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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. i heard its 200 from some places but bird-man.com says closer to 500. Then they go on to say in their FAQ that "the jump numbers are not the straight issue here. Most important is the maturity and freefall skills of the skydiver." I've been surfing round a few websites since my first skydive last August. Def wont have $ to get certified till i graduate but here is a few cool links. simple jet power more info on wing suits its defintly something i'd love to do.
  2. again sinecure, that is just excellently superb. can't give a thumbs up big enough for that.
  3. Gleb

    gps watch

    I'll look into those, thanks kent.
  4. LOL!!!!! I never met her but she seems really cool. I've partied at her college though. I'm just defintly not looking for a relationship at all right now. My last date went like this: got to her house, we polished off some moderatly cheap wine then went to the Pheonix Landing. Got a Guiness and thats all I remember for the next hour and a half or so. Next thing i remember is waking up at her place completly soaking wet and we still have no idea how that happend. Interesting night with many missing scenes. Still awesome though. Moral of the story...ummm...have a change of clothes?
  5. sinecure.... and carverchick, thats classic as well. keep em coming.
  6. Gleb

    gps watch

    Ya I got actually the last one, or one of the last ones. It fits really nicely and has really good things on it, but it looks kinda big on my wrist. If you want it, send me an email. Ken, I plan to wear the wristwatch device around my bicep on the outside of my jacket, so signal should be pretty good. I'm liking the motionbased interface. After looking at that, I'm now thinking of just saving a little extra and going for the typical gps. I'll just get a cheap watch to wear on the slope that would withstand the abuse. My Swiss Wegner broke when it slid down my wrist a bit and I fell causing the band to break. I'm searching around the forums because I remember many discussions bout ordinary gps trackers and what not. I want a gps that updates every second or so. Thanks for all the input guys. Greatly appreciated. Edit: willy, i was looking through the photos and it looks amazing. I should be at the beach but school is kicking my ass
  7. Gleb

    gps watch

    the watch doesn't have the gps transmitter built in but you wear the transmitter somewhere on you. I do plan to wear it as a regular watch sometimes, but I have a regular wegner with a broken wristband that I plan to fix soon. They do have a timex triatholon with an altimeter (also comes witrh heart rate monitor, which I don't really want) but its twice as expensive. I don't really care what altitude i'm at, I just care that the gps takes the altitude into account when taking my speed. The watch is pretty small compared to the watch which i just bought on Steepandcheap.com. I got a watch with a built in barameter but after i realized how bulky this thing actually is, I'm going to put it up on ebay for the reserve of how much I actually paid for it. Maybe I can make a little profit. Actually, I don't mind selling it one of you guys for $61 (watch was 53 and shipping was 8). Its a high gear summit. It comes in the mail today, so I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to sell it. If I sell my watch, I guess I'll spring for the gps watch and if it isn't what I expected, I'll put it back on ebay, even if it is at a slight loss. Thanks for the input guys and let me know if anyone wants the high gear summit watch.
  8. Gleb

    gps watch

    I've read alot about the accuracy of gps systems and everything and I think I'm going to buy a gps watch. I'm wondering if anyone knows if this watch will work well on the slopes or is it only ment for flat ground. Thanks in advance. http://cgi.ebay.com/Mens-Timex-IRONMAN-SPEED-DISTANCE-GPS-Watch-53501_W0QQitemZ8948091499QQihZ004QQcategoryZ3137QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting
  9. the goonies!! i was trying to figure out where i've seen that face. Man i miss that movie. Freakin hilarious!!
  10. Defintly have to agree with you guys on that. He gave me a killer deal on a board, sent it to me and told me to send the money whenever I got the chance. Pat Donnelly did the same thing. Experiences like that make me much more likely to buy from classifieds than ebay.
  11. you guys are ridiculous?! How did you come up with that stuff?:lol::lol::lol:
  12. funny story invovling stealers. I was on the way back from a school trip from Costa Rica and we had to go through customs in pittsburgh. They sent me through some bag check thing and i forgot i had a cuban cigar in my bag. The guy told me he isn't going to take it from me but he wanted me to smoke it when the steelers beat the pats. So I kept my promise. This was 2004 i believe. The pats won pretty much all their games, except against the steelers. So me and my friends, in honor of that customs agent lit that cigar up. It was just weird that the pats beat almost everybody cept got blown out by the steelers (34-20). I'm defintly not a steelers fan though. I always liked Broncos and Pats. Can't wait till next season because that means snow is right around the corner at wachu.
  13. funny but sad thing is that his life insurance wouldn't have covered him with what happend. Most pro athletes have clauses that if they get hurt doing something stupid (riding without a helmet) then it voids their insurance. Glad he is going to be aright though. Welcome to bomber angie. havent seen you around. Glad we got more boston people here.
  14. oops my bad. That was a retarded thing to say. Its as british as tea and crumpets, and the MG.
  15. damn! 15,000 bottles of wine and illegal cheese. Now thats awesome. The place looks waaay too classy for me. I'm content with Fridays, Chilli's or Applebees:)
  16. Just like rolls royce. They all made airplane engines for the Nazis. I believe mercedes made airplane engines as well.
  17. which restaurant is that? How can you sell illegal cheese?
  18. I'm about as british as General Tso's chicken:biggthump You're defintly right that the euro is going to help in the long run, but for at least a decade, people are suffering really badly. Also, the Euro made money laundering much easier but thats none of our concern really. Michelle, you better take him up on that offer, I traveled coast to coast in costa rica and it was an amazing experience.
  19. omg cheese!!!! I absolutly love cheese. I got it from my dad because both of us can just demolish a pound of cheese in no time, with no bread or crackers at all. There have been less than a handful of cheeses that I didn't like. One thing i figured is the worse it smells, the better it tastes. Only applies to certain cheeses though.
  20. Seems delicous. Like i said with beer, I'm very limited on what i drink. So far, we've stuck with Franzia. Sure it takes like bear piss compared to some of the other wines ive tried at friend's houses and nice dinners, but, as Art said, its defintly is alot more bang for your buck. Try doing a power hour with that. no way you'll remember it being a great idea afterwards. One more thing. wine seems to be more of an aquired taste. Some of the aged wine that I tried has a taste thats too bitter for my liking. I talked to some of my friends' parents who own restaurants and know their wines and they told me you have to know how to taste expensive and delicate wines. Franzia will have to do it for me for now.
  21. ya the universal currency idea is great but it screwed people royally. One guy from the Netherlands said that it ruined many people and some parts of Europe have still to recover. I'm all for it, but it seemed to combine way too many economies of different strengths. I see it as trying to have America and Mexico use the same currency. It is impossible because the values are just too different. Plus, now its more expensive to go to Europe for Americans:rolleyes: It seems like its a currency that will dominate all eventually. I think the only major currency its second to is the Pound. Those crazy Brits.
  22. I;m still in this. Just waiting for the first semester of summer classes to end to see what my friends have done. I like the graffiti thing. Good move.
  23. I know there is tons of stragedy that goes into nascar, and due to the simple course layout, drafting is more important than ever, but I just can't see the excitement. Sure you can see it from one spot and it makes no difference where you sit but I don't see how it can draw the crowds it draws. I just got a kick ass idea!! i figured a way to combine my love for snowboarding and love for rally racing. Take a trip to Europe sometime soon and kill two birds with one stone. I'm so jealous of the Europeans, cept most people from Europe that I've talked to hate the Euro. How can you hijack an off topic thread? it has yet to be done. Edit: I've figured it out. Only way we can hijack this thread is talk about hardbooting.
  24. I'll have to try some out sometime. Boston beer works has some good stuff I heard, but I havent got to try it yet. Being underage and having a really crappy fake id (I'm British :D) I'm limited to buying whatever is in Chinatown, and its rare I ever make that trip because hauling back beer is a pain. my 20th bday is in a week and a half so I'm almost there. But still, i got 5+ years of college ahead too
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