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Everything posted by Hilux

  1. Someone suggested mouse pads ie neoprene as a cheap alternative for me. I cut a 1/4" (just an estimate) mousepad in half, wrapped it against my shin and around just past the tongue and it works wonders! The only thing I've yet to determine if it's going to cause extra pressure points but perhaps it's soft and thin enough that it won't.
  2. I'm exactly your weight and have a 165 with 10.5 scr. It's definitely softer feeling but never felt it was a noodle. I'd used it as my laid back board for when I wanted to dial it back. You'll probably notice it has less pop than a Factory Prime or similar but it's still responsive. I also found it to be a good crud board (perhaps due to wider waist) for end of day however it was surprisingly grippy on ice. Hope that helps.
  3. In experimenting with newer setups, I personally prefer a bit of setback and just shift weight forward when needed. On my new board I had it perfectly centered at first but after trying it out I pushed everything back 1/2" and it felt that much better for me. I think your feeling/observations are correct in that small changes can make dramatic differences. One thing I've learned is to try to make one small adjustment at a time instead of many. And yes, a lot of this is personal preference but it never hurts getting other opinions.
  4. Happy New Year! Update for Vorlage. Snow coverage not bad today given our situation. Really only one run open (worth carving on) but they are still in dire need of snow. Base is thinning out with mild temps but I was still impressed considering it's mostly artificial. Snow, snow, snow...everybody!
  5. Check this out. Go to the December 26 video about a minute in and wait for the carver! http://www.calabogie.com Still doesn't look like great coverage...better than nothing!
  6. Thanks again everyone. Beckman, great advice thanks. I changed many things this year all at once ie board and and boots and so the adjustment has been difficult. In the past I've changed one thing at a time so I was able to narrow down the variables impeding my progress or likewise, improve performance. I've kept my bindings the same and with an inseam of 33", I'm at a 19.25" stance which seems to be comfortable. Bindings have 3* heel/toe lift with 0.5* outward cant on back foot...this has worked for me but perhaps I'll reassess.
  7. Hmmm, thanks for the suggestions/input so far. Allee, interesting suggestion and an affordable one at that. Tonight I put them back on and actually noticed some tenderness on the back of my calf. Shins are done though still...wah, painful. I proceeded to throw in my old HSP stock liners and it felt better and definitely softened the boot up as well. Ernie, you managed to fit a 29 in a 27? I've been advised, and researched that a 27 or 26 in my 27 shell would be appropriate for any heat moldable/thermo liner. Hey, whatever works! JP, your right in saying you never know what's going to work or not. I honestly just want to throw my cash at the Intuition and be done with it but I understand there's no guarantee. I've just heard many more positive things about those than negatives and if anyone could see the damage done to my feet, shins, you'd understand how desperate and frustrating this is after buying these boots new To snowboardfast, I think a bootfitter is in order as you suggested. I might go regardless of which direction I take. Probably well worth the time and $. Anyone try a BOOSTER strap with these? Wondering if that would help the shinbang. Thanks again everyone...so disappointing
  8. Hey folks. I've done some research on here and online but haven't found a definitive answer before I drop some money on liners. Long story short, I broke in my UPZ RC10 Flo liners for a couple months wearing them around the house so they'd mold to my feet before hitting the slopes. This was done in hopes that this would prevent any painful experiences. Was out my first day last week and have severe bruising on ankles (mostly right foot...back foot), a mad case of shinbang, and tenderness on the top of my foot where the tongue ridge hits. Left foot has same but to a lesser degree and it generally felt comfortable all day. I tried repositioning tongue every way and it never got better. Where do I go from here? I see my options as: 1. Use my HSP stock liners that are okay and free :D 2. Suck it up, tough it out another round to confirm these (Flo liners) do indeed injure me every time I want to go out...in other words, give it a chance. 3. Invest in thermos, Intuition, Deeluxe etc I'm leaning towards the Intuition liners as I've only read good things about them and they fall within my price range <$200. A couple questions for those who've had experience with these, is it worth getting the Power Wrap version or will the Alpine be sufficient? I'm thinking Power Wrap because of it possibly eliminating shinbang by being stiffer, but I'm not too sure if this would be the case. Any insight is much appreciated on these liners or others. I'm open to suggestions. Thanks! http://www.intuitionliners.com/
  9. Awesome:biggthump Just curious, what's the date on that publication? I imagine it's newer as it defines "snowboard cross"... Merry Christmas
  10. Absolutely true. That's the number one question I've always had on the lift ride up with others...especially if you are average Joe/Jane skier not into techy stuff .
  11. Yes, exactly my intention...spread the word:) We do represent a tiny segment of the market and I'd rather always leave people with a positive response. As far as I could tell he was really interested. Never know, maybe he'll come to the dark side eventually...or is it the bright side of snowboarding ;)
  12. Coming to a stop before a steep pitch in super low viz and check behind me for straightliners, tailgaters. Teen in softboots following really closely. Teen: "Hey what's that?" Me: "What's what?" Teen: "That" pointing down to new Coiler AMT Me: "Oh, it's a snowboard...well it's an alpine board or some call it carving board" Teen: No response. Me: "It's just like your board but not...it's built for a different purpose for carving and really hooking turns. I use plate (I think for a second as I can sense the confusion)...different bindings and boots like these (I pull my pant cuff up to reveal TD3's and green UPZ's)." Teen: "Oh, so you ski too?" Me: "Yes I ski too....oh, not in these boots though" Teen: "But those are ski boots..." Me: "Erm, no they're snowboard boots, hardboots. See the heel and toe pieces?" Teen: "Oh ya (pauses again as the gears are turning in his head)...cool, good luck!"
  13. WEBSIGHT- Thanks for the suggestion but I did reposition tongue several times, moved velcro/tongue to either side and front/back in various combinations but nothing helped. As I mentioned it feels as thought the tongue is deformed...or is that my foot?;)
  14. Tried these on snow yesterday and have mixed feelings. Performance-wise overall they're great, nice flex etc. My left foot felt great but not perfect. My right foot however was in excruciating pain by the end of the day. The liner and tongue are the main culprits. 1. I tried several times to reposition tongue but the outside ridge kept digging in to the top of my foot and cutting off circulation thereby making my foot tingly. It feels like the tongue is deformed to begin with as the left one feels much more conformable to my foot. 2. My ankles are bruised just below the ankle bone which I find very strange. 3. A good case of shin-bang and overall soreness in my foot. 3. Major heel slip between liner and boot shell while flexing during riding...very annoying! I tried everything to get the foot to feel comfortable but nothing seemed to help. I probably should have called it quits upon first feeling of pain but I had faith that it would get better. Pretty disappointed and frustrated. I'm not blaming the boot 100% as part of the problem is my foot structure, shape. The last thing I want to do is spend more cash on liners but it might be the only option because the shell performance is great. Bah...
  15. Uh oh, what have we started Again, that looks great...I hope these aren't supposed to be kept under wraps. Even though I don't ride softies, I'm interested to see how all of these perform compared to off the shelf varieties. What's the camber/rocker on these puppies like?
  16. Bruce was telling me that he had a "prototype" softie out last year and it yielded good results. It'll be interesting to get a report on how it rides. A unique Coiler indeed.
  17. For those who have them, are they easily interchangeable between boots? This thread came up at a good time b/c my girlfriend has really poor circulation and Raynaud's and I'm looking at getting her some for XMAS instead of a bulk pack of heaters. She skis now but I've got her some harboots to try alpine this year so we might be swapping back and forth. Is it a matter of just pulling the insoles out and fishing the connecting wire? I understand the convenience factor but do you find these are more effective than the single-use packs? As Corey mentioned, I'm also interested to hear longterm reviews of users.
  18. I ordered the 27/27.5 shell size RC10's. In UPZ speak that equates to 7/7.5/8 As my feet measured a hair over 27.5 (left foot), a little under 27.5 for my right, Dan Yoga recommended the 27.5 with the liner marked "8". I wanted to downsize but he was adamant that these were the appropriate sizing. I'm glad I listened to him....size-wise they're perfect, and the more and more I wear them they just get better as the Flo liner molds. Hope that helps.
  19. Same shell size 26/26.5 *are you putting much weight on your foot when measuring?
  20. Yeahhhh! Payment sent as well! Probably be one of those mags I'll keep around for years that are always great to look back on. Can't wait :D
  21. Sunsurfer, you have successfully proven me wrong :o Good stuff :D That should be a component of the slogan...
  22. As for attracting a wide market, keeping it neutral is key. You also have to factor in how most find there way here to Bomber, word of mouth perhaps?...and a quick google search for carving equipment (that's how I got here). So it might not make too much a difference what is used to attract a specific market segment. I honestly didn't even notice it until this thread :o I like the idea of having something relating to "the vibe" but I think it's hard to capture in a slogan and I'm a little indifferent on the current one. Hanging out on Bomber gives you a better feeling of what it's all about. Anywho, I think short and sweet is the way to go. As Fin and family are at it hard with R&D I think the slogan (call it what you will) should reflect this. It's unique and it's good stuff so something like along the lines of what carvingchef suggested. "Staying on the cutting edge..." "The cutting edge of carving since '93" "On the cutting edge of carving since '93"
  23. Hilux

    Eces Q & A

    Hey folks, a couple questions 1. Are there a certain amount of rooms set aside for this shindig? I'm just wondering how much of a panic I have to be in to book. 2. Are there any women's clinics? 3. This $166 deal...that's in addition to pass/lodging, correct?...like an add on? edit: yup, answered my own question : ) 3. When will the snow come?;) Thanks!
  24. Great thanks PT! I might go try the Anon Helix as well, they came with a an amber mirror (almost like the Sensor but the outside is completely mirrored) and an additional lens for the same price as the Smith's with Sensor. I've heard the quality of optics are "better" in the Smiths but I probably couldn't tell the difference. Ah decisions...
  25. I suppose I should have specified as well that I'll be riding at night. Will lenses like the Smith sensor mirror suffice for night time conditions? I know it will be a dramatic improvement from what I have now but anyone with experience with these lenses or anything else that has worked for you at night please chime in!
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