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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. They would get home invasion, since they poked one of my roomates with the knife (it was a 12 inch sword), armed robbery, assault and some other stuff. another guy had a large nut driver which could be used as a nasty baton. The crazy thing is that if I left work when I was actually scheduled to leave, I wouldve walked in on the whole thing as it was happening. Paappraiser, you bring up an interesting point because they were looking for money and drugs. They knew probably from someone else that all my roomates smoke alot and one deals a little bit. They bumrushed the house so no chance to get weapons even if we did have them. If everything ursle said is true, then I think we'll invest in a nice cock to protect us. Makes sense. A dog is out of the question because everytime I see a college kid with a dog, I feel horrible for the dog because for the most part, if you're in college, you don't have enough time to invest in a dog. There would be much less riding for me if I ever got one. Willy, I remember you telling me that story. Crazy stuff. The Hill has gotten better in the past decade or so, but the crimes are starting to get more frequent now. defintly a good thing that homie doesn't ride. I could careless bout most of my games and dvds. Haven't had much time to play. Good thing they only took the cases for my Gran Theft Auto San Andreas:AR15firin
  2. this guy is the definition of extreme
  3. ...friday after being swamped with work in a pharmacy for 10 hours listening to people bitch about the 2 hour wait to get theirs stuff filled because everyone seems to want to wait till friday to fill and pick up their stuff... anyways, I get home and my neighbor is sitting on my stoop and says "you better get up stairs, some serious **** just went down." Turns out when 2 of my roomates were home, 3 guys got in and robbed our house at knife point. My heart dropped because all I was worried bout was my boards, skis and boots. I go into my room and thankfully, they only stole a couple of dozen of dvds and video games. They didnt touch my ps2 or xbox or the wad of $20 bills sitting in my open drawer. They did take 3 laptops (I have a desktop) and some money from my roomates as well as the house key. Cops and detectives were all over our place. Strangley, 3 of the cops said I looked familiar from previous parties they've busted which I found kinda funny. One of my neighbors knows of one of the kids that was robbing us so we'll go from there. What a great day... My season almost ended before it started. it makes me feel kinda sick:barf:
  4. thanks, and I don't think it matters too much. Maybe a tiny unnoticable amount since one binding isn't actually screwed into the conshox. I could easily be wrong since I havent tried any of my new boards yet or the conshox. I have no hard classes this semester because I took my only hard class (organic chemistry) in the summer so I could have school only 2-3 times a week during the winter this year. I made probably 200 flashcards for that class. Next year-my 3rd year- is much much worse. We have a class called IPEP (not sure what it stands for) and we have to memorize 20 drugs a week and all the facts that are associated with them. There are probably 15-20 things about each drug. Next year could be easier if i take Biochem in the summer but dishing out another $5250 into a loan for just one class doesnt sound appetizing again. I still might. I'm defintly enjoying this easy year.
  5. no problem at all. Bored with nothing to do (a rare week with no tests), figured I'd do something constructive. Hope it helps.
  6. learn something new everyday. Macro setting worked. I don't have a ruler nearby so I took pictures on regular college ruled paper for reference. In the first picture, the screw on the right as well as the washer is for the rear part of the conshox, the part that has four holes for screws to attach to the board. The screw on the left is the right one in the 2nd picture. Its almost the same size as the first one but for some reason it fits differently onto the board. No clue why. I need to get a washer for the 2 screws for the front part of the conshox. The final long screw is to attach the binding (your TD2 I'm guessing) into the board through the slits on the front part of the conshox. KenW told me that the screws that came with the TD1 worked but probably not the case with the TD2s. Someone, correct me if I'm wrong with anything. sorry the lines are so light but i think you can make them out.
  7. My friend's camera can't focus for some reason. Can anyone else help him? I know next to nothing about the terms refering to screw size and threading.
  8. I just want to say that Ken is the man for giving me such a sweet deal on the conshox. Thank you so much. Now all i need is snow because right now, its pouring
  9. the movie was really good. During some of his skits were defintly staged that involved other people but most were defintly not. If you've seen most of the specials and previews, there won't be too many suprizes in the movie but regardless, still defintly worth the ticket price. But does it live up to the hype? I don't think so.
  10. no worries, Thor. Sending beer to CO would definitly be a lil pricey. I'll actually take one set from you and then also one set from Dano when I see him.
  11. I'll take pictures of my stuff and post it by tonight unless someone beats me to it. I have to buy some screws from McMaster.com to fit my OS1s on the front part.
  12. thor hasn't gotten back to me so I guess yeah, sounds like a deal. I can make it there almost every day of the week cept tuesday once the season starts. Let me know.
  13. I wont be going there on weekends, only during my winter and spring break. My spring break doesnt line up with most other spring breaks so that'll be good. As far as price is concerned, the two different passes are the same, at least till november 31st, then the threedom goes to $300. I forgot to mention, I also got 2 different backpacks for Tuckerman's. Mountainsmith Off Piste 20 and Camelbak Menace. I think I'm gonna sell my mountainsmith but not sure yet. Also, need to get some intec heels from bomber
  14. I actually havent put my payment for the threedom pass yet. Cannon is one of my favorite mountains that I've been to around there but i havent explored it enough to find too many good carving trails. How is mt sunapee and gunstock for carving?
  15. I just posted this video on google video because no one else had at the time. I downloaded it from Dan and put it up. I'm sure there are a few others out there. I think I saw some rossi commercial of hardbooters doing flips and other crazy stuff.
  16. What did you guys and gals get for this season? Since this is my 2nd year on plates, I upgraded virtually every aspect of my gear from last year. So far: F2 Silberpfeil 172 F2 Speedster RS 183 Catek OS1 short UPZ RSV SL Conshox Atomic SX 7 170 (skis) Stix ski poles from SteepAndCheap Borne goat skin gloves with alpac wool on the inside:1luvu: backpacks: Mountainsmith off piste 20 Camelbak Menace with a 2L bladder Plus season passes: Wachusett (midweek riding) Threedom Pass-Waterville, Loon, Cranmore (Winter and Spring Break riding) Jay Peak/Bolton Valley-Weekend riding Gotta love working my ass off and then getting to finally enjoy it. Total is over $2k but i got good deals in my opinion, most of it spent in the past two months. Broke as a joke now :o Still need: Intec Heel (will order in next 2 weeks) Better Liners (maybe) New Pants (next year) New Jacket (Next year) Edit:My current quiver. Big increase from having only the green Mountain Dew Skis at this time last year.
  17. I put it up on google video a lil while ago. Its good stuff.
  18. One of my roomates is polish and he said the same thing about all the things he says is mostly polish. Its also a mix of Romanian and some Russian. Borat is not actually Ali G, its Sasha Cohen, a Jewish, Ukrainian, Israli, Brit. Good mix i suppose. Seeing the movie in only a few hours!!!
  19. LOL! I love Borat. So many catch phrases its ridiculous. Gotta love some of his more popular tunes such as "Throw the Jew Down the Well" To those who don't know, Borat is actually Jewish. Thats the only way he'd be able to pull off all those anti semetic Jokes. "My name is Borat. I like you. I like sex.....Its nice." "sexy time"
  20. Its in the mail tomorrow (had too much studying to do today). I was looking at your bikes and they look sweet!!! Defintly would love to demo one sometime. I've downhill biked at mountain in NH on one of the crappiest bikes you can imagine that I'd be actually ashamed to tell you. When I'm not poor from loading up on boards/bindings/season passes and just crap I don't need, I'll let you know. You'll be able to stay 3 or so nights for free so enjoy the free stay:)
  21. all yours! Email me your address and I'll send it out tomorrow.
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