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Everything posted by barryj

  1. No need to get ya panties in a wad there LB ....and it doesn't seem crazy to me at all, I understand boot sizes, bootout and angles are subjective..........just making sure the OP has more info to make best purchase for his needs.......
  2. I don't ride soft or switch, so what do I know ...but isn't a Kanpton Twin ...already like Fat Bob Wide?? like starts at 24 at the waist and goes up? Unless you got Big Waffle Stomper Feet why ya need or want that wide a board? All that real estate is gonna slow it down edge to edge on the groomers.....and if ya "want it for the groomers" then I'm sure your not gonna need all that width to set it up duckfoot...... ...and buying a switch/twin when ya don't ride switch.......... well your gonna have to be on your game to keep it directional...imo
  3. Hmmm.....I thought "E" was for large doses of the drug Ecstasy Thanks for the replies guys. Still waiting on xray results....but I'm betting it will be inconclusive and Ill get a referral to the Orthopod and an MRI. Today I can raise my arm (straight and bent) to the side almost shoulder level....still no movement forward....... but I Can Still Ride!!
  4. Not sure how I crashed but took a header.....more like a WWF Piledriver to my shoulder yesterday....... arm was not outstretched or in front of me. Head and shoulder took full brunt.......head fine.... shoulder, not so much Can't raise my arm in front or to the side.......forearm and wrist are aok No pain or ache with injured side.....arm/shoulder just won't work! Went for xray same day.....but no results as of yet. Did the whole RICE scenario + ibuprofen. No issues or pain sleeping or sleeping on my arm last night. A little bit more range of motion today than yesterday. Can reach behind my back and pull arm/wrist away from back. Can pick up a gallon of milk with forearm and carry it with arm extended to side, no problem So it's not a broken bone, it's not a dislocation, it doesn't seem like a rotator cuff ?? So, what do the Sages say??
  5. Hmm........seems pretty subjective to me..............depends on boot brand and desired function. Maybe ya want 2+ finger width specifically when using UPZ's....but I'd be swimming in any of my Track boots with that much room. I like a looser fit for pow, aka: Track 325's and performance fit for hard charging carving, aka: Track 425's and "Performance fit" is what works best for you, your foot and the intended riding.............
  6. Ya know this is going to be very subjective.......just saying ~ NH - Loon Mtn., Bretton Woods CA - Heavenly, Northstar, Kirkwood, Mammoth CO - Snowmass, Breckenridge, Aspen Highlands, Ski Cooper VT - Jay Peak, Burke
  7. What! That's a sacrilege! They don't exist if ya don't have photos! Holy Crap! Oxess! and A 185!! That's a Rocket Launcher!! You Got A Pilots Licence For That Thing!!! K175 & O185 Hmm?....Race Boards and GS lengths?? Something you want to tell us? You joining the World Cup Circuit or something??
  8. Hmm.........how'd I miss those in the Board Porn?? Remind us what ya got........ I really want to try an Oxess.... slalom board, I think
  9. Yeah.....not binding suck. ...and Don't Base Grind or Tune the Base Without Fixing This!! I had the same problem on my K168 and UPM mounts making Hi spots! I took off the Plate and used a couple squares of wood and a C clamp and slowly increased pressure over a 8 hour period to get the base flat again. Then I filed off maybe 1/10 of the miscreant screws length........ Voila! No more Bumps!!
  10. Yeah...... after reviewing (and acquiring!) last years 161 I also was of the opinion and suggested to Don and Shane another set of forward inserts in future production models! You guys on the 165 (SCR 13/10.5/11.5) see a substantially different turning radius from the 161? (SCR 11/9.5/10.5) Does anybody have the base/edge angles from the factory for the 165 compared to the 161?? I had that info for the 161 from Don but can't find it......... I remember it being something obtuse/unusual
  11. Hmm......I too am tempted, a 20.5 waist and super turny sounds yummy. Big Wave why ya selling it?
  12. Burton Custom?? I wouldn't want a wide park board for all Mtn. riding. You want a Freeride weapon - Check out Jones snowboards For the same price as a Custom or less, there are 5 different Jones models to choose from. For East coast riding the Flagship model will do it all..... but I was partial to the storm chaser. https://www.backcountry.com/jones-snowboards?show=all&p=salePriceUSbcs%3A[500+TO+600]&nf=1
  13. Yeah.... I have those days on my fancy spancy hot rod carving setup where my skill level and the conditions don't mix and I might as well be on a 2x4!......because it just ain't happening today!
  14. Yeah...........it just played for me also. Rob must have uploaded it again....thanks Rob!
  15. Yeah....that was a Bad Ass clip! There's No Doubt, the MK is the real deal....but I've ridden with Steve and He Can Make A 2x4 Carve!!!
  16. You ought to rethink that Daveo.....you'd surely get more hits and a quicker sell if ya show those impeccable nails......just saying.
  17. Just don't think you can get enough leverage/g-force carpet surfing. Try it out on the hill first.....
  18. Hey David Your weight and some momentum will have a lot more applied force than just carpet surfing. I'm 225lbs. and can tell ya the blue pads do compress when riding. Unless your around 100lbs. Id say the yellow will allow too much movement on the hill if your getting movement in your living room.
  19. Hey SS How's it compare to last years 161 DO?? Almost the same waist as the 161 at 25.8 Shane said the 165 is designed 15% stiffer....could you tell?? Curious minds want to know!
  20. Ok.... I see what you are referring to about switching hands. That's so subtle I didnt notice without you mentioning it. So how long is the selfie/boom stick? Weight? Is it Rylo specific? How'd you think this could apply for Euro Carving??
  21. Smooth footage Phil! Not sure what I'm looking at.....is the Rylo on a boom on the rider in the yellow jacket??
  22. K168! Release the Kraken....aka: Kessler!!
  23. Yeah....My Amazon order of leeches is scheduled to arrive today......... Working on the ritual sacrifice...... my wife thinks we should use this.......Because It's Not Coming In The House!!
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