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Everything posted by Gleb

  1. the website isn't working great. I click on a date and i get "The requested file was not found on this server." i'm signing up for ever week possible because $15 is a steal. edit: my stupidity..."<map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="5,44,86,69" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/index.htm"><area shape="rect" coords="2,109,75,135" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/trips.htm"><area shape="rect" coords="4,173,62,197" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/join.htm"><area shape="rect" coords="2,236,99,262" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/pics.htm"><area shape="rect" coords="3,299,78,328" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/links.htm"><area shape="rect" coords="4,364,85,389" href="http://people.bu.edu/skiclub/questions.htm"></map> SIGNUPS WILL BE POSTED THE FRIDAY OR SATRUDAY BEFORE EACH TRIP AND AN EMAIL WILL BE SENT OUT TO INFORM THE CLUB WHEN THEY ARE POSTED. LINKS WILL NOT WORK UNTIL THE WEEKEND BEFORE THE TRIP!"
  2. ive probably had almost a dozen or so kids ask me if i ever tried it out in the park. I said no but its defintly possible. I remeber the pictures bob had of him grinding. Personally, i'd avoid the rail, but i cant wait to get some big air. and yeah, your sig is awesome.
  3. that is godly. Is it an expensive place to go to for spring break?
  4. i'm pretty interested in the article, RDY_2_Carve. my friend's dad owns a lotus esprite (along with a ferarri 360 modena). The esprite is nice but personally, i wouldn't get it if i could. I wouldnt get a ferari either. I used to be obsessed with cars (webshots) but now i rather spend money on sports where i can have fun and get a great work out. btw, only car i would actually want to spend alot of $ on is the midnight blue porsche i'm standing next to:biggthump I can dream, can't I?
  5. thats a pretty cool video and the song is pretty good too. We actually have students that are from other countries such as brazil. CVS has a contract with them that they will send them to school as long as they work in the country they are from. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I'm defintly gonna try to get into kite boarding. Looks like too much fun. We may not have the best powder out here for riding, but we defintly have an infinite amount of lakes and beaches. Cant wait!!!
  6. i am dripping with jealousy!! Damn you New England conditions!!!! DAMN YOU!!!
  7. I want to see a corvette verse a 911 turbo or a 911 turbo vs a viper. That would just be awesome.
  8. D-sub, i can PM you the details but i don't want to share them all in the general forum because you can search for it on google and this forum would pop up. Basically, he thinks there is alot of money coming his way to expand the church of Saint Gleb, an orphanage and to develope a well for the area. to him, "I cum too soon" is loosly, phanetically translated into japanese meaning "I praise the lord." what about the apple laptop? and thanks kipstar. more to come:biggthump link to the forum post on 419eater
  9. that race track seems really familiar. i know i have probably seen it in a video game back a few years ago. I do love the lotus but it really can't hold a candle to the corvette. Well i guess steering capabilities could set it further for running a circuit.
  10. Ive noticed that it seems people have a few boards between their first board and the first carver. I saw the light right away Wish i saw it sooner:-\
  11. well, it finally paid off. Don't feel bad for this guy. These are the same people who would steal money from anyone, and i really mean anyone. They will go to any low. See how low here Here is one of my first "trophies"
  12. i saw a guy doing that the other day. It was pretty impressive. He wasn't really turning much, just able to lean a lot while going really fast.
  13. its probably just best to get each other's numbers. Unfortunatly, wednesday is no goo for me this week.
  14. Gleb

    Nice Site

    this site does kick ass. welcome:biggthump
  15. thank you for pointing me in the right direction with those links. I am seriously considering this. There are so many kiteboarders off of cape cod which is awesome. also, as stated in a different thread, that death is a great tragedy :(
  16. continued from the 2004/2005 thread :here I keep getting the generic, "is your board supposed to be like that in the back?" and, "is that a teleboard?" same ol.
  17. I guess i'll start a 2005/2006 thread.
  18. I just read through part of that forum and wow, what a tragedy. My heart goes out to his wife and 2 children. From Seth P's and CTkiteboarding's posts, the death couldve been easily avoided. I also read Fred's near death experience on page 9. Its crazy how fast things go wrong and how dangerous it can be. It really goes to show you how important it is to have saftey equipment with you.
  19. extremely sorry about the loss. Its too bad that things like this happen. It just takes alot of the fun out of the sport. Hopefully, we'll get it back. Good luck.
  20. wachusett got 9inches today. too bad i couldnt go:-\
  21. thats like saying you shouldn't wear a seatbelt because if you get trapped under water, it would be harder to get out. It might be true in .0000001% of the cases but not usually. I wouldve fallen over laughing at that though.
  22. wow those are pretty impressive. I only have had one board but I'll put in my other snow involved things. Sled with handles to control where your going (i love it!!!) Bunch of snotubes some crappy rossi skis some crappy rossi skis with moutain Dew graphics (give aways) snoblades Burton Ultra Prime 162
  23. my first and only board so far is a 161 Burton Ultra Prime from late 90s to early 2000. Not sure at all. I bought it off ebay before thanksgiving. Here is an exact picture:
  24. not to mention that one plate that covers most of the board would probably cost enough to make people not care about the risk with traditional bindings.
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