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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Please keep this thread snowboarding related and non-political, thanks.
  2. I got a "performance demo" at a snowboard shop at the base. First they had me try something short and fishy, but I'm too old school. Switched it for a Supermodel 168 and had a great time.
  3. Yes. The Casper lift serves a collection of blue groomers. There are other great groomers around the resort too. I went there in 2010 with only my Stubby 170 and wished I had brought my 185 NSR. Leave anything shorter than 170 at home! I'd like to hardboot there again someday. But also bring a powder/freeride setup. Or rent one.
  4. Sounds good. Donek Freecarve is a legendary board, seems like most North American carvers have owned them at some point in their career. Enjoy!
  5. Welcome @weather_nerd! The first step to success in hardboots is to get really good at carving in softboots. Can you carve your downhill edge? What do you weigh? The Voyager is softer than the Freecarve. Deeluxe boots really need the aftermarket BTS kit. Without them, the forward lean adjuster actually locks out the ankle hinge, and all flex comes from just deforming the shell. Yuck! You may also need to add these pads to the outside of the liners to reduce heel lift, which is common with Deeluxe. UPZ boots are famous for heel hold, and have a good spring system, but the stock liners are usually tossed in favor of Intuition liners, probably Power Wrap or Alpine. Deeluxe come with rebranded Intuition liners, and Donek does board+boot+binding packages with Deeluxe. UPZ RC12s out of the box are softer than Deeluxe T700s, and stiffer than 325s. UPZ offers tongues in 4 different stiffnesses if adjusting the spring system isn't enough. Definitely get an extra lift kit for the F2 bindings (check the size). They only come with one. You want one under the heel of the rear foot and one under the toe of the front foot. You'll have better comfort and mobility. Start with no canting. Good luck, let us know how it goes!
  6. https://orcuttphotography.com/
  7. Hi Ladia, for some reason I am just seeing this thread now. Very sorry to hear all of this, what a terrible story. #2020. Thank you for letting us know, and for the sobering reminder of what is at stake for all of us. Wishing you the very best. I can merge your two accounts and reset the password. PM me and we'll get it fixed.
  8. This is what I was referring to. These are the masks that 9999 out of 10000 people are wearing by my estimation.
  9. So... someone sent this to me... I'm not sure what to make of this science, and I just don't have time in my life to become an expert on this stuff. This study found no evidence that masks reduce the spread of "pandemic influenza". Does that also mean they aren't effective for covid? What do you think? https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article
  10. I'm not exactly sure, but it was 72 hours before visit. Not sure if that means test administered and results received within 72 hours, or just results received. It's moot now as the Maine governor has lifted the restriction on Massachusetts travelers.
  11. It was not allowed at BOL ever since the forum became moderated in 2003. This formula has worked. It's not broke, so we're not fixing it. This is easily the most civil place I know on the internet and I am proud of us for that. Thanks!
  12. Well this is the "for sale" forum, so yes it's a rule for sales. Auctions may not be run here not for any pious reason. The forum system is simply not set up for that. Now how about my question?
  13. Why? In the 21 years that BOL-now-ASB and eBay have coexisted, has it ever been a problem?
  14. It was a response to me wondering how state restrictions are going to play out at ski resorts. Really appreciate how civil this internet oasis has been. Thanks everyone!!
  15. I wonder how it's going to work here in Maine if Governor Mills does not relax the travel restrictions on Massachusetts travelers in time. This could be a real problem for the ski resorts. A negative test immediately before visit, or 14 day quarantine is still required. Violators may face a fine of $1000 and 6 months in jail. Are MA season pass holders seriously going to be expected to take a test every week, and then prove it? Because now with RFID, the resorts will know when they're here I presume. Edit - it was pointed out to me that the RFID for a season pass can be blocked or turned off. So the resort could block MA passes every night, and MA pass holders would have to check in each morning to get it activated. What a PITA
  16. Yeah I tend to agree that quarantine/masks/distancing were the right moves, and not with the notion that they did nothing. But I think that regions where the curve has successfully been flattened, like the Northeast US, should be able to adapt. Many here are still acting like it's March.
  17. An interesting thing about that is that while cases are rising again with school reopening and other factors, deaths are not rising at the same rate, if at all, depending on region. Northeast US (New England, NY, NJ, PA) is especially interesting. Deaths/day: http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/?chart=states&highlight=US-Northeast&show=highlight-only&y=fixed&scale=linear&data=deaths-daily&data-source=jhu&xaxis=right-all#states Cases/day: http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/?chart=states&highlight=US-Northeast&show=highlight-only&y=fixed&scale=linear&data=cases-daily&data-source=jhu&xaxis=right-all#states
  18. I will figure something out, stay tuned.
  19. Just stumbled across the Sochi slalom video above. Incredible clean runs in the men's and women's small and big finals. Direct links: Men's: https://youtu.be/Fu7XWK0o4pM?t=4269 Women's: https://youtu.be/Fu7XWK0o4pM?t=3304 Required viewing for any aspiring SL racers!
  20. Tangent: due to covid, many schools are eschewing the SAT. All my son’s favorites have, but he doesn’t know yet. Shhh!
  21. I’ll take a look to see if that’s configurable. Applying the software updates is not optional. This was a bigger one than usual. @west carven looks like I can't configure the k on the view counter, sorry!
  22. Define better. Maine has a female governor who has done an excellent job controlling covid. But at what costs? That will never be measured. Friendly reminder that politics and religion are not tolerated here. It just doesn't work. This thread seems civil but we are skating on thin ice. Who's getting a splitboard? Split carving board??
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