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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hmm........ what's the SCR? what's the waist? what's the recommended rider weight? how many runs/hours/days are on it? what model year is this from?
  2. Just saw it............ very clean looking! For plates or soft bindings? My only experience with JJ was an SL I got to ride and it was way to stiff, like Virus, for me! My legs were dead after 1 hour! Guess he could soften up a custom for me...but I'd have to ride another to see if their all that Stiff before I'd pull the trigger on one.
  3. Hey BG Thanks for the suggestion. What WS board did you base your custom SL off of? How much was it? Photos?? Plates or soft bindings?
  4. Can't Ride this season......but I Sure As Hell Can Order a Ton of Shit and spend the next 6 months Drooling Over It!! That's Gonna Be My Therapy Still on the hunt for a turny little Bandit...........I already got the magic bullet K168, so thinking Thirst SF162 OR Oxess SL162 OR SG Full Carve 157 or 162 What do the wizards say???
  5. I don't do well with the usual anesthesia (usually am sick for a couple days with nausea) and it takes me twice as long to come out of the fog before they will let me leave the hospital...thus the 7 hour day for a 90 minute procedure.......Yep, they gave me a nerve block and I got a nausea patch right of the bat. I think those two things really helped! Feeling fine....no pain....only took 4 Advil last night and this morning. Really want to avoid taking the Hydrocodone they prescribed.....that stuff really makes loopy!! Yuck!!
  6. Ha! Gee why didn't I think of that!! Thanks Mr. Wizard!!
  7. Ha! I think it needs a tune....didn't make it 3ft. without hitting something!!
  8. Thanks E! Can't Ride......but I Sure As Hell Am Gonna Order a Ton of Shit and spend the next 6 months Drooling Over It!! That's Gonna Be My Therapy
  9. Hey Seb, I know it! Great riding!! Not anywhere as good as you but I Love my Dual II !!!
  10. All Done! Full Shoulder Tune Up = 90 minute procedure which took 7 hours.... door to door! All I remember is them saying they fixed 2 tears and I got a major shoulder overhaul....using, scalpel, laser, roto rooter and staple gun!!
  11. Well, somebody's got to kick this off! So this Thurs. finally going under the knife...uh, laser?....uh staple gun?? for my 2 Rotator cuff tears from last January's body slam "Name That Injury!" thread. It's sad that I'm going to miss most if not all of this riding season but I got to keep riding through the end of last winter and enjoyed all summer and fall road biking.....so it's time. Hope I'm the only one taking one for the team this winter!
  12. https://sparkinconfidence.com/products/winter?fbaid=23843706030650111&utm_term=OM_23843706030650111_&fbclid=IwAR0eODdsgksLfTotQ7yAY8Q-mP90TH5uUE7bIlm2uSOimLEDG4sguF225NM
  13. Hey Emdee What's the waist? Would you consider this a stiff race plank or can we mere mortals bend this ??
  14. Still loving the K168! .....but thinking I want a Turny little bandit when the trails are packed and this SG163 could fit the bill. Thanks Rasta for the 22cm waist clarification........... Somebody buy this!! My resistance is waning .....ugh!
  15. Welcome back Derf............ sorry to hear your out of the game......but understand to each their own. As to the gear......great beginner gear but not of any value......donate it .......or maybe there's a shop around you to consign the boards for say $75 each, boots $25-50 or maybe put it all in a ski swap for same low prices and donate any and all that doesn't sell. Peace
  16. Hmm?? the SG website I'm looking at says the waist of the 163 FR Titan is 20.3cm and the 163XT is 22cm Hey Rastaman, can you confirm the waist width of this board to clear this up........ https://www.sgsnowboards.com/snowboards/sg-full-race-titan-2/
  17. ....Uh? Is that because it's a race plank and you legs are shot for the day after just a couple of hours of riding? ..... or it's so fricking fast your having a Come To Jesus moment every time you ride it?? fyi: the crutches are not inspiring a lot of confidence to survive this ride!!
  18. Hey TL What model year? What's the waist? SCR?
  19. Damm! I can't believe this beauty is still up for grabs Will somebody buy this before my willpower wanes!!
  20. Focus! Breathe! Reach/Elbow to Knee,! Hold It,.......Keep Back Straight,......Hold it!, Hold It!, Rotate/Shift Weight!.....Annnd Repeat: Focus, Breathe, One More!....just one more and I'll stop for a break!
  21. Great info guys!! So any comparisons?? So it's not as stiff compared to Doneks or Virus of similar length and purpose??
  22. Hmmm...so the XT model has a 22 waist - correct? It seems SG boards don't rate the boards stiffness or recommended rider weight ?? I'm 225lbs of Hard Charging Carver that likes a somewhat softer flex "than recommended for my weight" board.... is a Full Race Titan a Race Plank or can us mere mortals bend it??
  23. Hey Coma....do I have this right? ......your saying you ordered a New K168 from Ivan at iCarve for 30% cheaper than the SRP of $1440?? Dude! Congrats!!
  24. Hey Shred Don and Shane at Alloy said the DO series boards are incrementally 15% stiffer as you go up the board lengths....so the 165 is 15% stiffer than the 161.... and the 161 is 15% stiffer than the 159 I'm a 230lb big boy and I loved the 161....but I like a softer board you can ride all day.... not one that destroys your thighs after just 2 hours of riding. I would buy another 17/18 161 if I found one!
  25. Hey Dredman Couple of questions: Please remind me how many made registrations/showed up to last years event?? Also...what happens if we don't hit 50 registrations by Sept. 1st??
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