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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. whatever you do, make sure you see a custom bootfitter. As jschal01 said, its the most important money you will spend. If you can't be comfortable in your boots, you can't enjoy riding. It might be kind of expensive, but your feet will thank you later. My boots still don't fit 100% right because I accidently got them a little bit small. After getting them stretched,I can ride them comfortably, but only barefoot. Also, I usually buckle the boots up pretty loose for the first 2 runs. After that, the boots heat up and I can tighten them alot more. Its ridiculous how much more flex my burton winds have after just a few runs. It seems like your boots are a bit small for your feet, well at least your toes. Get it stretched out, or make it wider, shouldn't cost too much. Ive had all of the pains you mentioned, but they have gone away, and no, it shouldnt be normal, just bad luck. Hope this helps.
  2. :lol: So true and street fighter 2 is one of the best fighting games ever. Rivaled only by mortal kombat 2. There are few of us on the slopes so might as well learn how to defend ourselves if someone starts sh*t when it was their fault:angryfire
  3. its a good thing he lost much of his upper body muscle. He used to be a triathlete and in cycling, having wide shoulders, big arms and what not, is a disadvantage.
  4. you serious!? thats it? wow. would this board be a good deal if say under $70 total. Only reason I would want to get it is to eventually progress from my Ultra Prime. Is this board way too much for New England conditions and slope width? and my potential growth of experience?
  5. the board looks cool. Just out of curiosity, how much would it cost to get a cosmetic redo on that board?
  6. oh man, thats when my spring break is! I might just come for one day and prolly stay overnight with a friend. He works there so there is a chance I'll ride for free:biggthump
  7. wrong forum. go to the "for sale" forum. welcome to BOL
  8. I personally think that bode is stiring up controversy just to stay in the spot light. I believe lance did it drug free. His team was unbelievable and he trained more than anyone else hands down. I used to keep up with the cycling alot back in my peak days, i was able to ride for hours.
  9. the superbowl was just an excuse to drink on a sunday before 7. i was gonna go riding but the 55 degree weather wasn't helping at all. So i went drinkin instead:biggthump
  10. michelle, you should definitly just give up. and aisling, you defintly need to get out more often. Tell your boss that you "got in a horrible plane crash, but you'll be in the next day." -Family Guy
  11. oo oooo burned!!!! lol i was thinking more about the monthly bleeding part:D
  12. I was just thinking the same thing!!!!
  13. aright i got 4 ppl signed up already. so far so good. Getting 3 or so more asap.
  14. i defintly see how what the study found can be true. What put me to the next level of skiing is wearing a helmet. I felt more confident and I'm willing on working on my form at higher speeds. At Wachusett, there are usually more people with helmets than without. That is because most people there are locals so they get helemts because they're on the slopes alot. As someone else said, a helmet is defintly more for when someone slams into you, than something you might do yourself. With carving in particular, a helmet seems more important.
  15. ya tracking would defintly be the biggest issue. Zangeif is the Soviet Wrestler in street fighter 2.
  16. best thing bout being a guy? well...take a guess:)
  17. i love my helmet. I have a leedom i bought for $40 on sale ($80 on ebay) at a TJ Max winter blowout sale they have in october. I got a nice $200 jacket for $130 as well and some ski pants. I cannot put myself to ride without it. As everyone said, its more comfortable and warmer than a hat, and it makes no sense not to wear one, at least to me. D-sub, ive heard the stories of people being saved by not wearing a seatbelt for some reason such as getting tossed out of the car. The odds of a seatbelt saving your life is much, much greater than it being the cause of your death. I would not be here if it wasn't for my seatbelt and I never ride without one.
  18. gotta love russians!! how could anyone hate us? never mind, don't answer that.
  19. damn smurfinsmiley, thanks for all that. only thing I won't plan on doing is the creatine because I am also slightly into body building. When someone takes creatine, the muscles become large, but not defined. I know it is one of the best performance enhancing mixes on the market, but the moment someone comes off of it, their muscles lose almost all of their bulkiness and their form. I love tea btw. Probably because I'm Russian, and thats all they drink there. Well that and vodka. I will give all of those other suggestions a try. Thank you for your secrets:D C5 Golfer, I didn't even really think that a board will cause fatigue, but then I remeber how some skis exhaust me while others are really easy. Guess i'm a dunce because I didn't relate the two. My board is reccommended for beginners, but i'll keep all you said in mind. Thanks again guys!
  20. hey valerie and welcome to BOL. I just started carving as well. Its awesome! Going out for a lil bit with an experienced person defintly shot me forward a bit. I was riding flat, no cant, and I had problems with heel side. I was told that a rear cant plate would help me drive me rear knee in on a heelside turn. I'm not saying thats what you should do, i'm just saying the most effective way to get help is either ride with someone, or videotape urself. Whatever you do, don't give up!! Welcome to the other side:eplus2:
  21. lol @ the sign. I heard that service is pretty damn good. I go to the summit ski and snowboard near me and I hear alot about mike. I was told that his full name is "The Mike de Santis" I should do that. I'm not just a Gleb, I'm The Gleb
  22. LOL! I think you misread. the guy went deaf because he played the ipod too loud.
  23. when just cruising, I lean use my cuffs for support as much as possible. I think I'm going to stay clear of the pills because I take vitamins and maintain a high protien diet to strengthen my legs. Steve, your defintly right, the logo has to go. This summer i didnt get to do much biking because of work. I usually mt. bike alot as well as just cruise on my cycling bike. RJ-PS, that sounds like great advice as well. I'll give it a try. Can't go snowboarding till next wednesday:-\
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