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Everything posted by tex1230

  1. That thing looks like a blast.
  2. The authors of the letter are cowards, plain and simple. Anonymous letters that imply that two people may or may not be involved in a bunch of BS...very weak. The authors are likely lower level employees who do not understand how corporate America works. Sorry your core little company got big, but that's called success. Bringing in marketing professionals who don't ride probably made sense from a corporate level. The allegations of drug use based on Instagram photos? Pointless. Stand up for yourself, produce some real evidence, and don't hide behind anonymous internet cloaks. Donna's response letter was weak, but better than the original.
  3. Didn't Jacoby go like 9" at an early SES?
  4. My relocation to Texas put a real strain on my riding. I went back to softboots because the gear is cheaper. My feet are so screwed up it generally took 300-400 of boot fitting on top or the price of hard boots to get comfortable. I get about 5 days a year now and don't want to screw with my gear all the time. I still carve pretty well in the softies, but I won't be going back to hard boots and $800+ boards until I move back to a place where I can hit the 30+ day mark.
  5. Lamar hasn't made anything useful since he left Look
  6. I might take one of the big ones in a month or two...depends on finances. If a 180 is still around I'll talk to you.
  7. Is it a good deal? Depends on the year...older NOS RTs go for as low as $150, so maybe good, maybe not way too much board for a new carver, you really don't want to be learning on something that's going to kick your ass all day.
  8. We need Super G and Downhill too. Back when we had those races the carnge was the main attraction
  9. not yet. was waiting to see if the first guy made a deal.
  10. Interested in any trades? Nice board.
  11. I quit using flexible bindings when I crossed the 200lb mark. Too many broken plastic binding pieces to count. You should be able to pick up TD2 for around $200 used. That's where I'd go.
  12. Timmytard, did you get scammed, or did this work out? The community here should be warned if there are issues with non-payment or other scams.
  13. I'm pretty sure the cats were fake too
  14. I'vve been looking at the Donek and Bomber risers, and I've used Palmer PLS in the past - has anyone ridden all of them and can you give some comparison? Secondary question: is BomberBX website dead?
  15. A lot of us old guys came up racing in Flexons (heavily modified). Ski boots are absolutely a viable starting point.
  16. Correction...you can get northwaves if you're willing to pay stupid prices on ebay
  17. Sorry...but what's the point? You can't get northwaves anymore.. I will answer the question though...upz has a wider toe box and is a little softer (depending on tongue) Also, I don't recall northwave being Intec compatible.
  18. Bump for another idea. Will trade for size 27.5 or 28 hard boots in decent condition. Must be Intec compatible...
  19. The level of whining in this...and every other OES thread has led me to several conclusions: 1) it must be summer...that's when all the whiners come out to play 2) Snowmatic must have asked for a sponsorship and been denied 3) Alexey - love your videos and your ideas. 4) I can't believe some douchebag accused Swoard of ripping off Wild Duck...given that they were the same designer 5) my ignore list is expanding by the second.
  20. Maybe it doesn't translate well, but that slope does not look near 40 degrees. 40 degrees is much steeper
  21. anyone have that link to Bordy's "It's not the board..." video?
  22. That was awesome. Why am I in Texas again?
  23. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/bears-massachusetts-don-t-chase-wielding-hatchet Which one of you was it? :-)
  24. Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become a true expert at anything. For Snowboarding, this is about 2,000 actual days on snow, riding 5 hours a day on average. So if you've never had multiple 100+ day seasons, you probably still suck I've been at this sport for over 30 years now, and I think I may be approaching that 10,000 hour mark... But ask anyone who has ridden with me and they will tell you I don't have a clue
  25. If you're falling down on every heel side, no amount of bevel is going to help :-/Spend the time to learn the technique. Like Utah said, the Norm and other articles will help tremendously. Also, starting out on a pretty advanced board with high angles in powder is gonna suck. Wrong tool for a powder day. Break it out after a couple of grooming passes and try again. Aldo, (IMHO) a 10 degree splay between feet at those angles just sounds painful. Try angling the boot to where you are just inside of the edges and go parallel on both feet to start.
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