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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. i attempted riding switch on a blue (really easy blue) and I caught the rear edge and fell straight back with a thunderous pop. A piece of the latch from my burton plate broke off. Good times.
  2. holy crap. Thats ridiculously awesome! I wonder if its all expenses paid?
  3. damn! seems like a bargain. too bad I haven't seen enough of the escort in the World Rally Championship lately.
  4. I love rallycross too! One of the main reasons i got the game TOCA 3 is because of the enormous variety of rallycross events they have in the game. I always end up playing against these british guys and they got the game down. Perfect racing lines and everything. I'm sure the real thing is infintly more difficult and complex. AutoX and rallyx are two things hope to get into when I get a job that pays more than 8.25 an hour. i'm downloading quicktime now to see your vid. some how my sister never got it on her computer. I'm sure it kicks ass. edit: that video is impressive. I could only wish to be able to handle a car like that. Some impressive cars in the parking lot too.
  5. Makes sense. Autocross takes so much skill and i envy anyone who is really good enough to handel their cars like that. I am aware that its not the car, its what you do with the car that matters. Exactly the same thing with snowboarding. Get us some video!!!
  6. Gleb

    I'm #2!!

    where did he go?
  7. Gleb

    I'm #2!!

    you can do it! go go go!!!!!
  8. i'm in boston but i got friends in Bethel and all over there. I know exactly where you'll be. College is awesome! We'll have to ride sometime. Sunday river has plenty of nice wide open trails as does sugarloaf so you're in for some great riding and they have boarder X and USASA events and programs you can get involved in. You're so lucky, you have no idea.
  9. ya thats true. nothing like spending more money on the topsheet than the board.
  10. i can see that being really trippy if it was a hologram. Only hologram ive ever seen on a board is on my friend's old burton custom.
  11. welcome to bomber rwcow. I got my board on ebay and they have some good stuff, as skatha said, Your choice in boards and bindings are defintly better than mine were. Take greatest care when ordering boots. You can actually make boots longer, thats what I had to do to mine. Where in maine are you going to be?
  12. thats pretty funny if you think about it. I don't know how, but it gave me a chuckle or so. Defintly learn to do it yourself. My friend just got an iron and does his tunes himself and saves bundles. I think he is getting his hands on a nice grind too. too bad he broke his wrist at rugby though. I too intentend to master the art of tuning my boards, but i'll practice on my junk skis first.
  13. ya i know. it'd be a nice road trip though. Half way across the country to get a drink and get rejected for having a british ID and no accent. That'd be a funny pointless story that would involve wasting a snowboard worth of gas.
  14. does the place accept fake ids? :)
  15. i was about to start taking private lessons until i discovered how much they cost. My account was hovering around $10 for few months at that point and there was no chance for that happening. I did get help from steve fleck and occassionally bumped into some guys on the slope and they (especially steve) helped tremendously.
  16. tis true and I do have alot to learn. I hope to learn more from observing than trial and error.
  17. Well, the reason i'm staying problem free is because I'm staying clear of getting into a relationship. Summer relationships are the best, its one way to make a summer unforgetable but no time at all. I'll be lucky to get to the beach in june and most of july. Now, off to my last class of the day :-\
  18. sweet!! i'm already saving up. It would be a dream to be there with you guys.
  19. i doubt they will ever require hardbooting because its just so rare that an instructor will have to teach someone on hardboots.
  20. Gleb

    I'm #2!!

    i was just driving those in TOCA 3. Slick handling.
  21. i always wanted a financial panther. Need anyone to....um...well i don't have anything really special to offer as of yet. Wait, i can speak russian! Nead anyone to do stuff with that....ya i know, not too useful for snowboard market.
  22. i just thought of it as a way for my friends to show off their creativity (they're graphic design majors, not pros) and i'll be giving them $ for the board they might win. Honestly, my skills in illistrator and photoshop are so poor that i might as well use paint. Well i know how to use photoshop well but not well enough to compete.
  23. Gleb

    I'm #2!!

    What about the show where the guy travels back in time into the bodies of other people that were important in history?
  24. ya we got hit really hard. Boston wasn't hit as hard as my home tonw (north eastern Mass) and justin a's area. School are cancelled left and right. We tried going into boston from my house and it was like a staged horror movie. You go one way, road is flooded and closed, go another; a tree is down, go another, also closed. the street in front of my house had about a foot or so of rain. My house is sourrounded on both sides by streams that drain into the main river in our town (which also compltly circles the town). My dad had to clean the drains every 20 minutes or else the foot of water would just stay there and cars couldn't get by. Luckily, to my knowledge, no flooding in our house even though we're right in the middle of a huge water shed area. Pretty much a total nightmare. More rain to come as well. Also, justin has pictures of his canoeing trip here. To tell you the truth though, I'm kind of glad the weather is so bad now because that means i'm not missing out by taking class in the summer. Not caring much for summer. More summer classes i take = more carving. I'm going to be laughing at my friends all the way to the mountain:biggthump
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