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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. the dude is living a dream. He has it all, the house, the hobby, and he got beat up by German pornstars. If thats not living, i dunno what is.
  2. Ya I'm gonna buy the set up from you. I'll get a suit asap. Seems waaaaay too cold right now.
  3. ya thats what i'm going to do. Defintly buy the td2s from bomber at least. Maybe both. All my funds now are going towards kite boarding for the summer.
  4. I absolutely love swedish cars. I had a '94 volvo 850 and that car was great. Well cept that it took premium. Everything in the car is thought threw. For example, replacing tail lights takes about 3 minutes where it takes about 15 min on most fords that my family has owned. It handled like a dream but was pretty much a flying brick. Everything, and I mean everything in the car was a right angle...buttons, console and switches. I'm suprised the steering wheel is a circle. Lastly, the seats were extremely comfortable. Ive never been so comfortable sitting in a car. Most likely, when i'm older, i will get Saab or Volvo. Hell ya for swedes!
  5. ooo thats cool. I guess i dont know what I'm missing. For next season, i'm going to be going 50+ times because the way my schedule works out so i think that probably getting and F2 by the middle/end of the season would be a good investment. Too bad no American riders that I know of have those avaliable on their websites. I would defintly love to support them by buying a board through their site. Most likely they get a cut. F2 silberfiel seems like something that would work for wachusett. Pair that with some TD2 step ins, not only am I in debt, but I'll be in heaven
  6. i know I defintly will never sell my UP. Too many memories on it already. And odds are, no one would want to buy it. The base is fine but waiting in line alot, the topsheet is taking a beating.
  7. Thats a good deal. Relationships in college = drama which = headaches. I'm just hanging out with a girl that I taught how to ski. She is already fullly addicted, like she is already getting some slolom skis in the offseason and even a season pass. Its a fun drama-free open relationship and better yet, she's older.
  8. holy **** thats awesome. My liver has had time to recover during boarding season. I partied sparingly because I rather go out and ride. I'm starting to get back into the swing of things, but with school work piling up, its ridiculous.
  9. yeah they release very little info to start a hype. the 81k atom i built had everything you can put on it. Most of the stuff was probably unneccessary. I just wanted to see what it would come out to. I think i'll be happy with my dad's ford taurs since my volvo is RIP because of my sister.
  10. wow i totally forgot bout this. Aright another joke: Actually most of my jokes are defintly not PC and really racist. One of my best friends is black so he tells jokes about Jews and russians and I tell jokes about blacks. Its alot of fun. We can keep ourselfs entertained for hours. Pretty much we tell jokes about all the races of the world so no one can yell at us. Kind of like family guy. I guess here is one of my favorite family guy quotes (they're all pretty much my favorites) Peter: Hey hey I got an idea. Lets play "I Never." You got to drink if you did the thing that the person says they never did. Cleveland: Oh I got one, I never slept with a women with the lights on. (They all drink.) Joe: I'll go next, uh I never had sex with Cleveland's wife. (Quagmire and Cleveland drink.) Peter: alright lets see uh, I never did a chick in a Logan airport bathroom. (Only Quagmire drinks.) ****About 33 drinks later**** Peter: God lets see what else is there um...I never gave a reach-around to a spider monkey while reciting the Pledge of Alligence. Quagmire: Oh God. (Quagmire takes a drink.) Joe: I uh I never picked up an illegal alien at Home Depot to take home a choke me while I touch myself. Quagmire: Oh come on! (Quagmire drinks again.) Peter: I never did the same thing except with someone from Joann Fabrics. Quagmire: Oh God this is ridiculous. You guys suck! (Drinks more and passes out.) Family Guy > any other show EVER! simpsons is still good
  11. And it cost only about $50k while only Ferrari F60 can beat it on a special track. But with 2.9 sec to 60mph you beat most of the cars. Well F1 and Indy can make 100mph in 2.5 sec, but that's a different story from different book. Actually, the XM/Honda f-1 makes a roundtrip 0-100-0 in less 4._ so the Atom has nothing on it. But I still want one. So much for wanting an Elise, I want an Atom! I did the pricing thing and i maxed it out at around $81K. I'm going to show this to my friend's dad who is obsessed with ferraris and I think has two. 360 modena and some other one thats going to be coming in. Yes they are ridiculously rich, you have no idea. Also they have a lotus. Come to think of it, he also has a really really old alpine board. I'm gonna ask him to have a closer look at it. Also, i can't really find a link for the xm/honda. Do you know of any?
  12. its sunday river in maine but its uncomfirmed. My friend said he saw it there a little while ago so i have no clue if its still up. If it is, i'll be there half the day trying to beat my speeds. After all, thats why I went alpine, to see how fast i can go.
  13. you just made up my desicion for me. Thank you. They pay handsomely to work up there. fortunatly they don't advertise it only so only few people actually know about the oppertunities for pharmacist up there. I wouldn't really care if they paid me the same as if i worked in the city, i just want to carve and ski powder as often as possible. I was just told that its very important to find someone to go there with that enjoys the mountain as much as i do because it could get lonely up there. If its like you described, i might be there for many many years. lol. I got 6 years to improve my carving and i gotta learn how to ride powder. oh man, im pretty excited that I might wet myself. Nevermind, it already happend. :o (not really)
  14. God damn! thats infintly more snow than up here. off topic: (i do alot of these:smashfrea) For a few years now Ive been looking into going to work in alaska for 3 years after i graduate from college in 6 years. Which part of alaska has the best carving mtns? to me, it looks like Alyeska. Also the fact that they got 55'' in the past 3 days makes it seem even better. Your input would be great. on snocountry.com, only 4 resorts show up for alaska. Thats kinda suprising.
  15. i totally forgot about #5. you'll have to attach it to your board i guess. I think the place im going to this weekend has a radar gun set up. I cant wait.
  16. thats a really cool pic skwalleur. ak_rider, it all makes sense and i'm defintly going to do it like that. good idea
  17. ya its a great site and i'm happy i found it. Everyone here is always quick to help others out. I am new to carving and everyone made the transition from skiing to carving pretty ez and pain free so far. back on topic, if i knew bout Klugg's website, i think i would've gotten my UP from there. Live n learn.
  18. i had no idea the Proton was so similar to the UP. The proton was about to be my first board but i got outbid. Not a big loss though. Btw, welcome to Bomberonline Bill L:biggthump
  19. i'm going to sunday river with friends on saturday and someone told me that they have a radar gun set up to tell u how fast you went. does anyone know if its still up and if so, which trail. Lastly, how are the conditions? Thanks!
  20. LOL! ya i know. That stuff can take paint off of cars. Its not avaliable as much in stores here as rubinoff. My philosophy right night is that if it gets me and my friends drunk, we'll drink it. Beggers can't be choosers
  21. You can equally fast on both set ups, you have more control an alpine. As long as the bases are the same material and waxed the same, they are going to straightline the same speed. Only thing ive noticed when i ride with FR is that on turns they lose speeds because they can't transfer enough power from their feet to their edge because it gets lost in the boots and bindings. Ive recently tried a soft set up and i hated how sloppy it felt. Carving for life!
  22. I dunno, but someone from here went recently. I gotta find out who. Me and my friends are planning on going one of these upcoming saturdays.
  23. Gleb

    A Memorial

    I am truely sorry for your loss. Best way to memorialize someone you love is with something you love to do. Great idea and great pictures.
  24. From what Ive been told, the longboards wont make you go faster, you'll just be more stable carving because you have a bigger effective edge.
  25. you can defintly try a gps and have it in your pocket. Make sure you get one that can take in readings every tenth of a second, i think. Or it maybe every half second. Also, i think you carve at the same speed as if you are going forward. For the most part. thats my two cents. Now i'm broke :(
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