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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. That's a good trail. Competition Hill. https://forums.alpinesnowboarder.com/store/product/3-asb-sticker/ Don't have those. Perhaps we should?
  2. Can you carve like this?
  3. This internet gold... https://www.facebook.com/624692850/posts/10158299435572851/?
  4. Remember to LOOK where you want the carve to go. In between carves, turn your head, and look at the spot where you want the next carve to end. Carve there. If you're looking downhill you're doing it wrong.
  5. Certainly makes sense, but I'm a sedan guy. I'd get the AWD of course.
  6. How so? Does the 3 not have a folding rear seat? I like the looks of the 3 better.
  7. Nah. This will be a board used on good conditions. No plate necessary then.
  8. The Obelisk has landed... Custom Kessler 180. Sister ship to @MR. JOHN DEERE !’s green machine. 21cm waist, avg 15m KST Freecarve. Can’t wait! (pardon my un-level un-square old house!)
  9. Our eyes are in front to judge distance to our prey. We have incisors, canines, and molars to rip off and chew flesh. Bacon tastes good. Porkchops taste good. Because you know, science.
  10. Every now and then a liftie will do mask patrol in the roped off space between maze lines. I'm wondering when they will start pulling passes for standing in a crowded lift line with your mask down. But they force the lifties sitting in the shacks all alone to wear masks. CYA. Optics.
  11. I'm wearing a Blackstrap balaclava. It's two layers of neoprene so I think it's ok. Plus I stay the heck away from people. I can't be responsible for the people behind me in lift line who straddle my board. I'm seeing a not insignificant number of these on the hill...
  12. I rode one in 2010. It sits on the board so it is a flex modifier. It's not lightweight. It will make your board run longer, which could be a good thing if you feel your board is too turny while naked. If that's not what you want then I would look towards an Apex or Donek AF or one of the Allflex Carve plates.
  13. I only had the original 5mm BBP, unmodified, 4x4 mount. It was completely rigid, no flex whatsoever in any direction. I wanted and tried to like it but I just couldn't. It was not involved in the previous test but if it was it would rank last. It was Fin's first attempt at reproducing his understanding of what the original Apex plate was doing in the 2010 Olympics, which was top secret. I haven't ridden any other variations of the BBP.
  14. UPZ boots have such a high heel that I would recommend putting your 6 degree disk under the front foot for toe lift, and 3 degree disk under the back foot for heel lift. Personally I can't think of anyone I've ever met who tried toe and heel lift and went back to 0/0. It's just awkward IMO.
  15. Together we, the AlpineSnowboarder community, have donated over $3200 this year and over $5100 all time to USASA and USSRT combined, through subscriptions, classifieds donations, and merchandise purchases. You are helping to make youth racing possible, you are supporting the US national team, and keeping this weird sport alive! Also, ad revenue has allowed us to directly donate $100 each to USSRT members Robby Burns, Iris Pflum, Cody Winters, and now Lily Janousek. Let's all hope for a great 2021! Thank you!! 2020 USASA National Champion GS & SL Breaker Boys (13-14) Mike Smith (@TVR's son!) training today at Sugarloaf. Lily Janousek, latest recipient of our direct athlete donation, finished 13th in PGS at the FIS Jr. World Championships in Lachtal Austria on December 20.
  16. Cody's final silver medal run is at 53:50, red course. Conditions look pretty well shagged by then!! Way to survive and finish.
  17. Interesting, thanks for the detail. This explains why I saw a Model-X in the parking lot the other day with the wife outside knocking on the window saying "hey, the window's out!" The husband had put the window up and it went up outside its frame. I love tech so I would be buying it for that, and the acceleration of course. Maybe by the time I'm done with this S4, Tesla will have upped their game.
  18. I did not mean to imply that masks are not effective, or that coughing into your elbow is all you need to do to fight covid, lol. I meant that wearing a mask is like holding your elbow up to your face constantly. I am all for wearing a mask when appropriate. Some people have gotten carried away, like those driving in their car alone, wearing a mask. Huh? Covid is not like yeast or pollen, it is not floating around everywhere. Interesting point about neck gaiters being worse than nothing. It's amusing what is passing for compliant masking at ski resorts.
  19. Still no joy. We are down to mid-November conditions. And that's an insult to mid-November.
  20. Nice setup. Might do stage 2 with pulley someday. Thinking I’ll keep the stock exhaust for stealth and manners. It’s my only car after all. I see a Model 3 in my future, how does it compare?
  21. Sir Benjamin Karl https://www.instagram.com/p/CJQW0E3FCsp/?igshid=xooayeaxee5f
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