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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. got them and they kick ass! will try them out in 2 hours on the mountain. Nice doing business with you.
  2. now all i gotta do is learn how to carve regularly. I'm probably getting 20 or so more days this season so I'll defintly be carving it up in a bit.
  3. its supposed to snow tomorrow!!!! Too bad i wont be able to take advantage of it for the rest of the week_\
  4. wish i could go next wednesday but for the next week, i got mad work:-\ Need to make the money so i can continue to ride. Friday will be the only day next week i'm going, as well as sunday night.
  5. I could do this week if possible:) Whatever is best for you.
  6. damn its still going. Soft free year? damn that'd be intense. Would defintly take getting used to. you'd be prone to shots like this:
  7. the other day i saw a kid sporting that on the lift. Its useful but a balaclava (or baclava as some may know it:)) is much better.
  8. john is also right I'm not in particularly a bush hater but i think I'll through this one in here for a kick: It came up under "get along" on google images:eek:
  9. i went out to wachusett friday night and it was very slushy. After my first run I rode up to the line and while unbuckling rear boot i fell over. All of the sudden i hear to kids screaming, "Oh My GOD those are awesome!!!" They wanted to ride in the lift with me but we were all in the singles line. Both were about 8 or 9 and were so excited to "see me in action." Thank fully, it was one of my better runs because i finally am able to link turns and lean pretty far. They were already making offers to buy the board off me even though it was twice their size. All day long, as expected, I got questioned about it and I gladly told them about it. Spreading the word one person at a time. Kids seem to get more excited than adults. Most older kids just stare in wonder. One girl sitting next to me on the lift pointed down and asked, "What is that." My first thought was, "thats my happy stick...oh you mean my board?" Unfortunatly, being my extremely mature self, I didnt:cool:
  10. Gleb

    First Board

    my first board is a burton ultra prime and its pretty good. Of course I can't compare it to any other board because this is the only board ive had but it defintly suits me. I have never had any snowboarding experience before trying it out so you'll be fine as long as you don't give up. Some of your friends might say "just go down" and that is when you tell them, "why don't you try it out?" make sure you bring some popcorn:lurk: edit: come to think of it, i actually don't reccommend that at all. Just have fun:biggthump
  11. Its great to see that Nils has faith in the product and it defintly seems like something Id love to do. It seems like we can EC at some of the bigger resorts like Sunday river, which is only 3 hours away. I totally understand why Nils could get upset because if someone is attacking the product he pours his heart into, its also a person attack. I think the EC website is defintly helping plate riding altogether. It was one of the things that pushed me over the edge to go out and buy my board on ebay. Its just mesmerizing to watch and I hope to be able to do that in the near future. Lastly, it seems like people have a problem that the board is only really good for EC which is fine. They have stunt airplanes for the purpose of stunts and a 747 to carry people. You don't criticize the 747 for not being able to do barrel rolls quickly enough and the stunt plane for its small load capacity:smashfrea
  12. I dunno....a snowboard can't tell time. A women can you use the clock on the stove....
  13. i was also thinking of a system for this. I've already bought from 3 different people here and so far so good:biggthump
  14. Gleb

    Get Dialed In

    livin it up in style:biggthump good luck john!
  15. Ya when i was there last wednesday someone told me that too. BTW, i'm going there friday night. Give me a call 508 265 1974 if ur gonna be there. Edit: i'm going to be there this sunday night as well 1/22.
  16. i'm very serious and if you can help me find a 2nd hand rig for cheap, then i'm all ears.
  17. I got burton plates and I use burton winds and it fits in fine. Can you send us a picture of your plates and boots side by side?
  18. I got the burton winds and i didn't even notice you can remove the pieces. Does this mean i can change it into a regular ski boot as well? Also, could this make UPZ make a recall?
  19. OMG i'm just so jealous that you actually get a chance to watch out for tree wells. the most we have to watch out for here is Big patches of exposed rocks, grass, straight liners (guilty as charged sometimes:nono:) and my out of controll ass getting flung across the slope.:(
  20. sadly thats true. Some times laywers aren't representing the client's best interest, just their own. This is where Fin goes and counter sues for the time he lost and the laywer fees. Also, its where we come in aswell. I'm going to be buying one of the kits soon.
  21. I looked online and it seems you can get a decent set up for around $600. I maybe wrong and missing some stuff, but this seems like something I may be doing in the summer. Need to start saving now:biggthump
  22. I have the same problem. I'm planning on working on it tonight. The rear cant definlty helped me out. I had to force my rear knee to the inside and almost pivot my ankles to apply pressure on the heel side. I'll get it eventually.
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