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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hmm... don't see those two 168's....you got a link? .....but do see an Oxess 164 Slalom board with a bad case of Vist rash posted Jan. 25th
  2. Seen some s___ as crazy as this in the Tahoe basin......traffic backed up for all 8 miles from Squaw to Truckee and then even backed up miles of Interstate with more people from the Bay area trying to get in the (one -way in or out) valley of Squaw All those that do make it to the resorts are like lemmings rushing for which ever lift opens first...it's crazy! Hmm.........was that "Unifed" officer the local police force trying to help out with traffic ??
  3. Hey XC, Have to agree with BB on this one............ You could say.....it's never to late to be the snowboarder you might have been!
  4. Hey Termin....not my size but why ya selling such a great boot??
  5. Hey Fishy, I thought pretty impressive there for 1st effort! Really crisp image... Makes me want to buy a 360 unit even more! What Mtn. was that your at??
  6. Daveo.............. Whoa! those two boards together are nothing but Pure Sex!! ..............all you need is a Stripper Pole!
  7. Ha! Could be, could be! .......but if your wrong I get your Thirst SF162!!
  8. Yes, to Rotator Cuff muscle.......not sure which one as of yet! but "Probably Tore It" is the Expert Medical Opinion at the moment. I really got no pain except when I try to lift it up or out to the side....only got about 40-50% mobility in those two directions still ...... But I Can Still Ride!! ....well, at least up until the surgery happens.....which at the pace my medical services are going I got a better chance I'll die of old age first!
  9. Not coming to Turner Shoulder Injury...... You've obviously are not keeping up with barryj post, "Name That injury" Did get 2ft Sat/Sunday.....was out riding for the 1st time in 2 weeks just yesterday... short lived, but successful all the same.....details also in same above post Come on, BW..... try to keep up with all my life altering social media updates...will ya!
  10. After waiting 2 weeks and having spent half a day seeing my PCP and getting xrays last week, the latest update after today's Orthopod appointment is, Wait For It........... "Yes Your Shoulder Has a Problem and You Need An MRI" Gee Mr. Wizard......ya think! ...and to top that off.....it will be another week before I can have the MRI done. Ugh! This is me - This is my shoulder on drugs -
  11. Hmm.....been thinking about a Thirst SF but can't go for the stock 18.8 waist and imagined it much easier to find a used SG What % less stiff is the SG Full Carve than Full Race?? ... I don't want anything stiffer than my K168 Double Hmm......yeah I'd have to get a 20.5 waist also if I ordered an Thirst SF. Wonder if it would be apples to oranges to compare a Thirst 162 SF and my Alloy D.O. 161 ?? For a 25.2 waist the D.O. is crazy fast edge to edge with it's VSCR of 11-9.5
  12. Are you saying the Full Race 163 and the Full Carve 163's recommended weight range starts at 70kg/154lbs. ?? ....so what's the upper end of that recommended weight range for a SG 163? 70kg - ?? .....and where is this info found? Ha! your close Kneel.............would love to try both the 170 and 163 but was more interested in the turnier Full Race 163...... I do like their 20.3 waist I would think the SG170 would be to much like my Ki68.............
  13. On the SG website https://www.sgsnowboards.com/snowboards/ looking at the stats for each of their specific boards I see no reference to rider weight or weight range for their boards.......... or the option to buy different stiffness within the same model run ....am I missing something??
  14. Hmm........... I'd like a even more turny SL board...with a 21 waist What model year is this from? How would it compare to an Angry or SG Full Race 163??
  15. I'm Back! Well, Sort of.......... Still don't have full mobility in left arm...no pain but still can't reach left or scratch anything higher than my nose Orthro appointment is (finally!) tomorrow. Hopefully will finally know the full extent then..... ....... but gave the arm almost 2 weeks rest/recovery and went out today with the mindset if it's torn I can't make it any worse by riding on it! So took my most forgiving board, the Swoard Dual 168 and went to Bretton Woods which is Way relaxed and Groomed to the Hilt riding on some long Blues! All went well, and after an initial couple of "can I still ride this thing or not!" runs I could actually get on the gas a little bit and layed some toe side carves out....was cautious on the left arm/heel side turns and rounded those ....but overall a highly successful day....only lasted 5 or 6 runs (in the 10 degree weather) before I could tell my arm/shoulder was saying...What the Hell is going on! So not a bad comeback for a "One Armed Paper Hanger", if I say so my self!
  16. What! Sacrilege! Say it ain't so..........
  17. Your Coiler can do the job....but getting it Pro tuned can make Huge riding difference. The stock edge and base from Bruce rides just fine....just might need sharpening and to get rid of burs/dents/dings will make it handle much better in tight conditions. Yes add lift/cants Don't know Carvecompany bindings...but if it was a Bomber TD binding it would be as simple as adding a 3 degree cant disk to lift the toe of your front ft and a 6 degree disk to raise the heel of your rear foot..........or could try it a 3/3 for starters That would make your ride much more responsive and enjoyable... Shorter board/smaller SCR is always a Great Fun Option to add to the quiver.....especially at crowded resorts!! If you really want to Carve, Change Your Mtn.! Hunter is crazy crowded/dangerous from my experience to be hard charging carving! A ditto for making the drive to VT!! It's a whole different world Lastly and possibly the hardest.... is to find and ride with other carvers. Riding problems are much more easily addressed when you got another set of experienced eyes observing what's working or not. Keep at it......... and enjoy the ride!
  18. Jay Peak, at a hour and 1/2 is a little far of a drive for me.........wonder if they would move the Mtn. closer if I bought it?
  19. I agree with Neil........ running same angles F/R hurts my knees! Dave........like your thinking! That's my numbers for hard charging on the K168
  20. Ha! Medication is a good thing
  21. Ha! Well if your sporting a Thong we don't need to know.......
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