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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Nope....no twisting was needed......it slid in 3/4's then I just pushed it with one finger the rest.
  2. If your pushing on it during "Bench Test"....how can you see the axle sliding??
  3. Are you saying I need to disassemble and realign rear axle ?? In Fin's "How To" video he had to use his 5mm T wrench to get his axles all the way in.....I only had to use my hand/finger to push it in!
  4. fyi: My front floating axle slides right in.........my rear axle slides 3/4 of the way in and then I need to push it the rest of the way in...... a little resistance but it goes in by just using my hand - If there is an Axle tightness problem what will that translate too or ride like?? How do I know this thing is functioning properly??
  5. All Right! I think I'm ready for a test drive tomorrow!! Man! Does it looks FAST just sitting Still!! My stance width is 19 inches, which is a half inch from my norm on this board but I got a little room to adjust or widen as needed. Angles are 65/60 The front axle is around the base of my big toe and a little ahead of the ball of my foot. The rear axle position is mostly under my heel If you see I made any faux pas with the install let me know.......
  6. Ok.....making progress............moved UPM mounts to widest and moved axle bosses to Outer settings......got axle bosses lined up and into the slots with little resistance, no hammer needed and tightened down. Have added BP cants and E-rings and Base plate. My only problem so far is that with my 3 and 6 degree BP cants, when you add the screws for the Base Plate the low side of the Base Plate screw is causing the E-ring to gap by the screw being a little too long and pushing against the plate. Anybody else seen this? See the gap in the close up photo of the E-ring....... I tried turning it back a few turns but to release the pressure enough to reduce the gap to the Base Plate, the screw sticks up in the way of the toe/heel blocks.
  7. Corey........ I see the logic but is the tape that's placed on the side of the board marking the center of the respective binding? "Put front axle ahead" ........... how much ahead? You mean move the front axle UPM base forward one set of inserts?
  8. Uh....did you just eyeball that 4.5cm measurement or did you measure this....with your foot in the boot and the forward foot/boot in the binding? "base"? So you mean where the big toe connects to the ball of my foot...right? Not the ball of the foot - correct. So in you drawing the first line behind the big toe..."at the base of big toe" also represents where the front axle placement should be - correct.
  9. His head needed all the circulation to do all this measuring and calculating!!
  10. ...as in move the UPM brackets?.......wouldn't that only give me three options 1 - move front UPM up one insert 2 - move rear UPM up one insert 3 - move both UPM's up one insert.... 4? - I guess moving the rear UPM back one insert also counts...but that seem the wrong direction ??
  11. Ok........this is what I got so far......my question is am I on the right track?... Does my spacing need to be wider?....as you can see I'm all the way forward in the rear UPM inserts and and I'm all the back with the front UPM inserts. It seems to line up with the center slots I choose in the plate for the bosses ......but maybe I need to move them farther apart......how do I know?
  12. As mentioned at the end of Fin's youtube video "How to install bomber boilerplate" youtube.com/watch?v=LmYj72HyryM Did Fin ever make the 2nd installment on "where to place the BP relative to the board and the relative to the BP" ??
  13. Thanks Mr. Wizard! You using a BP? Can you post some photos of your setup and the Plate placement.....
  14. Thanks for the info guys! My stance width center to center of the bindings is 20.5 inches/52.07 cm I'm going to watch Fin's demo again and then give it a go Also is putting TD3 SW's on a BP a problem of Too Much damping??? ...of course will use BP cants, BP E-rings and BP center discs to lower the stack height~ Ha! The Moss is a Rockstar that can do everything...but it is quite the celebrity at every mountain I go to .....of which all the attention can get annoying So I'm going incognito with the Kessler with a BP!
  15. I'm going with the UPM setup and I got a wonderbar
  16. I vaguely understand the BP install, having watched Fin's BP install clip numerous times but reluctant to yank my TD3's off the Kessler to get started without a better battle plan and just wondering if there was something more thorough out there to setting up the BP on my Kessler Step by step BP and BP cant/disc binding instructions or other video clips people know of??
  17. Hey Rob I heard Mon. was great, soft but could hold an edge I was there Tues Dec. 4 - was bullet proof to scratchy marbles but ok, could get the Swoard Dual to bite somewhat on most runs Today, Weds was better - still firm but a shade more forgiving - I got the Kessler out and that Could hold the edge....but could never find a run that had consistent grooming to get on the gas. I will be there Thurs Dec. 6...we will see!
  18. The Man, The Myth...the Legend!!! Glad to see him back at it!!!
  19. Yeah, It seems my only recourse is to pay it......... or cancel my cc and go into a witness protection program!
  20. Raining up here above the Notch now. Rob......check your inbox...I've sent ya a couple of pm's... Yeah........I've driven to the Mtn. in the rain.....really only way to really know if it's raining at the Mtn. and at the top of the Mtn. Of course checking the resorts live cams really help, if they have them.
  21. Thanks for the replies guys. No I didn't take the pass Ins. when I made the early season deposit last May..... Very hesitant to call Vail Resorts when I read stories like this..... this guy has a life threatening excuse and they still expect him to pay! I just have a geographical and financial excuse! https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/contact7/cancer-patient-too-sick-to-ski-still-must-pay-season-pass-bill-vail-resorts-says https://unofficialnetworks.com/2018/07/31/vail-resorts-wont-stop-charge-on-cancer-patients-899-epic-pass-because-he-didnt-buy-pass-insurance/
  22. Wow......Beautiful O-Sin 4807 Swallotail there WJ!..... that's a trophy to display for sure if ya can't sell it!
  23. Wow........now I want an Angryy from Bruce Even More!!!!
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