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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. its been a short 14 years since i came to America today. I still actually remember most of that day 14 years ago. Good times, and I'm glad to be here. Unfortunatly, i can't be president:(
  2. wow, that looks nice. I wanna hang my board (and soon boards) up like u did with the sword. How do i go about doing that?
  3. wow, i wanna go riding so bad right now!!!!!! 2 months till the snow starts falling...hopefully :(
  4. defintly not bad. All my party booty is going towards a f2 silb if it doesnt get snagged before thursday when my next paycheck comes in. do u print them or is off some other site?
  5. Vahur, thats an awesome poster. I'm defintly gonna use that. Is it expensive to make a poster? Jack, that is a sweet picture! I'm gonna make that one too. I got a 7.1 mp camera that I can't wait to unleash when I go to SES (hopefully).
  6. So I moved into my apartment right on Mission hill in boston near all the other schools in the area. We got an amazing apartment. We finished up the basement and we can blast music as loud as we want and you cant hear a thing. We just had a party with over 200 people and we made over $150 of profit a piece. Wouldve been $300 but my friend stopped charging people. anyways, my room is the only one that doesnt have posters and I really need some alpine posters. Anyone know where i can get some vintage or modern ones? Or does anyone have any really high quality pictures I could blow up into a poster?
  7. Im really leaning towards getting the board. I'll let you know by next week. I've been wanting a silberpfeil since I started carving a short year ago.
  8. turning the Ultra Prime into a rockboard. I saw a few around but I'm just wondering if anyone has any better deals lying around.
  9. I'm slightly interested in the board. I wanna see the pictures.
  10. i skate (rollerblade) everyday to school. I live on a huge hill and I have to carve down and then climb back up on the way home. The carving down really gets me ready for skiing and going up just destroys my glutes. Thats on top of around 100 miles or so a week of casual skating around the charles river. I know I'll be ready
  11. I learned on the Ultra Prime last season. Excellent board, but i have nothing to compare it to...yet. Planning on ordering my new board in a few weeks:)
  12. I know exactly how much commitment a dog takes. and money. My sister's pug just got pnemonia and is in the hospital for 10 days :-\ Its so sad to see a puppy sick. On a brighter side, thats an amazing dog, spcarves2. I love how huskies have different color eyes. can't wait to be out of school to get one. Long and winding road ahead.
  13. allee has it right. Although you can just say its from eastern europe. We had them in Russia. Only difference is how you pronounce it and each region has their own variation of a perogie. I want some now!!! Living off peanut butter and fluff till we completly move in to our apartment. Nice n healthy.
  14. thanks for the transport info. I'll let you know.
  15. congrats!!! defintly a good pick.
  16. oh man, that was a killer deal. those were amazing. Im a huge fan of perogies now. With my season pass, wont have to get them again.
  17. Was hoping for ECES but I guess I can wait another year to embarrass you guys :p I do plan to make SES but I'll have to get a ride to and from the airport with someone since I cant rent a car. I'll pay for half the car rental and split gas as well:biggthump I'll have to make sure with my teachers that I wont have tests in any of my classes that week. I'll only miss 2 days of classes thanks to summer classes.
  18. I'm extremely sorry if this offended you. I did not think it much into the picture at all. I'll take it down. edit: fin beat me to it. And skipuppy, my friends kick ass. In the picture is phil and he'll be riding and skiing with me alot this year. He was one of the people that I partied at your school with. Memories... I hope they do the wendsay night trips this year too. Those days it'll cost me $2.50 to ride that night ($1.25 each way on the T). Can't wait!!
  19. god damn!! well those aren't actually the incriminating ones. They're from almost 2 years ago. Well the reason i put them into the same set is because I came from Jamiaca, while in customs, got a phone call from friends and they told me to get my ski stuff ready because they were waiting for me to get home 3 hours later to go skiing. Went from 90 degree weather to 20. Kind of an interesting few days.
  20. my sister just got a pug. Its 8-9 weeks old and weighs 4 pounds. She looks smaller everytime I see her. I love pugs but when I get a dog, it'll be a siberian husky. I love those dogs. I know I'll defintly get a dog for my kids because I always wanted one growing up but we never got one.
  21. oh man, I'd be glad to visit her in Europe. I heard the swiss have some ok mountains and a moderate amount of snow compared to massachusetts. I'll gladly accept any funds to make the trip possible:D I'm liking the skating up and down the charles river idea too. Even if it accomplishes nothing but gets me arrested. Hmm...kinda cold now so nipples would be kinda hard...and well...shrinkage. Not worried bout that though because that'll be just part of the voyage. Oh man, do I have some incriminating photos of me involving revealing outfits from ski trips with friends. Not posting those because I've met some of you and will probably meet many more too. So i'll post incriminating pictures of friends from that same trip.
  22. damn! that takes balls. I still haven't had enough balls to wear one of those. Maybe next halloween, i'll go for this look:
  23. exactly what I assume aswell. For wrestling, I easily lost 10 pounds in a 12 hour period, all from sweat and all resulting from running with a sweatshirt on. I sweat alot so it wasnt too hard. All I had to do was start sweating and then just continue moving at a moderate rate to keep the sweat up. I miss those days :(
  24. Gleb

    Not Dead...

    after the olympics, more and more people know about it. I was at a party and I steared a drunken convo into snowboarding and skiing and one kid said something along the lines of "you know ski boards or something...well, I work for a repo company and I got one of those..." I took a look at his board and it was an ancient rossignol. Pointed him here so he could find some boots and I'm gonna try to teach him next season but he'll be using my ultra prime. Just weird coincidence. gotta love it.
  25. Damn, missed it. I wouldve come up for sure.
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