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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. I only use CR for the reliability. Thats the only thing that can be obtained from their surveys.
  2. We also have ski check in service. Most of the time there is a line to retrive or deposit a board. about the breast feeding, try to pick up where she left off. Maybe you're one of the few lucky males who could lactate?
  3. one day, i went in with 3 things, skis, snowboard and snowblades. Never had a prob. That same night, all my friends piled all their stuff, about 7 snowboards into the back of my car because I was staying a few hours later than them and they wanted to go back to my friend's place in one car. I must've looked like the biggest thief coming out of the parking lot. The whole car was stacked up with boards of different sizes, plus my stuff. I was kinda nervous because I had no proof it was all my friends' stuff. unfortunatly, that mountain is notoriuous for having stuff stolen. Sucks having that as a major threat all the time. Most stuff that is stolen is by the local park monkeys. Fortunatly, they get most of the stuff back, but not my friend's board :(
  4. wow! it makes me wonder why anyone would bother building lifts and trails a a place like that when there are a dozen other mountains within 45 minutes. The human mind amazes me.
  5. 190 hp isn't too bad but the car is not that light. At least it didn't feel like it. For the money, i never saw the A6 as a great deal when you factor in the performance. Comfort and style...ya the car defintly is amazing for that. I love the look of any audi and the seats and interior are exactly what they should be. Thanks for the info man! my summer ride now is a 99 ford taurus wagon. This is not mine, mine is red. My sister totaled my volvo :( Oh well, she's the **** anyway.
  6. when i got to drive one, it felt really sluggish and cumbersome, guess its just me. How are the S4 s with reliability? I havent check consumer reports lately but those reliability ratings don't lie. My dad swears by it.
  7. I'm glad you didn't go for A6. Is it me, or the car seems really under powered compared to the A4 and A8. The ratio of weight and engine power seems off, at least from what it looks like to me.
  8. this reminds me of something I was thinking about a few days ago. I remeber that someone's helmet got stolen and if it was recovered. My friend's snowboard was stolen by some little kids. I still don't understand why the moountain doesn't have cameras in the parking lot. Boggles the mind.
  9. Bradford is where my high school's race team practices. Well lets just say that after 8 or 9 times of skiing sunday river, my skiing was somewhat comparable to some of that of the people on the ski team. Sad, i know. You can't really get that good on a hill like that. I never had the time to actually go to the blue hills with wachusett near by, even thats not too great, but great for leanring. I got 20+ days at wachu and I'm satisfied for now. 15 of them were at night. Never really been to a bad resort though.
  10. I got a recco on my jacket. What if i'm buried facing up and the recco reflector is facing down, would they still be able to find me? Not really a concern now because the amount of avalanches at our resorts number at around zero.
  11. wow that sold out fast. Could've defintly used the pack.
  12. damn thats alot of exposure to alot of languages. I speak russian really poorly now because I never lived in a russian community after I moved to America. I barely spoke russian except to my grandparents and now my russian is so poor, its shameful. Also, my parents learned the british version of english aswell. I think thats what they teach to all eastern europeans. I've been in Krakow, it was awesome!
  13. I wish we had sand dunes here:(
  14. http://www.sandboarding.org/files/photos/index.php?folder=/&page=11
  15. Gleb

    Violent Smilies

    :lol:I love that! I also love the part where a guy comes out with all his sword tricks and dundee just shoots him.
  16. cool:biggthump I preffer google though, seems cleaner.
  17. I learned english when I was 6 so its no problem, no accent for me. Today as we were talking with the realitor, my dad who has a really thick russian accent was able to easily understand my friend's dad, who spoke english with a thick Polish accent. One thing i noticed throughout the years is that women have an easier time learning english than men. Weird.
  18. wow thats crazy. Looks like a blast. I'm definite jealous.
  19. whats the second pic from the left about? was the guy like sand boarding or something?
  20. my roommate suggested keystone.
  21. the only reason i would get a volant is to make it into a head turner but I rather get good first so I can actually stand up to attention level. At my local mtn., i've heard of people in the lodge ( mostly park monkeys) say things like, "did you see that alpine guy tearing it up? Oh, there he is right there." Unfortunatly i was the only carver out there that day and I was doing aright but nothing compared to what the other guys do. The silberpfiel looks better and better the more i read about it. I also have to get some td2s for next season. defintly need to save a bundle for the package.
  22. thats why I'm gonna find a girl that loves snowboarding as much as I do:1luvu:
  23. big sky or big mountain are defintly one of my prime spots for spring break next year. It looks like your options are pretty wide. Come to massachusetts and we have Wachusett Mt along with several others. Wachusett has a wopping 1000 feet and barely got any natural snow this year. SWEET!
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