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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb


    this one just looks so damn cool. Drooling...
  2. glad your ok. and seriously, 100 days this early. Damn! I wanna live near a mountain :( The increased red blood cell count defintly makes sense. Athletes that take red blood cell increasing drugs can suffer from the same thing.
  3. sure hope so. Some time in the spring.
  4. Gleb

    Bad Habits

    :lol::lol: at you guys. Jack, it looks like ur in the middle of squeezing out one of those super-dense-because -of-school-food ****s. Also, the fact that heelside carves tend to make people look like they're on the can makes it look all the better. oh and allee, i have the opposite problem. I talk myself into stuff i shouldnt be doing. I'm going too fast, better tuck harder...thats too steep, better tuck harder...there is a little kid in front of me, better tuck hard:eplus2:
  5. I always see people talking about their bad habits while carving. What is classified as a bad habit? I have one so far that I know of. I look down the mountain too much like skiing instead of facing the nose of the board. What are some of yours?
  6. so is anyone going to see this movie?
  7. spring here is the time when you go to a mountain, go down one run and go back home. It sucks :( doing trips to Maine on the other hand is usually well worth it.
  8. :lol::lol::lol::lol: aswell. that one took me a while to get. I'm a little bit slow this morn....afternoon. I leave my in my jacket pocket all the time. I only take it out when I need to tighten something. Never leave without.
  9. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: me and my room mate were laughing our asses off. WTF?:p
  10. Well i write with my right hand but do any other sports left handed and i ride regular. Which should i be considiered?
  11. i have a 99? UP and its decent enough for a college kid, me being one. The technology might be dated but it does the job. $160 is unbeatable in my opinion. <threadjack> Justin, i didnt realize you lived so close to me. Next season, i'll be going up to Cannon alot ($25 mid week for students). Its my fave mtn because no one is there midweek and it has a large variety of terrain. Let me know if you take trips there too. </threadjack>
  12. tuckerman's is awesome! im going there in a few weeks. I doubt i'll bring my board because that just seems way beyond my level. It could defintly use some lift service but then the place would be packed. It wouldn't be half as rewarding either. also, defintly get a helmet lex. Some may argue against it but it has defintly saved me more than once. Ride on.
  13. I can't wait till I can do anything on jumps. Right now, im just practicing landing smoothly. I love the feeling of getting air. Awesome pic by the way.
  14. thats sweet. I think Rubinoff should make a board. For all the massachusett people, its $10 per handle vodka.
  15. I think I like that still. Is it satisfaction guarenteed or your money back?
  16. Gleb

    Sore hips?

    im going to have to wait till next season to play around with it. I got one or two more ski trips left. Te pain usually goes away after less than a day. It really makes me sad that my season is pretty much over:(
  17. :lol::lol::lol::lol: thats probably gonna start a few fights.
  18. its not that bad in fake snow, but like any board, it defintly works better in real snow. I learned almost exclusivly on fake snow because of this crappy snow season. I'm just still ridiculously curious about the side cut so i can decide what I would want for my next board.
  19. Gleb

    Sore hips?

    i defintly know the importance of a chiropractor. I have a screwed up back. After i strengthened my stomach the pain was gone. Unfortunatly, it came back after years of hibernation at the end of my wrestling carreer. In the last week, i had 10-13 wrestling matches and I didn't go to a chiropractor in time to realign my back. I ended up completly blowing it out and being able to barely move for a few days. As for my knee pain, it happens after about 6+ hours of riding. I'm guessing if i play with my stance, i'll be able to achieve a more natural position. I hope it doesn't progress much further than pain any time soon. I was going to take some advil to the mtn but always forget:smashfrea
  20. just out of curiousity, did they card people at the party? and how the hell could i screw up a simpsons quote? Ive been watching it religously since I came to America in 1992. Oh well. Ive gone a little bit astray with family guy:1luvu:
  21. rolling rock is top of the line with the stuff we have at parties. Always along the lines of Milwaukee's Best light, Pabst Blue Ribbon with a touch of Natural Ice. Right now, we usually get beer balls of Budwieser or Budlight which is not bad and cost effective. For those who don't know what a beer ball is, well its a plastic ball filled with 55 beers. For $26, what a deal. All you need is a reusable tap:ices_ange
  22. i think Dr. H. Simpson was talking about the perfect shape of a donut, which in itself, is perfect and delicious.
  23. Gleb

    Sore hips?

    about my knees being sore, is there any permanant damage that can occur without the blunt trauma?
  24. I guess i'm lazy when it comes to drinking. If i have a beer and can't find a can opener, im barely motivated to go find a way to open it. If only i won the lottery so i can afford a maid. I guess i would buy a nice snowboard too.
  25. Gleb

    Sore hips?

    i dont really get the hip pain, well only if i fall pretty bad. One thing i never understood is if i go a whole day without falling at all, my knees are still sore. Really sore. :(
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