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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. there is a new movie coming out. I saw the ad at snocountry.com. I havent had time to watch the clips or really read much about it because i'm kinda studying for my bio test, but i thought that I would let you guys know. www.snowblindthemovie.com/ edit: i just watched the trailer and yes, they have hardbooters, not too much, just clips of vintage boards. Defintly gonna check it out. dbl edit: i was looking through the pictures and they had a picture of a gs boarder. anyone know who this is?
  2. we all know that rappers, and everyone trying to be like rappers, grab their crotches to see if their balls have grown in yet.
  3. Gleb

    It is finally here

    The japanese version has good intentions but its too pure for my liking. I'm sorry for the short...well, no notice at all. I totally forgot to post about it. Ive been anticipating it for over 2 weeks and with all the snowboarding ive been doing, i completly neglected it :( It wont happen again, i promise!
  4. you obviously haven't seen www.realultimatepower.net or is that what you guys are talking about?
  5. i'll be ready for this too. which day in september is it?
  6. Gleb

    video hosting site

    i totally forgot about google video. thanks alot!
  7. Gleb

    video hosting site

    putfile doesnt have an embedded player you can export to another site. Or does anyone know a way to host a video on putfile and put it on another site?
  8. just go skydiving there. Im sure it'll be a pretty cool site to see.
  9. don't worry, i had the same feeling. It takes time and the right conditions. it seems like you have had more experience than me but it all depends on how many times you go out to board. How many times have you been on the slope? I picked it all up pretty fast because I used to ski alot. I used to think i needed a mile wide trail then as time went on, i got better at carving in narrower and narrower trails. I am now able to control the size of my arc by applying more pressure on the front. Generally, my carves are the same size because thats how the board is designed, at least i think thats how it is. Correct me if i'm wrong (most likely i am) but you can have smaller arcs by going faster and flexing the board more. I do generally prefer making long sweeping carves so i don't really flex my board too much. Lastly, it really is more in the shoulders than anything. i still can't lay down like some of the guys i rode with but that was because i was keeping my shoulders facing down the hill like a skier.
  10. very off topic but bob, i just got ur avatar.:lol::lol: http://www.gorillamask.net/morecowbell.shtml hilarious!' back on track now.
  11. I do love the science of carving but when i'm on the slope, I just wanna carve.
  12. ive never seen giveaway things to be that good. Well not even give aways, but logo skis and snowboards. My mountain dew skis, junk. My friend's smirnoff snowboard, trash. The list goes on. I'm sure there are high quality logo things but havent run into them. Show us a pic.
  13. what video hosting sites, other than youtube.com has an embeded player with it?
  14. Gleb

    It is finally here

    :lol::lol::lol: That is so awesome. My day was defintly complete. Off to go study bio. What a ****ty way to end a day so special.
  15. thermoflex are moldable. I dunno much about them. I think you could go to a bootfitter and they will mold it for you. You could do it yourself but i don't know the details about the temperature the oven should be at. The search feature could be your best friend.
  16. Gleb

    It is finally here

    3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 8214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196 4428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273 724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609... Some kid in my school memorized 400 digits of pi. crazy. It can be both days at the same time. Its a long day:) </pre>
  17. Gleb

    It is finally here

    send him a bj-gram. you know, like a telegram but...well you get the idea.
  18. Gleb

    It is finally here

    then you are the ultimate woman and you have a very lucky man. But whats the harm in doing it again?:) suprize him tonight with a nice T-Bone steak and he'll love you all the more. Spread the good word as well.
  19. best thing to do is print out some of the advice people give you and take it with you. When you're taking a break, go over some of the stuff to refresh yourself. Especially the norm 1 and 2.
  20. i would seed if i was at home but our school computers block most ports. I will download it this weekend and leave it up for as long as i can. Will you still have it up this weekend?
  21. HAPPY STEAK AND BJ DAY TO ALL!!!! A little info: Well, as most of you know, February 14 is a day fabricated for women, more or less, with cards, candy, flowers and so on. So March 14 is for the guys. No cards, no flowers, just a nice steak and you know. Nothing fancy or complicated, just the way things should be. So spread the word of this fabulous holiday and enjoy your day. Steakandbjday.com
  22. ur lucky my school internet is running at speeds of 56gay. I was barely able to get a bid in. Good buy though. Congrats for sure.
  23. i have that board and 1999 is my best guess as well. There are no specs written on the board and i can't find any at all online. I love this thing.
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