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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    he was also on some show on UPN. He was there with Vanilla Ice and some other "has beens." Hey, if i were them, I'd try to use my fame as long as possible to earn a living.
  2. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    can't PM you because you don't get emails from here. I don't want a ferret because of the smell they give off. Why do you advise against owning one?
  3. Thank you :) that was still high school though. I had to bring the wrestling team together a bit more before i left. for college, i have some awesome trips planned for next year, mostly around snowboarding. I always end up planning the trips, which is kind of sucks since all my friends expect me to come up with something to do. I'm defintly no Takeru Kobayashi. He trains for that stuff professionally. He is ridiculous. You defintly get massive constipation too...I did 3 days of no crapping makes you wonder whats going on in your stomach. All of the 4 pounds was getting absorbed into me but i didnt really care. I gained 30 pounds after wrestling ended (still haven't lost it) and that trip defintly added alot to it. You're on at the next SES! I've been saving up for a while now. A steak would defintly make that trip more memorable. Skatha, that is some story. I'm glad you go through it all. Snowboarding defintly helped me coupe with some stressful times this year. I really should've been studying but...well there is always going to be school, the snow disappears in a flash here. Get well aisling. next season is right around the corner!
  4. Gleb


    wow i had no idea so my physics is involved. The only thing keeping me from taking physics 2 is that its on mondays wednesdays and fridays. Those are the days next snowseason that i have no classes. Its really conflicting. I might try to take it elsewhere but my school is a dick about accepting credits from other school.
  5. can't rent a car, i'm not 25. If no shuttle service, i'm defintly handing this one off to my sister and her boyfriend or maybe my parents.
  6. wow thats pretty good. I can defintly afford that. I'm actually looking to go for a long weekend in november. What are the odds of having snow there? My other concern is if there is a shuttle that goes to the lodging area because a taxi seems expensive.
  7. Gleb


    those are the classes i'll have finished by the end of next year. Well actually only one semester of orgo lab, but 2 of orgo. If I wanted to do a premed minor all i have to take is 2 more classes. Orgo lab 2 as well as physics 2 + lab. Might go for that just to add something to the resume. Almost all medical fields I know of require those as basic courses which makes me really wonder why physics is needed. I guess they want you to be well rounded...
  8. damn can't imagine anything like that. Well I hope everything starts to turn around for you soon. Look outside, its a beautiful day out. I know how you can gain those 10 pounds back. Lookie here. Its defintly a good road trip.
  9. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    ooo thanks skatha that makes sense. Mine will undoubtly be an indoor one. Last time i checked there were no horses, cows or chickens in boston so i think that wont be a prob. I read they will eat pretty much anything but i'll have to limit it to a low fat, high fiber and protein diet. Easy enough. It'll eat what I eat, plus dog and cat food. Eating the hedgehog is a good idea. I'll look into it. Probably after it matures though. In that case, i'll get it nice and fat. yum! Ralaan, i heard that at first the crap anytime they run but eventually they begin to control that. Did your sister use a fish tank or a cage?
  10. Oh sweet! i know i'll defintly be keeping that. Thanks for finding out for me. Ive had like no time to do anything. I go on bomber when i take from studying. 2 test tomorrow morning. I can't wait for next week to be over:smashfrea
  11. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    isn't parvo only in dogs though?
  12. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    every i read they say that as long as you clean the cage once a week and they get slightly potty trained (at first the crap everywhere while they run) the smell is not exsistent. Why do they make bad pets? They do have vaccines for hedgehogs and there is a good chance i would get one. There is an exotic animal hospital down the street here, i think.
  13. So i get this email from skitown.com. The voucher will come in the mail in a few days. Most likely, its good only till like july. I am probably giving it to my sister and her boyfriend since I don't have time to go or the money to pay for a flight. Well I might have enough money....let me know about this area. Convince me:)
  14. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    I know about ron but never knew his nickname. no shame in masterbating alot. good arm workout? Lets not get into that. Go for it in the OT thread.:D
  15. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    :lol: You know, I might just do that! But how did you guys know that?
  16. Gleb

    Hedgehog as pets?

    nah too cliche. What should i name him? shredder? maybe something along the lines of carving? Well you can shred a run on the mtn so maybe thats it :) any ideas? It seems that they are an awesome, smell-less pet. I'm in!
  17. For next year, I'm considering getting a hedgehog as a pet. has anyone had any experience with this? I'm reading all the websites and forums and it looks pretty cool. I'm just curious if any of you know have had one.
  18. the population of massachusetts is dropping. my dad sees all the records from the schools (he works in the department of education) and this is the lowest enrollment Mass has had in years, public and private. There aren't enough jobs here so people are moving west.
  19. Gleb


    and that is exactly what i did. I used to play football and i developed an aweful back. A few times i blew it out so bad i couldn't walk. So i started wrestling which got me to work out and be thin as well as tone my stomach, WALAH! the pain is gone. It came back in my senior year the final week of wrestling but that is because i didn't go to a chiropractor after a few tough matches in a short time period. Live and learn. Ive been to two types of chiropractors, one that uses his hands and another that uses this little tool that they hold and it delivers a slight shock (non electrical) to the spot. The one that used his hands seemed more effective but it was two totally different types of back pains so i'm not one to judge. I'll go to one when i need it.
  20. holy ****!!!!! that is awesome. Well let me tell you this, you defintly don't need a car. I got one because i'm living off campus and by the time snowboard season rolls around, i'm going upto 5 days a week. Also, the days i dont go, i let people use the car. I'm getting my dad's ford taurus wagon so we can fit alot of people. There is another guy around the corner that has an alpine board so i'm gonna try to teach him a little bit. A bunch of people from here go to the local mountain here. Oh also, the house we got is being rebuilt right now. Nothing but parties and snowboarding. There are 5 of us in the house and 4 of snowboard. Albany is good but boston is so much more fun. I know people that transfered from albany. Tons of other colleges to party with and plus on wednesdays, there is a ski bus that leaves from BU to the mtn for $15 including everything for night skiing. I got a good 24 days this season which is pretty good considering i had class everyday and work on sundays. The professors are really good for the most part and the labs are all brand new. If you don't want to get stuck in the city, you wont. Feel free to IM me on AIM. My screen name is theglob86. I'll be happy to answer all your questions. Lastly, nothing is off topic in the off topic thread.
  21. LOL!! ya well thats about it. I can't really make anything from scratch. The perogies i make in the oven are delicious. Makes me want some right now. I think there is a box or 2 left in my freezer. I wanna try the honey, sounds too good to pass up.
  22. crisis mode blows. I'm in that right now. I got finals starting saturday and 5 exams throughout the week. All my hardest exams are first so "I'm freaking out man." Hope you're ok aisling
  23. LOL! wow i thought he was from Denver for some reason. Wow i'm retarded. I've been to chicago before, not denver though.
  24. I don't know the run name but my favorite trail is the one they have the slalom course on. I saw some guys with a camera there and since the snow was real (unlike wachusett) I was able to get pretty good hold so I made a few low carves. Not as low as I wanted but it was a start. They filmed me :)
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