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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Nah i'm heading down to dirty jersey to hang out with some of my roommates for next year. this weekend is gonna be a rainy one so good luck with that.
  2. never know what you can learn...or you never know when what you learned comes into use. Today i learned about stereochemistry and possibly how to clean a vibrator. This is the off topic thread. There very few lines and to see those lines, you need special goggles so no need to worry
  3. wow, this defintly took an unexpected turn. Does someone who is really bored want to go back and summarize everything thats been covered so far?
  4. i'm extremly jealous!
  5. it has to be hosted somewhere on a website. Try www.photobucket.com It will give you a link to paste into the box that appears when you press the picture icon.
  6. ive been lucky lately *knocks on wood* Nothing major from wrestling excepted qualifying for states, i had a blown back and couldn't tie my shoes. Worst pain in recent memory. My only other constant injury snowboarding is if i catch an edge and land weird. It leads to me blowing out my shoulders and i can't use my arms for about 5 minutes. Also happens when i get up weird after I fall. Bad shoulders. oh and recently, my knee is killing me from probably over working it. Hair line fracture i believe. Orthopedic appoint is schedule in a few weeks. I'm gonna tr to get insurance to cover a custom foot bed too:rolleyes: Alpine riders seems to be less prone to injury than regular snowboarders because we're so close to the ground. Thats a good thing.
  7. ya i heard of that shop. I never got a chance to go there either. This past season, my parents gave me $200 to spend on books. If i bought all the books i needed, it would've cost me over $350. I found out which teachers used the books and pocketed the rest. Ended up spending around $40 on books and the rest on lift tickets. Parents never found out though Got by really well too. I got a season pass to wachusett next season so gas will be the only problem by then.
  8. wow good job man, you nailed a killer package. If you get great boots, you'll be about as prepared as you can get. Work hard and no one really needs books:) OT kinda: find out the books you need and buy them online somewhere. School book stores are huge rip offs. Also, many teachers don't even go by the book so find that out in advance. Will defintly leave you alot more money for beer.
  9. LOL! Thanks. ya i miss those suits. White is the only way to go. Defintly no more proms for me...that'd be too creepy. I was one of around 7 or 8 people from the 2005 class so it was good. ncermak, try to put up another account thats totally undesirable. Most likely, you'll get twice as many responses because I'm willing to bet they are spammers just trying to get you to pay for the site.
  10. I'm in boston getting a head start on sophmore year, but I'm from topsfield, right around the corner from you. We'll defintly carve it up sometime next season. You might see POW around here and he might even go to my school in 2 years so they'll be a bunch of us in the area. There are already a bunch of guys that go to wachusett too. I'll be there 3-5 times a week next year (if gas doesn't end up being $5/gallon):D I have boots that WERE mondo 26 but i got them stretched out big time at Summit ski shop in danvers. You could try them out if you want to but they would be a bad guide for what size to get. After one more stretch, they will fit me perfectly. You have 2 options in my opinion: 1. spring the extra buck and go to a bootfitter, your feet will thank you later. I'm not sure exactly how much it would run you though. 2. Buy a mondo 25 and if it doesn't fit right with the thermo liners (in most cases, its very neccessary to get them), get it stretched out to your liking. The heat up the boot and put a hydrolic thing into it to push the nose out. It costs around $40-50 at most places ive seen. What is your budget? Just whatever you can earn this summer?
  11. LOL!!!!!!! wow never thought of that. You better keep ducking. A good recipe for cheese cake would be nice. I'm all ears:lurk:
  12. I got some burton winds and for a beginer, alot of people recommended them for me and i highly recommend them for you. Where in boston are you?
  13. good chance i'm book marking this cuz it sounds waaay too good to pass up. I'm defintly going to develope my cooking skills because next year, we don't have a caf to go to. Saves $1300 per semester (food is dangerously over priced) and I learn life skills. go me!!!! I'm not that excited but it'll be good to not eat food that gives you explosive diarrhea. They must put laxitives in all the food or something. At least thats what i heard...to relieve stress. I guess it work. Back on topic though, you know anything good that you can use with cheese cake?
  14. hey mike, i heard its actually "THE Mike De Santis" according to the guys at the danvers summit ski. If thats true, thats awesome! Also, i heard alot about the PTC from many people and might give it a try eventually. Its hard to believe that a degree makes that much of a difference but I'll have to see for myself.
  15. that looks simply amazing!!! I think i'm gonna try it sometime. If this gets my panties off, i'll give you props.
  16. I always keep my flame retardent suit handy. I never participate, but they are fun to watch.
  17. uncomfortable in a suit!? i love suits! in fact, i went to several proms just as favors and one of the best parts was the suit i wore. just a sample: rock the white tux. Last year, i was the only one at my friend's junior prom wearing a white tux. Got tons of compliments and felt kind of bad because i got more attention then she did. This year, i went again with her, probably 15 or so people were doing the white. The zoot suit with the black hat is from this year's and the other one is from last years. It was a kick ass time too.
  18. :lol::lol::lol: one night i was taken advantage of...long story and defintly not forum worthy.
  19. a little from column A and a little bit from column B. :) no seriously, that is awesome (the engagement). We better see wedding pics.
  20. congrats man. Thats a big step. Go for it.
  21. never noticed. thats exactly how i see it. I just want to be able to do it all. I want to have lots and lots of options. I know eventually I will get into the monoski market but it will defintly have to wait a while. With my knee going bad already (I'm just turning 20, probably stress fracture or something) it seems more likely i will have to step off my skis and into a monoski sooner than i thought.
  22. I second what justin said and seams alot harder to control this bad boy at high speeds on snow. innovated though.
  23. thats what i was thinking. no way would someone come to a snowboard site with that even though half of us were are still are skiers.
  24. i saw a guy at wachusett on a monoski and he was ripping it. He's been at it for well over 15 years and his ski was pretty vintage. He said the wipeouts are epic when you do have one. Impossible to recover. also about skeez rule's signiture, I dunno if you can out carve most of the guys here. Ive seen some pretty sick videos of carving in steeps, fakie carving and what not. I say someone should challenge you to a CARVE OFF!!
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