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Everything posted by Eboot

  1. My self perception lies! Videos prove that what I think I am doing and what I am doing are QUITE different. Obviously videos lie more. My legs are not as strong as I thought they were. My brain does not believe in completing the carve back up the hill ... thar be dragons! Consequently I have decided to order one of the new style boards that just requires one to lean over, relaxedly, and then does all the work for one, including perfect ice edge hold, super high carve backs and elegant steeps. The cost to improvement effort ratio makes it cheap at the price.
  2. Update: snuck out for 2 hours this morning hoping to consolidate on some of my recent gains. Great first runs on what has become for me a well known slope, moved on to the next faster, icier run and ... felt like I had regressed back to the beginning of the season Serious backside board oscillation, loss of edge ... Have been advised to go back to basics with individual drills and focus on just 1 element at a time. hey ho, hey ho, it’s off to practice I go ...
  3. @lonbordinthank you that was some effort to pare it down, appreciated! I have seen ktv’s write up, missed the Bruce comment in the fireside chat!
  4. Interesting options: tree(s), gate(s), mo(n)g(r)als, first tracks. Clearly missing are the steeps, but hey the price is right!
  5. Am in the build queue for a Contra later this year and was wondering if anyone had done a comparison of the “standard” Contra vs. the wogo? I demo’d @GeoffV’s Contra on Saturday (modified for him) and was very impressed.
  6. Thank you Mark. FYI code does not work, not sure if by bundle you meant both types of product or something else? Ordered anyway
  7. At mount snow, 2 extremes within 5 minutes: that set up rocks, vs. Look it’s a snow skate
  8. Done! Beware what you ask for as no good suggestion goes unpunished
  9. Eboot


    @lonbordin thank you! I am in there all the time, did not put the 2 together. However I believe that the posts only start from 2020, I was looking for older ones.
  10. Eboot


    Could somebody guide me to where the videos have been moved to? (I could have sworn there used to be a video section )
  11. Thanx @BlueDevil for some reason I missed this. Great advice. I forget the name of the hut on the Italian side of the glacier which is all wood, music, smoke and laughter and feels like a different world compared to the Swiss stations. I spent 4 winters nearby in Graechen in the 90s, but zermatt was by far my favorite place in CH, and is one of my best travel destinations ever. trip has still not materialized and am battling to even make it to MCC so nit sure when this will happen
  12. Eboot

    Mount Snow

    I was there on Tuesday with @Eric Brammer aka PSR from 9-12:30. Was an unexpected trip so didn’t think to check if anyone else would be around. some of the best riding of the year and certainly the best conditions I have experienced at MS. Sorry nit to have bumped into you @ace
  13. Thanx Corey that is very helpful! I have been observing this in multiple videos to the point where i considered querying whether this was good practice. I remember a thread where somebody commented on the back hand flick in a particular video as well.
  14. Strange advice at first read but, unlike every other time if have done this in my life, brought positive results in the implementation Update: Incorporating much of the advice from this thread, direct input from @Beckmann AG, @GeoffV and @Eric Brammer aka PSR and practice on varying slopes and conditions, backside is definitely improving. What I initially thought was fear as the slope increased appears now to be a mental block that I am working through, looking back across the slope and “anatomical” steering making a big difference. I ended a great session at Mt Snow today feeling like there is progress. Below is a pic from one of my early runs that clearly shows some of what I have been trying to overcome although this is seriously pronounced!
  15. At mount Snow with @Eric Brammer aka PSR today
  16. 6ft, 190, Coiler Angrry 160. My go to board at my NE mountain unless there are no crowds. Can ride it all day till I can’t any more
  17. Any idea where this was filmed? Looks like the glacier at Klein Matterhorn.
  18. That no matter how much I spin this in my mind, @GeoffV is a better carver than me ...
  19. I am surprised this has not sold, must be that goofy thang.
  20. Looking for a pair of used hard boots for a good skier wanting to start carving. I have provided a loaner set up for him to start, just missing the boots. intially started with m29 but it appears that m28.5 will work better
  21. There are also a few of us that ride at Wachusett that would be glad to see you on the mountain, a little closer.
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