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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb

    I'm #2!!

    wow i'm # 12. Thats pretty sad since ive been here 7 months. damn, i should really get out. or at least start doing my homework. Thats pretty much what I did instead of homework. Bomber, you ruined my freshmen GPA!!! Nah i'm just kidding, because of this site, i managed to get a record (for me) 20+ days this year (previous record was 4). Maybe thats what ruined my gpa? nah, it was all the partying anywho, is the prisoner about the time/ dimension traveling guy?
  2. hell ya! way to go. How many ppl here have their lvl 2s?
  3. wow! that is sick! I think my friend will have alot of work on his hands. Its a battle of graphic designer friends!
  4. oh so you would be planning on taking him back. That is true love right there. I always figured exactly what the rolling stones say. You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you get what you need. For years now, i've believed that. For the most part, most things work out for the best. I hope that will be true with you.
  5. I think that would be a typical alaskan storm according to AK_rider. can't wait to experience something like that.
  6. believe it or not, i have a friend that could actually help you out with that as well. He is a short Indian kid from my school (its like 25% Indian here) and he is a financial genius. He has made his parents alot of money in the stock market.
  7. givin you a free bump. I'll talk to one of my friends to see if he is interested. Wish you had this up last year before I bought my UP for much more.
  8. we got ridiculous flooding on route 1 and all around my town. We have a river that snakes all around so it took about 2 hours to get into boston last night. You go one way: road closed. go another thats 10 miles out of the way: road closed. finally get within view of the highway: road closed....parts of maine got 11'' so far. probably more now. 1'' of rain = 1 ft of snow now imagine that:biggthump
  9. well i know Dinan tunes cars but i'm pretty sure your warranty is void because they change everything but the looks of your car. I went to the World of Wheels in boston and they had a BMW 3 or 5 series that could g 0-60 in around 3.5. The thing is, they tune the car so it actually has better overall gas milage and doesn't look fast at all. I would love to pull up to a light in one of those sleeper cars and burn a corvette or something. That would be awesome. I do love corvettes though.
  10. that probably voided the warranty quicker than it could go 0-60
  11. i'm on it. I'll get some of my graphic design friends in on it too (I'll buy the board off of them if they win). Some of my friends are unbelievable artist. I havent had art since 8th grade and at that level, my art skills were the same as a 2nd grader's.
  12. Gleb


    this leads me to ask, have you ever gone to a chiropractor?
  13. Gleb


    g Could not have put it better my self. some more that i've seen around: right on bubba, $2 a case? that would be amazing. if we get a case of 40s for an edward 40 hands party (duct tape 40s to each hand and can't take them off till you finish both) it runs about $1.80 a bottle and thats about as good as it gets without getting a beer ball. My friend told me bout some Moosehead beer or something in Canada. He said they might as well call it moose piss. Speaking of canadian beers, Pamela Anderson first got hired by Labatt Blue
  14. I'm defintly not up for commitment but I dont get why he put his job above friends and a relationship. I guess its best to find out his true priorities now than much much later.
  15. Gleb


    i never thought of pbr as a "bar style beer." I partied at umass a few times. Very different style of partying there than in boston. Its more along the lines of how many people can they cram into a frat house and charge everyone $5 and end up getting 3 beers because there are waaaay too many people and not nearly enough of anything there (air and space included). You gotta show up early or know a frat brother to really get wasted. I ran into a kid i havent seen in a few years in a frat there so we got loaded up. The college life :) edit: natty ice is all we used to get if we didn't have enough people to throw down on a beer ball. Good times.
  16. Gleb


    wow, from tshirts to beer. Well, i went to a frat party once and they served Milwaukee's Best LIGHT! I thought it was already a crappy beer but come on, there is no need to water it down any more. Labat is good stuff but after a few beers, you can't taste anything anyway until you end up like this: Yes thats me. Just for fun, i decided to donate blood then finish off a 40 of Steel Reserve. Cheapest drinking night ever! Mike, you mention PBR and it gave me chills. Thats one of the cheapest beers out there and I think comparing that to a micro brew is comparing a honda to a lexus...no, rollerskates to a ferarri. That stuff makes me laugh. What about Magic Hat? Love that stuff!! As for the land down under, ya i don't see how it makes sense to give someone their license and right to drink legally the same day. We can get our license at 16 so we can wreck a few cars before we drink legally :) Aussie beer is good stuff from what i've heard. So how bout them t-shirts?
  17. Bob, thats hilarious!!! I'm defintly using that when something like that comes up. I'll ask my friends what they think hotboxing is. 3 out of my 4 room mates next year smoke morning noon and night so it'll be interesting. On every trip to the mountain they always ask to fishbowl my car, never let them do it. I can't smoke because cvs drug tests and also i prefer to spend money on snowboarding and kiteboarding now.
  18. Gleb


    we got boston beer works which i hear is supreme. Bud light does the trick for us though. Cheaper than gas and much tastier. Got kinda sick of steel reserve (8.1%) because the entire thing tastes like the bottom of a heineken. Not being of age kind of puts a damper on what you drink though. Pretty much whats on the table or what you can afford to have someone (with a fake ID that says their from Britain) get you.
  19. Well at least he admits he's wrong. Thats pretty rare. Oh and i'm not taking his side, i'm just saying. I never takes sides. its sucks when relationships turn to relation****s (dane cook).
  20. wow that is impressive. I get most of it and it really explains alot. Why do the tests end in a draw after so much time?
  21. i wasn't really getting at anything. Try to get her to enjoy the mountain. Not only with snowboarding, maybe skiing? Although i know how its just not for everyone. Sacrifices suck but if its worth it, go for it. Congrats on the big step though.
  22. Gleb


    I got a shirt thats all blurry and it says "have another beer." It actually looks a lot clearer when you're drunk. It kinda screws with your head because you're everything might be clear, but the letters screw your eyes up. Best shirt to wear to a kegger! plus the "wink of you're horny" shirt sets things up nicely. There are so many though. my personal favorite:
  23. tell her to go with you then. Only way it would work.
  24. don't know much about hotboxing or waxing in general, but if bob is right, you should just send me those boards. No use in keeping them if they're ruined.
  25. I'm seriously considering getting this. I'll let you know by tuesday night. I'm getting a job at CVS and depending on how much i get paid per hour, I'll prolly be able to get more than one board, this being one. Bob, I looked into the coilers and doneks a little more, all i gotta say is wow. The work behind each board seems superb.
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