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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb

    Tattoo boards

    damn good find. I'm not liking the topsheet of my ultra prime. I guess the maroon isn't for me. Can these fit alpine boards?
  2. i'll have to make it out there sometime soon. The pictures are really nice.
  3. I just won tickets to sugarloaf from that site!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Bob! ECES is gonna be cheap.
  4. do polarized lenses make a big difference?
  5. the all nighter was awesome!!!! I'll have the pics of the sunrise in the general forum in a bit. I taught a girl how to ski, and I was in the process of teaching another one how to snowboard. It was cold, windy and iced up but after 4-5 am, everyone left and went inside. I had prime carving handed to me. At sunrise, i went to the summit and there were like 100 snowboarders at the top. I saw boston and everything. After sunrise, the snow became so perfect. I accidently did an extreme carve on my toeside and the snow held me really well. It was perfect. Then we went back to my friend's house and got drunk and passed out :) AMAZING NIGHT!
  6. the zeal come with two lenses. Rose and yellow. The yellow is perfect for night riding. I didn't realize how effect the tint of goggles really is until i started switching them. oh and needananswer, i looked into the Uvex F1 Magic, and wow those are great. If you're thinking about putting down $210 on goggles then go for it. They were featured in popular science here. Nifty stuff.
  7. sorry to hear that bob. Get well man. Everyone in my dorm is sick aswell
  8. i bought some zeal optics ones here and they are incredible. The beat the sh*t out of my room mate's oakley wisdoms and it takes 5 seconds to change the lenses. I got the Zeal optics Link. Good luck.
  9. i just woke up and i'm pumped to go. $20 for 10 hours is unbeatable.
  10. anyone going for the night ski a thon? I'll be on frequency 6 18 I'll be there from 10pm to 8am
  11. i took the BU bus and it was delayed big time. My friend said she saw a few hardbooters on the summit and a little kid on an alpine board as well. conditions were horrible, IMO. Fake snow with lots of ice underneath. I wasn't able to break through the ice with my board. Only good run was challenger, even with the ruts from the course. I was almost able to transition carves laying down, almost. :) Who else was there?
  12. sorry to hear bout your eye but all you need is a cleaver and youre defintly set for some revenge I'm gonna do the anitpersperant thing tonight:biggthump
  13. how do you get rid of the vinigar smell?
  14. well on 7 news (NBC) they were talking saving on ski and stay packages while showing people skiing and snowboarding. For one whole clip, like 8 or so seconds, there was an alpine snowboarder. just thought it was cool:biggthump
  15. congrats man. Way to go. good luck with the job hunt. Try sylvan st grill in salisbury or danvers. better yet, just apply everywhere.
  16. :lol::lol::lol: eddie, i like the smell of beer. Its just the fact that i know that its my feet that caused that smell. $5 donation? I'm in college, I got no money:o Right now, my boots smell like febreeze and heineken:barf:
  17. yesterday a guy in the line asked me where to find one. I pointed him here so I hope to see him out there soon. Bob, pass them biddies over this way:biggthump
  18. in high school, we would have wrestling practice right next to the gymnastics team. We had sweatshirts and sweatpants on, and the girls had on the tightest clothes on imaginable. The were the best practices ever:D
  19. And then I can say good bye to my social life:D
  20. today i was walking back to my car and I got a wiff of what seemed to be a heineken. Oddly enough, it turned out to be my boots. Defintly gotta air them out and some febreeze should do. the viniger thing is a final solution.
  21. where do we go to enter to win on the site?
  22. this week will be a lil more crowded. As I found out today, vacation just started. This brought on lift lines that were prolly 10-15 minutes long. I knew it would be crowded but it was ridiclous. Luckly, most people stayed off the race course.
  23. :lol: I really like them. Especially the potato and 4 cheese ones. Prolly the russian in me coming out.
  24. I keep my drinking down to a minimum because usually i'm out riding. Skatha, I dunno wheather to be disguised or...i don't even know how to finish that sentence:p Ncermak, what is a "good guy"? I'm defintly staying an independant contractor in the dating department. For some reason, girls love the alpine board and things have been going really well all around.
  25. also, those skis are a good deal for you dan. For you, i think they would do just fine if you had some experience skiing. Carving on a snowboard is a very similar motion as carving on skis.
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