicted which to use first
  6. He is right. I used to ride 69/65 and i thought i was doing aright. Bob reccommended that i drop them a few times but the moment i dropped my angles, it felt really weird, like i was riding from the back seat. But after a little bit, i defintly became much more efficient in my carves. I ride 63/60 now, maybe lower...to lazy to check right now. I got long ways to go though.
  7. I was able to get my toeside down by putting my boots in walk mode. It kinda let me use my ankles to drive the board into the snow. Also, maybe you're straightening your rear leg too much. I wanted to get a video of me riding all season, but never got around to it :-\
  8. Well there are nursing students in my dorm but none of them actually work that early. All freshmen, best year of my life, so far. When in a relationship, after sex, we always just layed there for a long while. defintly a cuddler. Its just relaxing. Its probably more relaxing than sleeping. It would just be awkward just being done and just leaving. Probably could make a girl feel like a hooker sometimes. That wouldn't help the relationship at all:nono:
  9. wow i wish we had tracks like that out here.
  10. I used to work at local restaurants like Joe's American bar and Grill as welll as Sylvan St grill, and it was fun but many of the waiters were miserable. I was a host at the first and I had to wear a full suit and all and always got confused with the manager. Although rare, I got bitched at by unhappy customers. Try as hard as you can to get a pilot job. Restaurants are fun but very hectic. There is a sylvan st in Salsbury beach kinda near you. I know the owner, Ernie Trembly. They get alot of business. Defintly try a place called the Colosseum in Salem, NH. That place is really, really expensive and if you get it, you'll get alot of $$. My friends Frankie and JP work there as busboys. Right now, im a referee for my area's intramural program. EZ $$!! Good luck man. Good luck man.
  11. the tax payers aren't paying for this, we are. Each person puts down $500 for a deposit. Its a known fact that no one gets a penny back no matter what because of the fire truck issues, broken this and that. Well it makes sense that they do that. They'll find any reason at all to make sure all the deposit money is used up. Funny considering they charge us an outrageous amount of money to live on campus for a 150 square foot dorm. I defintly don't take the fireman for granted, I respect them greatly, but 3 false alarms from burnt food is already crying wolf. Oh I excercise plenty. Summer means thong season and I gotta be in shape for that :rolleyes: Free and easy...well i guess thats what some of the college girls are like. anyways, I guess you better come to live in boston then, where up is down and nothing is what it seems :D
  12. damn you're a busy. Defintly no white stuff left here at all. 60 degrees today so spring is defintly upon us. Im getting into kite board for the summer:biggthump
  13. defintly good point and we are stupid for doing this. What I failed to mention is it was around 5am. First of all, who makes popcorn at 5am? So far, everytime, we haven't seen firemen walk up the stairwells. I'm sure our deposits pay for the trucks to go the 100 or so feet. I know its in the 1000s to get a firetruck anywhere. For the stairs being a good way to prepare for snowboarding, my riding season is done. Today we had 60 degree weather with rain. Gonna be in the 50s for the rest of the week:mad: thanks for the concern and pointing out our stupidity:biggthump
  14. well the firestation is 100 feet away and if it was a real fire, the fire trucks wouldn't have waited 10 minutes to come. We got it all figured out.
  15. Its defintly true that since you are very low that actually falling wont do much. Most of the injuries I've read of was not from falling, but having your hand snag on some snow or ice. I agree with you about how its all about your own style and preference. If you accept the dangers of touching the snow, then thats your choice and no one should tell you otherwise. We accept the dangers of snowboarding in general don't we?
  16. i do the same thing. Fire alarm goes off and me and my room mate just lock the door. 7 floors is way too far to go. Then we see firetrucks and decide to go down. We get to the first floor, smells like burned popcorn:angryfire Stuff like this has happend 3 times i think. Waste of a 2 minute climb down.
  17. I just remembered something important when it comes to a completly open relationship, or a no strings attached one. As Chris Rock said, "don't end up in the friend zone." so true. Saw it happen to a few of my friends when they were trying to get a relationship going. I can elaborate later, i'm off to party!
  18. check this out: Well i'm impressed. I had no idea you could get that low on skis. Identical positioning too.
  19. welcome to the addictive world of carving. It has pretty much changed my outlook on the mountain. You can easily buy a board and bindings for around $250. Even less. I got a Burton snowboard with bindings on ebay for that much shipped. Don't worry about the boots because your ski boots will actually work in the bindings. If you have ever tried snoblades (the 100cm skis) the bindings are the same exact concept. I believe some people here used ski boots for several years before springing for some actual carving boots. I came right from skiing and it was a nice transition. Congrats on finding carving! where do you live?
  20. omg thats insane! Thats my dream to get form like that. Ive heard of so many stories of people catching their hands on something unconsistant in the snow. Its an injury that can last a lifetime. Also, i learned the difference between reaching for the snow and kind of "sliding" across it. I don't think i ever did that I looked like the picture of the guy reaching because my shoulders would pop out of place. Wrestling injuries...
  21. is the wilderness house a website or a store? I'll probably get them. You serious bout the suit? that would be awesome! I can't wait to get started with it all. Sad that carving season is pretty much over for me:(
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