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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. sweet! defintly looking forward to it.
  2. i have 24 days this season and about 18 of them are at night. Sometimes thats the best riding, especially when all the high school ski teams leave. One day, it rained most of the day and I knew no one would go out that night. so I decided to go out anyway, by 8:30, I was alone on the slopes and the snow was still decent. When can we expect this calender and how much would it be?
  3. thats not a pic of me, just something that might happen to me. I didn't get an pictures of me actually riding. I almost always went at night and the camera was not good enough to get night action photos really well. That defintly is a softboot setup. The picture with the guy's board snapping is a classic.
  4. you should put in a picture of me carving it up. You know, cuz i'm just that good. It goes something along the lines of:
  5. thats awesome! On the 24 hour ski a thon at wachusett, i was gonna wear a cow outfit but decided i would prolly fall and rip it.
  6. whoa! i think i was totally left out on the Isaac coming back issue. how did i miss that?
  7. Gleb

    Shameless Plug

    i'm in. You gotta get battlefield:Modern Combat 2 on there. Best game to date!
  8. ya thats prett sweet. there are over 130,000 jumps just between the people in the first sector. I got 1:)
  9. cannon is just great. A big variety of trails and pretty cheap. Right at the front desk they have an old picture of a hardbooter carving on a vintage oxygen. I had some of the carving out there. Loon on the other hand...well, don't go there unless 25 minute lift lines sounds appetizing. My friend told me that Sunday River has one of the better racing school other than the loaf. Good luck!
  10. wingsuit flying requires about 200 jumps of regular dives before you can really try it out. At least thats what they say on www.dropzone.com or www.flybirdman.com
  11. you're pretty much right bob. She has alot of gear, is a doc, observes steak and bj day AND takes off work to rehabilitate her husband...thats pretty damn good, perfect for any women in most guys' book. The snowboard building would be just icing on the cake. It would be weird that if she built a snowboard and it snapped on Steak and BJ Day, causing her husband to get injured so she would have to stay home to rehabilitate him. It would be ur time to shine!
  12. i just wanna be a 70s basketball player so I can show off in my short shorts. Damn though. we call those shorts, "nut huggers." Thats gonna be interesting. I love halloween because it gives girls an excuse to dress as slutty as possible and in my book, as long as its for just one day or at most a week, its all goooood:biggthump
  13. my next halloween costume:
  14. there are just too many good things about the show. Its very similar to the Daily Show but different in its own right. The south park last night was classic. I'm pissed off at the guy that does chef's voice because he quit when they made fun of scientology. Its a whole drama scene that should be another thread in itself.
  15. Welcome to the other side. You'll see some more amazing interviews in his 431 part series, "Better know a district." Just keep watching
  16. 100% agreed. Everyone is always saying, "are you out of your mind!? going from skiing to alpine boarding?!" and most people, including myself never realized how different soft and harding booting are. I met up with Bob dea and Steve Fleck on one of my first real days out on the slopes. Steve spent an hour with me and turned down my offer of beer or pretty much anything else. The carving community is small and people are usually glad to help a beginner out.
  17. you have no idea how much I agree with you. I usually barely take anything unless I'm deathly ill. I always figured that drugs make you feel better for a little bit, but as long as its something you can tough through, you'll heal up faster. I never took pain meds during my wrestling carreer because they slow me down a bit, and that little bit is what I need to win. Oddly enough, I win a greater percentage more matches when i'm really injured (fractured ankel) than I do completly healthy. :) Anyways, I rarely use drugs and I find it wierd that, thats what I'm going into to.
  18. don't remeber that episode, dunno what to think of it. skipuppy, you are 100% right
  19. It defintly looks like the feeling is mutal. Never realized that. LOL Well I hope my adventures in pharmacy are more on the happy side.
  20. whoa damn! I'm gonna see how long I can keep buying stuff for my hobbies before my parents find out how much I've spent and plan on spending in the next month or so.
  21. Ya cvs has ooodles of stores around here. None in colorodo yet, which is my 2nd choice after anchorage, Alaska. And yeah, some pharmacist can defintly be lazy, which I defintly don't understand. They pay them ass loads of money to stand behind the counter. There is no excuse My sister and my RA on my floor defintly complain alot about the stuff that happens and it makes me never want to work retail at all. If people have a problem about their insurance, instead of talking with the company, they take it out on what they think is the rep for the insurance company...the pharmasit. I guess its pretty often that someone has to be removed from store by security. Here is a good one: a woman goes to the pharmacy my RA works at. She has insurance coverage for some nasal spray. Unfortunatly, she can't get the brand name because if there is a generic, insurance doesn't cover the brand name. It only makes sense. She makes a huge scene about it and eventually has to be escorted out of the store. Some of the other stories go along the lines of doctors messing up with the doseage and they would have to call them when there is a huge line, while getting put on hold for a long time. Doctors screw up, but she said its the same doctors everytime. In a busy pharmacy, most pharmacist usually are on the phone with the insurance company for some reason. From what i've seen, it doesnt take much time at all to order a drug. Those guys must've been lazy. No one ever gets their first choice of location. Thats why I'm stayin clear of the armed forces in general. edit: 901st post in this thread. damn!!!
  22. OOO ya those were good. I like the spooky ones that scared the **** outta me, but the light hearted ones are decent too. Ya I was 10ish. Those were the days when life was easy. My highlights for that year were that I was in 4th grade i think, and I got a gerbil as a pet. The USAF came by my school with a bunch of pharmacueitcal companies so we can find about each. The air force has alot to offer but if we sign up, there is a good chance we don't get a choice of where we would be stationed. I need to be near snow for obvious reason. I have an interview with the "evil empire" of the pharmacy world: CVS. My sister works for Brooks Pharmacy and we'll be then working directly against each other:D:boxing_sm not really though. lastly, you're not old...I just don't know how to finish that sentence Actually, for me, you can never be old as long as you're on the mountain or in the water. I love riding or skiing next to 70 year old guys at my local mountain. It makes me hope more than anything that I will be able to do that at their age.
  23. i love x-files. When i was like 10 years old, the show used to scare the **** outta me. My fave episode was the one where they filmed it like the show cops. Kick ass episode!
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