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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. last night i hit an ice patch on the backside of a whale hump and whiped out big time. My head hit really, really hard on the ice. I saw stars for a sec and that was with a helmet. If i didn't have one, i would've been out. Never ride without one.
  2. ya she's fine. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt so she hit her head. I didn't like the bus at all. Only good thing is not having to drive back and just relaxin. I haven't been watchin the Daytona 500. not a nascar fan, i do love the video games though. Watchin lotta hockey. Sorry to thread jack. Ive never been to gunstock but i never heard anything bad bout it. Can't beat $6 lift tickets and some good perogies:). I'll be there everyday between march 4 and 8th i think. then off to ECES for a day or two then back to gunstock and wachuset. Good plan.
  3. hopefully its not too icy like saturday night. It was empty though. Also, is anyone else going to be going to the all night ski-a-thon thing this friday? I'm going from 10pm friday to 8am.
  4. willywhit, you forgot your perogies in my trunk. You gotta try some, they're pretty good. Btw, my car is totalled. My sister got rear-ended and the frame is bent to s**t. I gotta take the bus next week
  5. Hi everyone. I'm Gleb and I'm a carv-a-holic. *Hi Gleb* Right now, i'm more addicted then ever because last night, something finally clicked, and I'm able to put some high speed, high g carves in. I was so excited! Good thing I'm going to get in 18 hours of carving this week:biggthump Defintly go for the hardboot. I never tried soft boots but i know for sure, i have twice as much fun as anyone else on the mountain when on my board. Just get a cheap board like mine, burton Ultra Prime or get a Factory prime. There are tons of these for sale. You won't regret it.
  6. Because of the Perogie deal, i got 9-10 of the free tickets. My spring break is going to be very, very cost effective. I live in topsfield, Ma so i'm an hour and a half to two hours away from gunstock. I'll be there everyday for sure!
  7. today, as i got on the lift, i heard some kids talking behind me how my board is a boarder x board. I'm excited now that more people know about alpine and I also noticed that barely anyone asked me any questions about my board. Usually i get 4-5 people talking to me everytime i go out.
  8. Burton ultra prime 162. dunno the year. It has a maroon topsheet with a rainbow of colors on the bottom. Kinda flamboyant. Just came back from a night of riding it.
  9. ooo thats cool and defintly good to know. I'll see what I can do bout the sign.
  10. pharmacy school for me. I dunno what to name our pig. I first gotta find out if its a girl or boy. It looks so peacful with the tounge sticking out and with its paws all bent. I defintly wouldn't wanna work in where ever they prepare these things. Its so interesting though, how all the muscles work. Bio is def not my thing though. Just got a 56 on the first test (dropped grade for sure) :o Also, just came back from a long long night of drinking at my friend's bday party. definitly did a lil bit of:barf:. The RA wasn't too happy.
  11. I don't know about you guys and gals, but I just learned alot from that. Woohoo for anatomy. We're disecting fetal pigs now, which is fun. The smell really gets to me after a while. My pig is too saturated in phemaldihyde (sp) and its hard to get the tissue seperated.
  12. It'd be fun to watch someone smoke that. Kudos on the identification. Are you a botnist by any chance? I'll have more priceless pictures to post in a bit. Any ideas on what to make them say on the signs? Something relating to bomber? I can't wait to make them write a harry potter book by hand. I'm in love with this stuff.
  13. I believe helmets are certified to let in enough sound that it really wouldn't be an issue. Most likely, in a lawsuit, it is assumed that as long as you're wearing headphones, your listening loud enough to impair your hearing of the sourroundings. I'm sure on the giro helmet with built in headphones there is a warning in the manual saying "listen to music while on the trail at your own risk and blah, blah, blah...." they have to say it to protect themselves.
  14. wish i could make it. My room mate lives right around there but he is going to colorodo during the event. Hopefully next year:)
  15. I learned from a great teacher. i'm always up for learning some more. there is always time to learn.
  16. I'll let you know when I find out the exact experiment set up from her. Eventually, suits can have something like esp. I bet within the next 25 years nanotechnology will be somehow able to detect an impact before hand. That'll be awesome:biggthump
  17. its very similar to when two people are in a car accident at an intersection, and both seem to be at fault, the person that has fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror, will be more at fault.
  18. i told my RA about this. She said that she thinks its something with similar properties of starch, water and something else (i forgot what). She said that when you smoothly put your finger in and out of the solution, it was water like. The moment you try to put ur hand into it really fast, it becomes really, really dense. I find it hard to believe, but i'm going to recreate the experiment. I just can't imagine it.
  19. college is defintly a time for learning. Ive learned alot, even when not in class. My advice to anyone is have fun, learn some stuff, don't get Chlamydia
  20. funny thing is i was just bout to post this right now. This stuff has so many potential uses, it ridiculous.
  21. We finally got it out a few days ago. With the dakine rachet i got from Pat Donnelly, one of the heads fit perfectly for stripped philips screws. I definitly need a new screw but i'll have to do for now. Thanks for all the ideas and will def remeber all of them for the future.
  22. tonight, i was going down backwards for a few feet then I caught an edge backwards and my front foot came out of my burton plates. I have winds as well. A piece of the latch is broken but not the part that attaches to the boot. It was kinda wierd. One guy on a Burton Special heard the thing snap from pretty far away. I do like the bindings though, although i have nothing to compare it to. good luck.
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