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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hey SS It's nothing but groomers for carving imo! Not a snowflake in sight for the next 14 days at least Homewood is struggling to stay open coverage wise. Northstar and Heavenly have the best grooming and Northstar has probably has the most coverage. Had a blast at Northstar today but lines are out of the ropes by 10am on the weekend. I have no clue as to conditions or coverage at Sugar Bowl Leave the pow board at home is all I can tell ya!
  2. New In Box - Bomber TD3 Sidewinder Step In Bindings with 3/6 cant disks and blue E-pads and blue E-rings My winning bid came out cheaper than new form Bomber, but considering the Bomber stores hiatus and the total lack of TD3 bindings, complete or parts I was ready to pay substantially more to acquire this New set! This setup is going on the new Coiler EC-M 177 Bruce has just finished and shipped! More Board Porn!!! Yeah Me!~~~~
  3. Blue B Yes - I've heard you and lonbordin.......and I've worked my way down from 65/60! ........but even at my current 55/50 I find myself really twisting/squirming my feet in my boots, at the beginning of each run trying to get.... (even) more .....angle! I felt those ( harder and bouncier to ride in rough conditions) ailments today but attributed it to the board and my tired legs. I'm gonna try moving down to 50/45 again.....(my knees did not like it last time!) and see if I can notice less "ailments".
  4. Blue B - Can you clarify this for me. Are you saying if my angles are steeper than necessary (my 55/50 on a 23 waist) I've got Underhang and I'm more suspect for the above mentioned ailments??
  5. Yep Billyt. 225 too much right now!
  6. Great info guys! We will leave the skis and boards behind this trip! Hooker Valley Trail and Mueller Hut trip sounds up our alley!
  7. hmm.....Knapton clone? Twin sons of different mothers?
  8. Third option? I'm more the "Tight Arch". deep or not!
  9. Agree lowrider........ "failure" this is not - yet! Title adjusted accordingly. ........and I'm gonna ride it as is............
  10. That duck foot stance makes my knees hurt looking at it! Anybody know the guy or the resort??
  11. ..........and I'm not a Trump fan either!
  12. Thanks for the info guys....
  13. My hard boots are my only setups.....and I'm trying to carve the Moss and the Sword every day I'm out , which is a minimum of 4 days a week
  14. Hey SunSurfer Nope -not where the M8 bolt was tightened down this time - Alpine1 - So your Hairline is a complete crack? Is it in the inside M8 bolt slot back by the angle alignment like mine?
  15. Just found one hairline crack in my TD3 baseplate just to the right of the angle viewing slot! Ugh! ...and this has been on my Moss PQ60 which isn't even my hard charging carving setup!! fyi: This is on the front foot and my heel receiver is all the way back in the last set of holes...so heel receiver screws are as far away as possible. I'm 6'2" and 225lbs too much and ride TD3 SW SI's with 3 degree cant disk/toe lift in front and 3 degree heel lift on yellow E-rings with Track 425' boots. These bindings are in their third season. Couldn't get a good photo of it so I hijacked a base plate photo and am pointing at crack area. Check Your Base Plates People!! Anybody got a set of TD3 base plates to sell !!
  16. WTF! I just found a crack in the TD3 base plate (front foot) I use with my Moss PQ 60! Wow! ...and this isn't even my hard charging setup!! Anybody got a set they want to sell??
  17. Doesn't sound like we will haul the ski gear with those odds! How about trekking in and around Mt. Cook that time of year??
  18. Hey Allee Thanks for the reply! Are the resorts all above tree line, like on glacier like in Europe??
  19. The wife and I are traveling to the Southern Island/Christchurch to visit our daughter. Will be there 3 weeks Is it right time of year to bring all the skis and boards ?? She is working on Stewart Island at the southern tip but will come up to meet us and we will take a week+ making our way back to Stewart Island via Mt. Cook Nat. Park....and some skiing/boarding along the way??
  20. Ok.......here's another one. I apologize upfront, it's a little longwinded to set up the plot~ This is totally on me..nobody else involved. Carving back East at Cannon Mtn. in NH This was years ago....... I was on an Volant 168?, which had a lot of pop. So literally on the last run of the last lift of the day as I was hauling ass back down to the lodge on a progressively narrow trail I hooked a much tighter than usual heelside turn and when almost out of the turn the board released all that extra energy, which I wasn't ready for and launched me sideways....towards the woods.......sliding on my back....head first......at Mach I! So not only are there a ton of trees that line the trail....there's was also an old length of steel water main that runs parallel to the trail - this pipe was 1 ft+ in diameter that ran for 100 yards or more (this was a leftover from the early years of snowmaking) and this length of pipe is no more than 14 inches off the ground! Ok....back to the story.....I'm rocketing towards the woods headfirst, on my back, at Mach I, can't see whats coming but I know I'm headed towards the trees and that length of Pipe!............. and I know this ain't gonna be good! .......Did I Mention I'm Not Wearing A Helmet!! I can feel getting shot off the trail, flying out of control towards sudden death and am expecting some ungodly impact...........and then, all of a sudden I stop very abruptly... like something just grabbed me!!! I expect to feel some ungodly pain.....but nothing, so I look up and my body is totally underneath the water pipe and I am on the other side of the pipe and my board is wedged up flat against the farside/trailside of the pipe! So I'm sitting there realizing I'm one lucky mofo! and at the ridiculous odds of my body shooting under the 14 inches of clearance of the pipe and it was my board smacking up against the pipe that stopped me!!! At this point blood starts trickling down my face.................ok that's not good!...............so I apply pressure with one hand, reach over the pipe to release my toe bails and crawl out from under the pipe. I stand up....still in utter belief..........I mean I couldn't have aimed any better even if I Had seen what was coming while I was flying through the air!! So I crawl out of the woods get back on my board and head down to ski patrol. Now if you know anything about head/scalp wounds, you know they bleed... a lot! So by the time I walk into ski patrol at the base lodge it's after closing and no other guests are around and I'm covered in blood and look like I escaped from a Friday the 13th Jason movie!! I walk in the Patrol shack door and the 3 or 4 patrolers just freeze....... I think I say something like...Uh, I think I got a prob....and before I can get the whole sentence out they all pounce on me and wrestle me onto a examination table! Turns out when my whole body shot under the 1ft. diameter pipe that was 14 inches off the ground my head skimmed the bottom of the pipe and i got a perfectly straight 5 inch superficial scalp laceration that took 20? or 30? stitches! When I told the Patrolers what happened (while they were dressing my wound for the trip to the ER) they couldn't believe it!...... but were adamant that Not wearing a Helmet that day saved my life because the extra girth/height of a helmet would not of cleared that pipe and that would have been, Snap! Game Over For Me!! So if a cat's got nine lives, this cat definitely lost one that day!!
  21. Hey Cuba. You still riding Heaveniy this coming Sat.?? I'll be out of Stagecoach lift and running laps on Olympic. What are you riding??
  22. Conditions don't sound much differant than here so I'm out.........gonna stick to our lovely warm and sunny snow drought here in the Sierra's. Everybody that makes it..... have an Unofficial Good Time!
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