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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. very insiteful. You seem to have put alot of thought into this. hilarious though!
  2. too me, it seems that people only really fall off as a consequence of their own actions. For example, the incident where the kid fell into a grooming machine. As tragic as it is, most likely the child was leaning to far forward to observe the groomer. Or when the child fell 10meters onto hardpack without the lift stopping, well that again most likely resulted from the child leaning too far over. Usually when i'm on a lift with children, they put the bar down so they can lean on it. Most chair lifts ive been on are slanted back so its nearly impossible to slip off, even if the lift comes to a dead stop. I always lean all the way back to get comfortable instead of leaning forward. Usually the fabric is foam which usually has a reletivly high coefficient of friction against my pants compared to nylon.
  3. well, i believe that putting down the restraining bar is unneccesary because all chairs are designed so that if they are going full speed and then come to a sudden stop, no one will fall out. that is unless someone is leaning forward very far. The chair will tilt back and forth to keep whater is on the chair from falling off. I wear my helmet because of the icy conditions out here and its saved me countless times from serious injury.
  4. I wonder what the mpg for the jeep rescue will be with the bio desiel. Thats me way back in the day (2-3 years ago:) )
  5. Ive had the bars come down on my head countless times. Good thing i never go with my helmet. One time it wasn't till half way up when someone decided to put the bar down when i was leaning forward:eek: I havent been on a gondola for 10 years, my first time skiing and last time time for 7 years or so. I would prolly like them more because they're warmer.
  6. i totally forgot the footrest thing. I hate when i get off a lift and find out that my circulation is cut off.
  7. Gleb

    hard time

    i wasnt really serious bout my statement. :) I'm very confident they have all around boards that are perform really well. I know for a fact i will defintly get an all mountain. What is my ultra prime considered? just a general beginer board?
  8. Gleb

    Glove repair?

    I saw bob dea wearing what looked to be leather work gloves. Ive seen some cheaper work gloves and if you wear an inner layer underneath, like something that comes with many gloves right now, it should be pretty warm. I will probably try that method out soon, after my cheap burton gloves give out.
  9. How often do you put the restraining bar on the lifts down?
  10. Gleb

    hard time

    all mountain by definition: performs equally as poor in all conditions.
  11. Gleb

    hard time

    It seems like burton flooded the market with their boards before they went out of the alpine market. I see their stuff really cheap on websites all over. Everything i have is burton (boots, bindings, board, gloves) but not cuz i really care for burton, just cuz its dirt cheap comparitivly.
  12. I think i saw one of you getting in line at the summit lift. I was on the lift all the way on the left trying to teach a girl that was afraid of heights how to ski. She never told me she was terrified heights and trees. I left my boots in walk mode as several of you have suggested and I was able to get really really low, even on the indian summer trail.
  13. let me know about tuckerman's:)
  14. nice another wachusett rider. There are so many of us out there. I'm going to be out there tomorrow night and so might bobby buggs. I'll be teaching a friend how to snowboard again (as best as i can) so i wont be free till 7-7:30. If anyone has radios, i'm usually on 6-18 with my friends or my cell is 508 265 1974 if anyone wants to meet up. I'm usually like you olderboarder, that I ride alone. I hate holding people up. Check out this forum. See ya on the runs
  15. can't wait! i still don't know which day i'm coming out.
  16. vibrator? wife? don't think so. Are you sure he didn't come in to just have the batteries changed?
  17. Gleb

    New to carving

    welcome to BOL and to your new addiction. :)
  18. aright i understand it now. I ride 90% of the time at night so getting polarized lenses is not a necessity. when I was riding all night and into the day, my amber lense did well but the moment the sun started coming up but didn't cover the slopes with light yet, the goggles became useless. I couldn't see any ridges in the snow and I wasn't ready for any of the bumps. thanks for the research i should've done myself:)
  19. thank you :) I'm still recovering from the experience. Sleep cycle is all screwy
  20. how different does it look with polarized? Can you judge depth much better or just colors?
  21. The local mountain here (Wachusett) had a fundraiser that was a 24 hour ski-a-thon. My friends wanted to go from 10pm to 8am. As things turned out, we got there at midnight and I taught 2 friends how to ski and another how to snowboard. There were like 10 or so of us because we took several cars. By 5 am, everyone was done and I only got like 2 full speed runs in because I was teaching. So everyone just took off for one of the girls' house to party. I stayed out till sunrise (6:23) and it was amazing. Took the chair to the summit and had to climb up some rocks. Up there I saw this: Then as i looked around even more, I saw boston from 50 or so miles away! All in all, it was defintly something worth seeing. After I showed my friends the pictures, they all regretted leaving early. Also, by then the slopes had like 5 people on them so I was doing full speed carves and did an accidental extreme carve. I had to check my pants after that but I was able to almost duplicate it another time around. Only toeside EC now :) anyways, I went back to the house and we partied and went to sleep:) Here's me in the moon shoes with my camel pack. Steel Reserve and camel packs = disgusting:barf: All in all, an amazing night of carving.
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