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Everything posted by Eboot

  1. Notice how the pole is not parallel to the fall line ...
  2. Hi Jennifer I was cleaning up pages in the forum when i saw this for the first time since you posted - thank you so much. Those "huts" look amazing. Unfortunately my Zermatt trip never happened but I will still return, someday, I hope, I need to share it with my daughter. I really like the look of the Stelvio pass and if you live there - wish you well to enjoy every breath you take! wishing you a great season! Brian
  3. Nnedie Okarafor was a really exciting find for me, highly recommend her books
  4. Looking forward to reading Ninth House, ordered and waiting. Also rereading Dune after 15 years, current movie release tweaked my interest again. Amazing that this series was written in the 1960's! Timeless SF that is not dated by the thinking limitations of the age. Below are some new books / series that I have just finished that are worth exploring, all different: A time of dread: John Gwynne (3 book series + 4 book follow on) The empire's ruin: Brian Stavely (4 part series) The blacktongue thief: Christopher Buehlman The Goblin Emperor" Katherine Addison Gideon the ninth: Tamsyn Muir Some authors that are worth exploring with many books each: Neal Stephenson (one of my favorite authors) Martha Wells Adrian Tchaikovsky Brandon Sanderson Alastair Reynolds Peter F Hamilton Neal Asher Stephen Baxter Kate Elliott James S Corey Linda Nagata Yoon Ha Lee Nnedi Okarafor Ann Leckie That should keep you going for a weekend
  5. Welcome! There are several recent threads where similar questions have been asked and answered, although they may not align completely. They may give you a quick reference as you engage with the group. In these threads there will be discussion on length of board, materials, side cut radius, stiffness etc. Reviewing the threads will inform you on what is important for you and being able to ask more specific questions. Having comfortable boots and a relatively modern board will be a good start. The for sale section advertises such equipment while the Vintage for sale section is for older equipment. Buying used on the forum will often allow you to resell in the near future for similar to what you paid as you upgrade equipment. I think that you will see an increase in the amount of equipment coming up as we get closer to snow time.
  6. My experience is that the initial discomfort of hardboots determines the interest of the learner to persevere or not. If he is used to skiing and has never been in softboots this may be an easy transition. Secondly: although kids learn quickly, if he is a good skier, having some early lessons to get the turning basics sorted early will help that transition.
  7. She is still learning, slow and not interested in chasing me, so i would like to just be able to mess around with her, at her speed. something I find hard to do on my Angrry. I used to teach in softboots but that was a looong time ago. But if i am going to buy a softboot setup, i thought it made sense to think through boot selection before buying anything.
  8. @Odd Job sorry - i missed that, the thread started talking about comparative technique and I assumed that this was a technique statement. I intend to try both especially as I am concerned that the board width will not accommodate my boot at low angles. (25.5 cm and US 11)
  9. I bought an SG Soul so that I can ride with my daughter who is reluctant to switch to hard boots. I would like to get a pair of softboots for occasional riding, but thought I should look for some suited for carving ‘coz … Suggestions? Both positive and what not to get. I have an old K2 clicker set of bindings and boots from about ‘06, but the boot straps have perished. Are these worth looking to restore?
  10. lived and worked in Sandton for several years. actually a Boksburg boykie!
  11. For the first time ever I am training with a focus on the forthcoming season in mind. Having been a very competitive sportsman when younger, I got lazy as I got older. Becoming an older father reminded me about the need to stay healthy and strong and one of the upsides of covid, for me, was a call to exercise. I am following a consistent regimen of basic daily exercise plus 4 days a week of gym and / or cycling and, as the season get closer, starting to focus on legs. I was wondering what programs others on the forum followed, as a build up to the start of the season?
  12. I watched my only live F1 Grand Prix at Kyalami in 1974
  13. South African cold not Canadian cold I tend to ride without goggles most of the time as a result of fogging so airing them is not an issue. I tend to do that on the lift by putting them on my helmet for the trip up, but it doesn't always work - I guess that Neil's point above may talk to that issue ...
  14. Some of the helmets I am seeing are not sealed, just drop the visor, so natural airflow (I assume) and would be happy with I ride my snowmobile with visor cracked open ALL the time. Example below
  15. Using goggles over my helmet usually leaves my goggles misted and for the most part I consequently don't use them. I was wondering if a helmet with an integrated visor would suit me better and welcome any feedback.
  16. Mmmh - are you suggesting a certain racers’ s ex-NSR is a free carve board? All tied up financially waiting for my contra. Oh and having a set of Beckman inserts made. Oh and saving for MCC. Also happen to be sitting on an an SG full race titan 185 Thanx for thinking of me Jack. Sorry @dhamann I am not your man at the moment. Good luck with the sale, surprised this is still here!
  17. As mentioned by Neil there are a lot of people much older that you This survey provided some interesting stats:
  18. Eboot


    I forgot what a great collection of music is included in these pages have spent the evening just listening thanx for sharing!
  19. Eboot


    It’s Friday and I can’t help it South Africa has produced some interesting artists. On the other extreme to Die Antwoord;
  20. FYI This is probably not a titanal board but is a great transition board for what you are looking for. It would obviously require shipping from the US.
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